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1 minute ago, MathMan said:

I took your game and multiplied it by 1000.

How dare you. I would never do something so vile, disgusting, or outlandish!

I am a friend to everyone. #friendship #yourboy

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1 minute ago, MathMan said:

I took your game and multiplied it by 1000.

oh wait. Actually, I was just trying to win a comp.

(Love you Naz. You are on of my favorites along with tyty and jfin as well) .

And I say that with sincerity

But I wont sabotage my tribe, because that's my game. I have never backstabbed anyone on my tribe. We tried to come to a unanimous decision.

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Just now, MathMan said:

you always hurt the ones you love.


I thought you guys would just get rid of the guy who did the worst in comps or something.

Didn't think youd kill fin.


With this logic, Fin still would have been the guy we got rid of though.

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@utley4568, @EliteTexan80, @Shady Slim, @Whicker, @Famous Jameis, @MookieMonster, @gopherwrestler, @Ragnarok, @theuntouchable, @domepatrol91

You are one tribe.  Here is your Hidden Immunity Idol Clue:

On this Island where you are,
Is a hidden idol, it’s not hidden far.
There is a link that you must find,
When a strict authority comes to mind.
If you tell it about certain conversations from the past,
It will show up really fast.  
If you want to find it, if you’re really itchin’,
To find it quicker bring up religion. 

@SovereignNazgul, @MathMan, @mission27, @LetTheBallFly, @Adrenaline_Flux, @TedLavie, @11sanchez11, @bcb1213, @Hockey5djh, @Tyty,

You are the other tribe. 

First Tribe Name I see posted is the Tribe name you get.  Here is your Hidden Immunity Idol Clue:

On this Island where you are,
Is a hidden idol, it’s not hidden far.
Don’t worry, this isn’t math,
This clue itself provides a quick path.
If this deal you want to ink,
Follow the westward link.
If you don’t want to take a while,
Look no further than the smile.   

I will post the Immunity Challenge tomorrow.  For now, look for idols and get acquainted with your new tribe. 

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