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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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2 hours ago, El ramster said:

Episode was whack one of the weakest dreaded Finals to last episode in a while.

Not really. It served it's purpose. It showed basically nothing new that we weren't already expecting. But it's setting up for a great last season. H/e the only thing I didn't like is that it should have wrapped up one or two story lines. 7 or 8 episodes is just not going to be enough to give quality finishes to both Cersei and Jaimie, to Baelish, to Bran, to Dany and Jon, the whole war. Not to mention Euron and everything that went on with the Unsullied. Something is gonna be rushed or really watered down next season so im afraid of what's going to happen. They should have killed off Cersei this season somehow in some grand way. Or finally built Littlefinger up just to tear him down. Either way, theres too much heading into next season I think.

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Spoilers from epi 6 inside.

Too cartoonie of a episode for my taste. Jon kept looking back, refusing to hop on the dragon. Seemed to forced. Group goes out, All the AllStars make out fine (sacrifice someone thats totaled 10 mins on screen time). Any helpers along all went down of course. The fighting itself against the dead seemed SyFy movie level. Which I like on SyFy, cause they intentionally dont take themselves seriously. But after some great, dramatic battles, it just felt weak. Expected Pirates of the Caribbean CotBP level, which is a dozen years old now. Dragon glass and Valyrian steel showed of little effect.

Did love the Sansa and Arya interactions. And the travel to finding the WWs. Dont get killing off Benjen like that, 2 could ride that horse. But I guess like end of season 6, time to start widdling down the cast so the budget can go all out next year.

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6 minutes ago, PARROTHEAD said:

Spoilers from epi 6 inside.


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Too cartoonie of a episode for my taste. Jon kept looking back, refusing to hop on the dragon. Seemed to forced. Group goes out, All the AllStars make out fine (sacrifice someone thats totaled 10 mins on screen time). Any helpers along all went down of course. The fighting itself against the dead seemed SyFy movie level. Which I like on SyFy, cause they intentionally dont take themselves seriously. But after some great, dramatic battles, it just felt weak. Expected Pirates of the Caribbean CotBP level, which is a dozen years old now. Dragon glass and Valyrian steel showed of little effect.

Did love the Sansa and Arya interactions. And the travel to finding the WWs. Dont get killing off Benjen like that, 2 could ride that horse. But I guess like end of season 6, time to start widdling down the cast so the budget can go all out next year.


Dragon Glass only works against the WW's. It's basically just another weapon against the dead. They differ on that.

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1 hour ago, RavensTillIDie said:

Welp, looks like I have to avoid this thread until Sunday lol.

Just watch it tbh. Spoilers are all over the internet right now. 

Ep 6 spoiler 

Dany getting over the wall in that time frame is kind of ridiculous. There were some really dumb things in this ep too. NK going for Viserion, instead of Drogon + the entire crew, Jon not getting on Drogon, the Hound, and no proper deaths. Sansa and Arya are just....bad. 

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New episode stuff


Yeah, really didnt feel this episode. As its been said already, it wasnt anything that we werent expecting. No twists. No one of consequence died. It really didnt feel like they were in any danger at any moment. Even the Benjen save was telegraphed since he showed up earlier in the season. Im not always for shock and awe, but something different would have made this episode much better.......Now thinking of it, the Jon "bending the knee" to Dany seemed rushed and out of place as well.

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I thought the episode was good but there were definitely some questionable moments. That being said, it's a fantasy series. If you're looking for realistic things happening, this ain't the place.

Would rather Jon didn't bend the knee. I agree about only 1 somewhat minor character dying though. 1-2 could've died easily. I was about to cry when it was going to be Tormund.

Edited by Oregon Ducks
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Leaked episode stuff


Okay, I've watched it a couple more times on the good quality leak,  and while it did improve the viewing experience, I'm still sort of "meh" on the episode as a whole. Maybe it was just overly unrealistic expectations based on prior years episode before the finale. I was expecting a 9.5 episode, or something like that, and I think what we got was an episode that was like a 7.5 - 8. 

The things I really liked: 

The prebattle conversations. This was the best part of the episode for me. Conversations between Tormund & Jon (Mance Rayder was a great man. How many people died because of his pride?). Sandor & Gendry (He's died 6 times, you don't hear him complaining), Tormand and Sandor (you do know her!), and Jorah and Jon, which I thought came off very natural for both parties (I said a while back that Jon struck me as the type to come out and tell Jorah about the sword, and I thought it was natural that Jorah gave it back). Beric and Jon (we are the shield that guards the realm of men...plus the weird smile that Beric has when they are walking). These were the highlight of the episode. The conversation between Tyrion and Dany was also sorely needed - the issue of a possible heir is something that really needed to be brought up at some point, and the growing tension about Tyrion and his family was boiling over and needed to come to a head. 

