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Raiders, Bears Reach Agreement on Khalil Mack Trade


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55 minutes ago, Nabbs4u said:

You have this backwards. It's the Bears who bought the $130M lottery ticket as though Mack is the end Al be all savior, not the Raiders. Only way this doesn't work out for the Raiders is if they are so inept (like the Browns previous draft history) that they screw up 4 1st Rd picks and misused $130m+ in extra cap on FA over the next few seasons!!

Mack isn't a lottery ticket. He's a proven, elite commodity at a high profile position and Chicago now controls him in his prime years. Yeah, there's a steep price to pay, but that's the name of the game with elite talent. 

Oakland didn't need the extra cap space. $15m over this yr (easily remedied w/o trading your best player) ... but the next 3 yrs they are $120m, $150m and $175m under respectively. 


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9 minutes ago, The LBC said:

Honest question: How many "slow rebuilds" have we actually seen succeed in the past decade or so?  Slow rebuilds are great in theory, but they rarely come to fruition in practice because, barring getting some phenomenal luck with draft position and picks, the organization loses patience with some combination of the GM and/or coach and the reset button gets hit too many times, because ultimately their job is to put wins in the win column.

I think you may have misunderstood what I meant by slow.  I don't mean "lets build for like 10 years and then see what we have." I mean slow, as in, let's not go ALL IN yet, when we haven't even shown we can have a .500 year yet or that we have a good QB on the roster. By trading for Mack, they went all in with this roster for the next 2-3 years.  It will be hard to significantly improve the roster as all the premium draft picks are gone.  So the players on the roster better improve quickly, because this is our team for the next few seasons.

I guess I don't get why you are so sure Pace even knows what he's doing,  when he hasn't shown yet that he even has a clue.  Matt Millen (worst GM in history) went 10-38 during the worst 3 season stretch of his career.   Pace was BARELY BETTER that that through 3 seasons at 14-34 than the worst GM in NFL history.  And that's the guy you have unwavering faith in, a guy who has barely shown to better than Matt Millen?

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5 minutes ago, ET80 said:

The Raiders GAVE UP a 2nd too!? What the holy hell!?


This makes way more sense to me though. The comparable trade here was Jared Allen. Allen went for 1, 3, 3, swap of 6ths. This is better value than that, but it's in the ball park. The fifth and sixth are a washout given the year difference. The first and second swap could be big or small. It could have first round value, but most likely third round value from a point perspective. Plus another third. Value Wise could be extremely similar to Allen's trade

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2 minutes ago, fortdetroit said:


I think you may have misunderstood what I meant by slow.  I don't mean "lets build for like 10 years and then see what we have." I mean slow, as in, let's not go ALL IN yet, when we haven't even shown we can have a .500 year yet or that we have a good QB on the roster. 

I guess I don't get why you are so sure Pace even knows what he's doing,  when he hasn't shown yet that he even has a clue.  Matt Millen (worst GM in history) went 10-38 during the worst 3 season stretch of his career.   Pace was BARELY BETTER that that through 3 seasons at 14-34 than the worst GM in NFL history.  And that's the guy you have unwavering faith in, a guy who has barely shown to better than Matt Millen?

No, I think you're misunderstanding what I wrote because you don't want to see past your own opinion/bias (which, to be honest, reads like a fan of a divisional opponent who feels threatened, but that could just be me).  My post implied nothing about faith in Pace, it's about the fact that GM's have a printed-on expiration date (even in Chicago where the McC's have a faith-level that borders on Mike Brown) and that when they get near that expiration date they, by necessity, turn aggressive because they know their job likely depends on it.  My point is, Pace doesn't give two rat turds what's left in the cupboard for his successor to use if said successor being put in place almost assuredly means he's on the unemployment line.  Fans have to stop looking at this stuff like it's Madden and more like the business that it is.  Pace is, probably, fighting for his job this season, so making a trade that brings in a bonafide proven elite defensive player, could (if the defense yields results) buy him another year of development/progression for Trubisky, and more importantly another year of employment - and ultimately it will be whether or not Trubisky hits that will determine if he gets an extension.  But he has to actually be employed in the first place if/when Trubisky hits to get that extension.

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2 minutes ago, Forge said:

This makes way more sense to me though. The comparable trade here was Jared Allen. Allen went for 1, 3, 3, swap of 6ths. This is better value than that, but it's in the ball park

My memory is a bit foggy, but was Jared Allen a comparative talent coming out of KC? Remember, Mack has some serious pelts on the wall - All Pro at two different positions, DPOY, etc. I remember Allen as a really good pass rusher, but not to that level.


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