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Unfortunately for the Giants, it is difficult to rebuild when you trade away your single best asset for less than what he is worth. According to Eric Eager at Pro Football Focus, the package of picks and Peppers that the Giants received in exchange for Beckham is worth approximately 1.85 wins above replacement over the next four years. That would be a solid haul for most players, but Beckham was worth 1.95 WAR in 2018 alone.


uh.. so uh... the math checks out, we got a STEAL theoretically as long as obj has one more season like he did last season

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10 minutes ago, freakygeniuskid said:


I’ve been a very lucky international fan of the sport.

The first game I casually watched was the Elway helicopter game as a 7 year old boy with no understanding of what was happening but loving how it looked on the screen.

As I got a bit older and began high school, it was when Tom Brady got drafted and they won three of four with this plucky underdog. He was the first player that I loved the story and helped me to really get into the game as a young kid over here. For that reason he’ll always be my favourite ever player.

You could say I was a Brady fan back then but I really didn’t have a team, it was all still a very casual understanding of the game for me.

I carried on watching my version of English football for the next few years and West Ham suffered the most heartbreaking Cup Final loss in the last minute. To this day I still haven’t seen my team win anything in my lifetime.

As a reaction to this, I threw myself deeper into this amazing sport I had admired from 7-16 years old but without ever really getting it.

I found the story of Brady Quinn, the hometown boy to bring back hope to a passionate city plagued by bad football. It resonated with me so deeply.

I joined this forum 12-13 years ago as BradyToBraylon (hahahaha!) and it has been a hell of a ride since. Unfortunately the Browns have been terrible. I still remember that 4INT wind game from Anderson. Turns out that first proper season of Browns fandom was the best one until now.

Tom Brady’s story has been the other thing I’ve loved about the game. If I wasn’t a Browns fan, I’d be a Pats fan just because of him (and living in Boston for a while). If the Browns can’t win, I like to see him win. That probably isn’t a great look as I’m sure most Americans hate the Pats. But as an international fan without those preconceived notions, I love that guy. He is the main reason I know and love this sport.

Brady to retire and Baker to step in... that is the dream for me. TB12 is the GOAT and my favourite to watch... but he’s not a Brown. The idea that when he hangs it up, the next guy to fill that void just happens to be a Browns QB... amazing.

Anyway that’s kind of my mini story of how I got here. Go Browns!

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4 minutes ago, Dawgpoun8017 said:

Seriously %#*?  this guy

And LocanFora, and Terrell Davis AND all those other folks who picked on us for years......trying to make bad decisions sound even worse than they were......like the time LoCanfora reported that Phil Savage had lost a power struggle and had been fired....when it was really the other way around...

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