Viserion's death. It really just goes to show how awesome the Night King is. Not only that, but the image of Viserion slowly sliding into the water, off the blood stained ice was pretty heartbreaking, and I"m not one who has a ton of affection for the Dragons themselves (I have more empathy for the direwolves). The look on the faces the men and Dany is pitch perfect as the realization of what just happened washed over them. Such a huge moment. 

The staredown, part 2. I said a couple of days ago that I was hoping for this, and while I know that it's a silly thing to want or consider a big deal, I absolutely love it. This time, Jon is so defiant in his stare, very unlike the first time, where I think Jon was 98% fear. 

Creepy Arya. Creepy Arya is the best. I enjoyed some of the interaction between her and Sansa, but not all of it. But when Arya was being creepy, I was into it. 

Some of the action. Not all of it, but there were pieces of it I thought went really well together and flowed nicely. There was also a small moment that I really liked, probably weird to focus on it, but there is a point where Jon is dragging the captured other with him, comes under attack and has to defend himself. In the meantime, when he does that, one of the nameless and faceless allies comes up, grabs the other and starts dragging him, picking up where Jon left off. I'm not sure why it resonated so much with me...maybe just the idea that regardless of what was going on around them, the focus was still one very specific objective and it seemed a like a great teamwork flow. Also, the aerial shots were fantastic to see, especially when you can make out Beric and his flaming sword still as this little speck. 

The prosthetic injuries on Jon's chest. I thought they looked pretty gnarly. The tender moments between Dany and Jon I thought were also well done. I wish that they didn't include the bend the knee part of it, but everything else in this exchange was very good. 


The things that bothered me weren't really anything major, but there were certainly a lot of little things that annoyed me. A lot of them have already been mentioned by sunngsm and devils, so I'll picky back on that a bit. 

Dany's teleportation act. I'm on board here - the amazing speed with which she arrived is just hard to adjust to, even though I've prepared myself to accept that travel is going to be expedited with just a few episodes left. Honestly, I would have just preferred the episode to open with Dany, clearly worrying and having issues with being on Dragonstone while they are up north, and leaving before we even start the northern part of the episode of her own accord, rather than the entire Gendry running to Eastwatch and sending a Raven. I mean, really? That was what they though worked the best there? Yes, you probably would have had to truncate some of the conversation with Tyrion (the heir conversation could have easily been built into his recommendation not to go, while the Cersei conversation probably could have been saved for next week), but this would have left the timing far more ambiguous and tolerable in my opinion. 

Jon's decision not to get on Drogon. Again, agree with sunny on this. This really made no sense to me. Jon has a problem with being alive - he has a complex about coming back from the grave, and I think that between this and his honor and sense of duty makes him slightly suicidal, which is why he takes the jobs he takes sometimes. But this situation wasn't like the others. This was just stupidity. Okay, attack the others until everyone is on board, and then get on the dragon!! What's so hard about that? And there's really no reason - there is a clear break in the action where he could have hopped on board. The others either needed to be continually attacking at him leaving him no time whatsoever, or he needs to get on the dragon. What he did to continue seeking them out was silly. On the second watch through, I thought it was a little bit better because I Think that the reason he screamed for them to leave was that he saw the NK was getting another ice javelin to toss and he wanted them to get airborne. Prior to the death of Viserion, he had a little bit of time between attackers (he wasn't verwhelmed), so I still think he could have gotten on then, but after Viserion's death, I think he was more concerned about getting them away from the NK and his next attack more so than his own life. 

Secondarily, the bend the knee decision/conversation is just bad and in my opinion, completely unnecessary. Dany has now seen with her own eyes the threat that Jon was talking about - they have killed one of her children. I don't think that she needed him to kneel at this point. She also knows Jon, clearly is "falling" for him, and has seen the type of man he is. He's told her that he doesn't really care about the crown - I just feel like at this point, she would know that she could put Jon's kneeling on the back burner and trust him. This bit just seemed unnecessary, and I'm not sold on the reasoning behind it. 

NK's decision to attack Viserion and not Drogon. Yeah, this was just silly. Drogon is down on the ground, completely stationary as the guys board, yet you throw the spear at the dragon that is further away and flying through the air? Okay, yes, Viserion was always going to die first...but this, to me, was just a directing mistake.

Sansa. She hadn't annoyed me in quite a long time, but she thoroughly did in this episode. I feel like its part of a bigger plan / scheme of hers, so I"m willing to give it some time, but she was really annoying. And on that note, so was Brienne. Was Brienne really advocating for Sansa to go to KL? Really? Say what? Maybe I just misinterpreted it, but when she said, "they asked for you" when Sansa told her to go, I was like, "uh...yeah, I think she'd pass on that, Brienne". 

Overall, I just felt like the episode lacked the epic feeling that I was anticipating. Don't know why. Perhaps my overall expectations were just too high. I expected a Magnificent 7 type scenario. 

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Just watch it guys, you're literally gonna have to stay off the internet to avoid spoilers on this one. All over Reddit, FB, Youtube, Twitter, Google, etc.

