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BDL Discussion Thread 2023


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I’m just gonna say this and let it be. 

Everything I do for my team I legitimately believe is a good move for my team. I don’t care what happens to my assets after they leave nor do I even consider how the other team can be helped or by how much. I’m not out looking to give people deals. I’m not looking to make people pay the max. I’m making a bid for my own sake for my own team or making a trade that benefits my vision for my team. Any criticism of what I do that involves me not considering others in the league is completely missing the point of why I do anything. I am definitely not going to draw some line where I’m certain he’s going to do this or not do this nor would any such thinking affect my bid. If you asked why I made the bid, it’s because I thought it would improve my team. There’s really nothing else to consider or even think about. If I choose to trade away Josh Jacobs and he ends up blowing up, I’m the one who criticizes myself. I’m not some idiot who is unaware of the things he screws up, and I definitely don’t need people coming in to say I got screwed. If I walk away from the league without participating in FA then it’s because I needed to and because BDL just wasn’t that important. I personally don’t think value exists objectively on some chart nor do I believe I personally am able to maximize some arbitrary number value 

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