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Death Note Mafia: Mafia Wins! (Counselor, Nazgul, Swag)


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8 minutes ago, Dome said:

has anyone checked on matts?

Im here. 

I was legit pssed off and continued to work myself up over that. Thought it be best I step away. 

Loosely following along, I really hurt town by doing so. Mission was godawful. 

FTR - Pwny told me he was going to inactive die. I told him instead to just go fess up and play so as to not ruin malfs game. But he already had told Malf he was done at that point. In any case. Hakuna Matata, its all behind us now. Hopefully we can drop it and move on.

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Just now, Matts4313 said:

Thoughts from loosely following along:

@MWil23 => Go read your first ~3 days of the game. You pushed like 8 people and all... literally all of them... were civs.


Aside from leading Rags lynch attempt on Day 3 (voting for him first before Dome) and voting Swag Day 2 for a bit, you're 100% correct.

Just now, Matts4313 said:

And you defended mafia like crazy.

I made a huge miscalculated and wrong read on Swag. Defending the rest of mafia, not hardly.

Just now, Matts4313 said:

To your credit, the final day of the game you were the only person that had connected all the dots. They should have listened to you at the end.

Yeah, well, when you play as bad as I did on Days 4 and 5, then you lose credibility.


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2 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

Thoughts from loosely following along:

@MWil23 => Go read your first ~3 days of the game. You pushed like 8 people and all... literally all of them... were civs. And you defended mafia like crazy. To your credit, the final day of the game you were the only person that had connected all the dots. They should have listened to you at the end.

@Dome => I thought you would wreck shop this game after the sensor, which was a *brilliant* time to use it. Damn @mission27 for wasting the triple vote ability and vote on you. I think you let Counselor buddy buddy you too much towards the end. The last few days he pretty much just kept saying "im going to do whatever Dome tells me".

@Counselor => How you got people to vote mission off because I tried to lynch @Utley was a masterpiece. I couldnt believe no one went back and fact checked you. Well done sir.

@DingoLadd => I was rooting for you at the end there. I thought them all clearing you had paved the way. Well played game, poor vote choice at the end though. Naz was the play there since Dome was willing to lynch him, imo. 

@Forge => You had the best personal game out of anyone. If town had won, you for sure would have been MVP in my book. You nailed almost every one of your reads. You got both scum and town reads almost perfectly. I think if you would argue your case a bit more vigorously you could have done some real damage. 


@Malfatron => Great game. Are you going to follow @rackcs and give out grades?

100% agree with this

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3 minutes ago, rackcs said:

The thing too is that I don't expect anyone to have perfect day 1's or anything. Hell I'd probably have 1 or even 0 scum right first day if I remembered my top seven or whatever. But when you sit there and brag about how you have it all figured out day 1 and that everyone is idiots for not listening to you, then I'm going to be overly critical of your reads. Because you're acting like a ****.

Honestly, unless you can substantiate D1 reads with something on D1, they're meaningless.  Odds are they change at some point during the game.  So, either someone ****ed up, or you live long enough to change your read and be wrong.

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10 minutes ago, rackcs said:

The fact that you don't understand why this "reason" for him being scum is bad is why you're bad. Orca literally started the damn conversation.

You would've misused those powers anyways so lynching you had town better off.

Its 100 % accurate if you are not too stupid to realize that orca was just making a comment where as swag had intentions behind it and falsehoods to bait orca 

8 minutes ago, rackcs said:

Would just like to leave this here. Pickle keeps saying he nailed Counselor but didn't even have him on his final scum list before dying. Really nailed him bud.

Not that I expect Pickle to care. I posted this multiple times in deadchat and he still stood firm in that he nailed multiple scum day 1. Despite factual evidence and reality staring him in his face.

Those are guess at the game in a quick attempt to guess the setup. 

I explained to Matt's my theories if you all have any reading comprehension 

On 6/20/2019 at 1:45 PM, Pickle Rick said:

I have a number of theories but I cant push any of them bc all this bs stuff....they may not have bloomed into something but they were just scrapped bc of bs.  

1. Woz and counselor jumped on me for the "other claim" I made before the game began where I said my role was to probe @Matts4313.. that is the origin of their votes.  Now how scummy is that...they latch on to a post I made befor the game started and say that I'm scum 🤔🤔🤔

2.  I started to push them and swag comes in to interrupt the convo that was dominating the thread and started up the talk about last game and pwny.  This felt as though he was trying to protect one of the 2 that I was pushing and counselor was online an posting so I was leaning towards he was trying to protect woz

3.  Dome has pushed me before pretty hard for nonsense stuff d1 when he was mafia.  What he did yesterday felt eerily similar to that push.  He then gets his tiny friend chopped off when I start at him.....convenient for a lolclear

Those are just some of them. 


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2 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

Aside from leading Rags lynch attempt on Day 3 (voting for him first before Dome) and voting Swag Day 2 for a bit, you're 100% correct.

I made a huge miscalculated and wrong read on Swag. Defending the rest of mafia, not hardly.

Yeah, well, when you play as bad as I did on Days 4 and 5, then you lose credibility.

Bad games happen, you'll get em next time. Plus like Matts said you had pretty much figured it out on the final day but it was too little, too late at that point. 

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Just now, MWil23 said:

Aside from leading Rags lynch attempt on Day 3 (voting for him first before Dome) and voting Swag Day 2 for a bit, you're 100% correct.

I made a huge miscalculated and wrong read on Swag. Defending the rest of mafia, not hardly.

Yeah, well, when you play as bad as I did on Days 4 and 5, then you lose credibility.


Nah...just think through some things a little more

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4 minutes ago, The Orca said:

That's a good way to play for sure

Eh, yeah but I need to be better about the battles I pick TBH. I've gone against my gut in crunch time now halfway through the game and it's cost me/town the last 2 games. I am getting better, but I need to pick my moments more. I'm too stubborn for my own good.

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1 minute ago, SwAg said:

Also, Dome, wasn't faking, not mad at you for questioning it, though. 

Well I hope all is well buddy. Sounded like you got good news. I knew you would understand me questioning it once it was introduced into the thread.

1 minute ago, SwAg said:

But, I'm also not so trash at this game to need to rely on that.  I only told the thread because I told scum chat and didn't want them to slip, and I am sorta outraged by the heightened standard for me. 

I didn't think you would rely on it at all. Definitely not as a way to explain your inactivity. That's why that wasn't the focus of me bringing it up. 

If you were faking it I 100% thought it was a "dome thinks he's a badass calling someone on a funeral as inactivity? lets see him call me on this." just for fun rather than a gambit.


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Just now, Pickle Rick said:

Its 100 % accurate if you are not too stupid to realize that orca was just making a comment where as swag had intentions behind it and falsehoods to bait orca 

Those are guess at the game in a quick attempt to guess the setup. 

I explained to Matt's my theories if you all have any reading comprehension 


That doesn't even make sense.  I had everyone present in the chat saying I'm telling the truth, and you're telling me I'm using falsehoods to bait Orca.

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5 minutes ago, SwAg said:

Also, Dome, wasn't faking, not mad at you for questioning it, though. 

But, I'm also not so trash at this game to need to rely on that.  I only told the thread because I told scum chat and didn't want them to slip, and I am sorta outraged by the heightened standard for me.  I was being declared inactive and pushed for inactivity when I'm a top 3 poster, and always genuinely play when present.  No one else is held to a standard of having to post all the time.  Look at the hours I'm online.

It is a common lazy read from some players.  

That was part of Ragnarok case on me was that I was not around on D1 at the deadline.  SO to think that you alone get a special heightened standard is flat out wrong.

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