My thoughts on the episode:

I see a lot of you are claiming it was predictable. We are getting towards the end of the series, a ton of the episodes are gonna be predictable from here on out. Plus every script has leaked this season and maybe some of you read it. I loved this episode. Do I like people can basically teleport now? No, but they are getting towards the end and don't have much time to work with. It's understandable. Watching an All Star team like we have never seen walk north of the wall of Jon, Jorah, The Hound, Beric, Tormund, Gendry, etc, was awesome. They all had there differences and didn't get along but united against a common and frightening enemy. It was a chilling experience. The conversation between Tormund and The Hound was hilarious and first time GoT has cracked me up in quite a while. I think the whole idea of "capturing" a wight is pretty silly and hopefully not in the books but it was an amazing scene nonetheless. The staredown between The Night King and Jon and the wights not being able to march in because of the ice. The tension was very intense. Not a huge fan of the Sansa/Arya conversations but they do show Littlefinger is still probably the best chess player in this show and has been since the beginning. The wight crossing the ice was quite intense and you knew everything was about to go down. Another big White Walker battle. Daenarys hops on Drogon and takes ALL three dragons beyond the wall. You knew s*** was about to go down. All Star crew is about to all die but Daenarys pops up with the dragons and even though we all knew this was gonna happen, it was absolutely stunning and amazing to watch them burn all the wights. We all knew The Night King would probably kill a dragon, yes, but watching him actually do it was amazing. It was still very intense and watching a dragon die with blood spilling everywhere (even if we knew it was coming) was one of the saddest things I've ever watched in this show. I felt more sad for that dragon than I do most people. And felt even worse for Daenarys. She looked crushed, something she hasn't experienced in a long time. Another thing is, we saw how deep Jon and Daenarys connection is in the end of this episode. They barely know each other and are both already falling in love with each other. I can't wait for Jon to find out he's a Targaryen and even more excited to have Daenarys find out he's a Targaryen and how she'll react to it and how she's react to him having a claim as strong as her for the Iron Throne.

Really looking forward to The Finale. They really have to progress the story in the finale instead of leaving it to all next season. Perhaps Littlefinger dies, maybe Jon and Daenarys find out Jons heritage, maybe Cersei dies.. who knows. But the story must be progressed in the finale. Six episodes is way to little next season and everything will be rushed.

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1 minute ago, BayRaider said:

Just watch it guys, you're literally gonna have to stay off the internet to avoid spoilers on this one. All over Reddit, FB, Youtube, Twitter, Google, etc.

My thoughts on the episode:


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I see a lot of you are claiming it was predictable. We are getting towards the end of the series, a ton of the episodes are gonna be predictable from here on out. Plus every script has leaked this season and maybe some of you read it. I loved this episode. Do I like people can basically teleport now? No, but they are getting towards the end and don't have much time to work with. It's understandable. Watching an All Star team like we have never seen walk north of the wall of Jon, Jorah, The Hound, Beric, Tormund, Gendry, etc, was awesome. They all had there differences and didn't get along but united against a common and frightening enemy. It was a chilling experience. The conversation between Tormund and The Hound was hilarious and first time GoT has cracked me up in quite a while. I think the whole idea of "capturing" a wight is pretty silly and hopefully not in the books but it was an amazing scene nonetheless. The staredown between The Night King and Jon and the wights not being able to march in because of the ice. The tension was very intense. Not a huge fan of the Sansa/Arya conversations but they do show Littlefinger is still probably the best chess player in this show and has been since the beginning. The wight crossing the ice was quite intense and you knew everything was about to go down. Another big White Walker battle. Daenarys hops on Drogon and takes ALL three dragons beyond the wall. You knew s*** was about to go down. All Star crew is about to all die but Daenarys pops up with the dragons and even though we all knew this was gonna happen, it was absolutely stunning and amazing to watch them burn all the wights. We all knew The Night King would probably kill a dragon, yes, but watching him actually do it was amazing. It was still very intense and watching a dragon die with blood spilling everywhere (even if we knew it was coming) was one of the saddest things I've ever watched in this show. I felt more sad for that dragon than I do most people. And felt even worse for Daenarys. She looked crushed, something she hasn't experienced in a long time. Another thing is, we saw how deep Jon and Daenarys connection is in the end of this episode. They barely know each other and are both already falling in love with each other. I can't wait for Jon to find out he's a Targaryen and even more excited to have Daenarys find out he's a Targaryen and how she'll react to it and how she's react to him having a claim as strong as her for the Iron Throne.

Really looking forward to The Finale. They really have to progress the story in the finale instead of leaving it to all next season. Perhaps Littlefinger dies, maybe Jon and Daenarys find out Jons heritage, maybe Cersei dies.. who knows. But the story must be progressed in the finale. Six episodes is way to little next season and everything will be rushed.



Ive already been spoiled on a episode 7 spoiler on FB by a piece of crap that read the script leaks. 

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