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What Are You Thinking About v.CC


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On 3/24/2019 at 1:58 AM, Hunter2_1 said:

Hi Americans. I just want you all to have a good day when you wake up on this (hopefully) fine Sunday :) 

Beautiful spring day here on the other side of the pond (finally), a fine crisp blue-sky day approx 60F. Not sure what you guys do on a Sunday that doesn't involve football, maybe taking advantage of some of that amazing scenery you have? I'm about to smash 4 poached eggs on toast, maybe with some avocado. Certainly accompanied with a f strong black coffee. 

Have a good'un, as we'd say :P

There is some serious irony about a Brit being a patriot fan. 

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36 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

I just got a call that my girl lost a $15k client. 

I didnt even know she made $15k per a client. Now I am wondering how blue chip she is. WTF. 

She's holding out on you.

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16 hours ago, Matts4313 said:

I just got a call that my girl lost a $15k client. 

I didnt even know she made $15k per a client. Now I am wondering how blue chip she is. WTF. 

Guessing you’re a cheaper, different type of client 

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