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What Are You Thinking About v.CC


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11 hours ago, Hunter2_1 said:

I quite like coming home, putting a podcast on and cooking up a meal. Me time. Plus, it means I can pick at food and snack whilst making the meal I'm about to eat 15 mins later xD

Don’t get me wrong, I like to cook...I just hate trying to come up with meal ideas that I like and my brother can eat.

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1 hour ago, showtime said:



If he knew his girl was gonna go from picture A to picture B he probably would’ve been willing to wait a lot longer than 6 months. 

Its gonna devastate him when she upgrades.

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3 hours ago, Outpost31 said:

@Tyty, seems like just your type.

Kinda reminds me of this older couple I had come in when I was bartending. They ordered a pizza and 45 mins pass and they ask me what’s taking so long so I go to the kitchen and they said the forgot about it lol. So I went back and said it’d be about 12 more minutes and they showed me a news article about some dude in Paris or something that killed his server because his order took too long. I asked them to please not kill me and they said they were just joking which is nice 

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4 hours ago, Dome said:

If he knew his girl was gonna go from picture A to picture B he probably would’ve been willing to wait a lot longer than 6 months. 

Its gonna devastate him when she upgrades.

Honestly, I've learned in the past year that it's 85% what you eat. He probably is still eating like crap while she probably eats less/better. 

I lost 10+ lbs without exercising that much and without starving myself. People kept commenting on it lol 

(10 lbs lost was over a shorter time frame than a year, but that's when I changed the diet) 

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