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1 minute ago, 43M said:

Gotham was solid, but I agree with @Deadpulse....the show had an identity crisis between being a gritty crime drama or a show about a young Batman, and the latter IMO didnt work out so great.    

I honestly wish the show had just stuck to the gritty crime drama that focused on Jim Gordon, showed the struggle of him trying to do whats right in such a corrupt city, and the rise of certain villains over the course of the show.    I wish they barely ever showed Bruce Wayne.    Jokers origins got overexposed and convoluted.   

Most of the actors did a good to great job portraying their characters.   It was the wrting and planning that needed work.

TV shows need to get away from the 20+ episode seasons.  Its outdated and honestly was never really a great idea.  This is one of many shows that wouldve benefited greatly from a 10 or 12 episode season.

They did a better job of that in the last couple seasons. To me Bruce was the weakest link of the show, it was at it's best when Gordon/Harvey were the focus. Their version of Alfred is my favorite as well, that actor killed it

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8 minutes ago, adamq said:

They did a better job of that in the last couple seasons. To me Bruce was the weakest link of the show, it was at it's best when Gordon/Harvey were the focus. Their version of Alfred is my favorite as well, that actor killed it

all i wanted was a straight up "gotham central" adaptation, i could see that if the new movie is a hit. like a 2 season limited series would be awesome.

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12 minutes ago, ifeelasleep said:

all i wanted was a straight up "gotham central" adaptation, i could see that if the new movie is a hit. like a 2 season limited series would be awesome.

Hopefully that's what this show will be (if it's even still happening)


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27 minutes ago, adamq said:

They did a better job of that in the last couple seasons. To me Bruce was the weakest link of the show, it was at it's best when Gordon/Harvey were the focus. Their version of Alfred is my favorite as well, that actor killed it

I agree, but thats partly where the 20+ episode season hurts them.    They kinda needed him to take up some screen time.

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On 2/23/2022 at 11:43 AM, StLunatic88 said:

Im kinda lost how some of you arent excited about this Batman movie. Are you guys just dead inside?

Because Batman is my favorite super hero, and I can always watch him beat the hell out of people for 2 hours. I may rarely (if ever) watch the movie again. That's how it normally goes for movies with me, but regardless, Batman is one badass mofo. 

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With this coming out, I went through and watched every live action Batman movie to date....yes, even THAT one.....

Batman 89 isnt my favorite Batman movie, but I understand why it was so iconic and really helped Batman get taken seriously.    Keaton was amazing in the role, even if it was humorous trying to imagine him actually fighting crime.   Nicholson was really the perfect casting....in large part because he didn't have to do much acting.   They just put Jack in makeup and told him to act like a slightly crazier version of himself, and it worked.     The mood, atmosphere and music were all perfect.   Tim Burton is a very one dimensional director, but he did great with the first Batman.

Batman Returns is what you get when you dont keep Burton in check.    I love DeVito and Pfiefer in their roles, but they were extremely exaggerated and overly sadistic versions on those characters.   Not a bad movie, but fairly forgettable.

I loved Batman Forever as a kid.   I still have 3 of the collector glasses from McDonalds.  But its tough to get through now.  Not nearly as bad as its sequel, but just so over the top and campy.    Val Kilmer was pretty solid as Batman, and I wonder how good he could've been in a better film.    Two Face and Riddler were absolutely nothing like the actual characters....which is sad because I feel like TLJ and Carrey couldve been amazing.   Seems to be a theme here.

Batman and ******* Robin.    Jesus.  The only thing that got me through this were Arnolds CHILLING one liners.   There isnt much I can say.    Everything that was done poorly in Forever got magnified to a 20.   While it was "so bad its good"....it annoyed me as a big Batman fan.

Batman Begins is still terrific, but it doesn't hold up quite as well as I remember.   The editing at some points, especially action scenes, were so messy.  

