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The Mandalorian (Spoilers!!!) Season 2 10/30


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feels like there's zero stakes in star wars. death doesn't matter. ben solo can pop up and it'll be like oh yeah ok i guess. star wars! whatever we'll roll with it. i'm not mad about it, i'm still gonna watch all star wars content lol, but every time someone dies it's just not gonna have any pull for me personally probably. it's kind of annoying at this point. just honor a death and move on... you just introduced ahsoka to the show and have created some pretty decent original characters in the show... there was just no need to reach and bring back boba. and if you're gonna do that you really gotta sell that story of how he's alive still. they're always just like "yeah i'm back, the sith is very powerful! don't worry about it. now let's move on to a different topic real quick." just feels lazy with boba, palpatine and maul imo

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On 12/4/2020 at 1:11 PM, THE DUKE said:

Assassin lady who's name I can't remember
Bill "Sharpshooter" Burr
Cara Dune
Apollo Creed

Anybody else?  6 is getting pretty crowded for storytelling as it is, so that might be it.  Maybe the X-Wing guys?

maybe Ahsoka or the other 3 mandalorian girls? 

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4 hours ago, FinneasGage said:

maybe Ahsoka or the other 3 mandalorian girls? 

I don't expect we see Ahsoka again, if assume she's chasing down her Thrawn lead.  The other three Mandalorians, I absolutely expect to be there.  And one of them was a dude.

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On 12/6/2020 at 12:10 PM, Deadpulse said:

little brother lifted up a full grown mudhorn that must have weighed at least 2 tons from a full charge. The stormtrooper mugging was child's play in comparison IMO. Each time we see big force feats from him its no other choice scenarios. 

Idk if you heard, but size matters not.

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On 12/6/2020 at 11:17 AM, D82 said:

And I get that...but I think Andor's story has been told. I don't really see anything that's worth expanding on. 

I'll counter that with this: what's Andor?

Edit; I googled it. I have zero interest at all in Ep 7-9 stuff. I don't know anything about the EU so I assumed that's what this was referencing.

Edited by kingseanjohn
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That may have been my favorite episode of the season.  It didn't advance the overall narrative much, but in terms of the action, the speech from Mayfeld about Empire vs New Republic and what it really means to most of these planets and what you have to do to sleep at night and what makes you cross those lines you think you have, then listening to the speech from the true believer and Mayfeld snapping, just everything was on point.  Awesome direction from Famuyiwa.  For as much crap as some give Bill Burr in this series, I thought he was great in this episode, as was Pascal.  Pascal is just so great at non verbal expression, and this one was no different.  Even though he barely spoke with his helmet off, you could just see the conflict.  Everything is geared up for the finale now.  About the only part of the episode that didn't feel on point to me was sending that message at the end to Gideon.

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