Dark Knight is still my favorite superhero movie to date.   Ledger was amazing, and Eckhart got overlooked.  

Rises was a messy movie with a messy story and just a trainwreck 3rd act.    Ill go as far as to say it wasnt a good movie.    Not to say I hate it.   I love parts of it....but the movie as a whole was average at best and a huge step down from the first 2.

Batman v Superman essentially ruined the DCEU before it ever got started.    Batfleck had some great moments, but ultimately, horrible writing and creative decisions ruined the character and the movie.

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I actually liked all three of Nolans Movies and think Rises gets a lot of unfair hate. While Dark Knight is a 10/10 movie, I'd say Batman Begins and Dark Knight Rises are not far behind, probably both a 8.5/10 from me. I actually, very very slightly, prefer Rises over Begins. And I agree the '89 Batman wasn't great, but it was definitely iconic and Batman wouldn't be where it is today without it. It gave Batman the dark vibe that aligned with the comics, something the 1960's series did the complete opposite of. It also showed how Batman is supposed to be played, giving actors guidance for the future. Also, without the '89 Batman, we probably don't get Batman the Animated Series. Probably the greatest superhero animation series ever, which furthered the dark theme (but also friendly to children). 

Looking forward to this movie. Not on the edge of my seat looking forward to it, but I hope to b pleasantly surprised. 

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6 minutes ago, BayRaider said:

I actually liked all three of Nolans Movies and think Rises gets a lot of unfair hate. While Dark Knight is a 10/10 movie, I'd say Batman Begins and Dark Knight Rises are not far behind, probably both a 8.5/10 from me. I actually, very very slightly, prefer Rises over Begins. And I agree the '89 Batman wasn't great, but it was definitely iconic and Batman wouldn't be where it is today without it. It gave Batman the dark vibe that aligned with the comics, something the 1960's series did the complete opposite of. It also showed how Batman is supposed to be played, giving actors guidance for the future. Also, without the '89 Batman, we probably don't get Batman the Animated Series. Probably the greatest superhero animation series ever, which furthered the dark theme (but also friendly to children). 

Looking forward to this movie. Not on the edge of my seat looking forward to it, but I hope to b pleasantly surprised. 

Rises also gets alot of undeserved love due to it being a Nolan film, and some people are afraid to admit it has an abundance of objective flaws (not saying you, but Ive gotten alot of heat for not praising it).    Im able to overlook alot, especially in superhero films, but Rises pushed my "suspension of disbelief" to the next level.

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I wish Rises was smaller in scale, I think Nolan and his team put way to much on their plate for that one. I remember reading a fan idea for what his 3rd batman film could be like. This idea was to have it take place immediately after the events of the TDK with Gotham hunting down batman. its the City vs Batman, no new villains. A manhunt thriller that lasts for a few days.

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never would of thought the vampire kid from twilight would end up being one of fav actors 10-11 yrs after its release lol I just watched 'Rover' a great violent Neo-western from Australia. Pat was amazing in it. I love the way he acts with his eyes and I can already see him doing some great stuff in the Batman trailers. This dude is not playing around

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2 hours ago, August4th said:

never would of thought the vampire kid from twilight would end up being one of fav actors 10-11 yrs after its release lol I just watched 'Rover' a great violent Neo-western from Australia. Pat was amazing in it. I love the way he acts with his eyes and I can already see him doing some great stuff in the Batman trailers. This dude is not playing around

While he is a good actor and I am cautiously optimistic about The Batman, he doesn't actually look or seemingly play the part of Bruce Wayne at all.   The Batman parts look great, but every time they show him as Bruce Wayne, I am underwhelmed.    Its not necessarily Pattinson's fault, but the character just seems like a depressed emo based on the trailers.    Bruce Wayne has his brooding moments, but he doesnt walk around constantly looking all doom and gloom and seemingly lacking self confidence.

Maybe the trailers are a bit misleading, but Im not happy with how he was portrayed in the trailers.

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