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The Orca's Horror Movie Mafia and Interactive Massacre- Evil and Unknown Win!!!!

The Orca

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2 minutes ago, Pickle Rick said:

You have been hard pounding me since the word go and you haven't invested me.....why?  

Did I use that question mark correctly?

Oh and that one. 

Do you really want a gold star for using question marks correctly?

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39 minutes ago, bcb1213 said:

@The Orca

3.  (the) Natural 

4 Sandlot



Might as well die quick 

The Orca grabs everyone's attention. "Looks like we have another speed round attempt, hope it goes better than it did for the last guy who tried it."

3. Wrong

4. Wrong

5. Wrong

Answer: For Love of the Game

With each wrong answer the table saw crepted closer and closer to Bcb. When the last answer was read, the saw shot arcross the table slicing @bcb1213 in half.

@bcb1213 is Dead, he was The Exorcist, Good Aligned


Just a note. Night 4 will happen at 11 PM EST tonight

1. Forge @Forge

00. Slappy @Slappy Mc

4. Whicker @Whicker

6. Dome @Dome

7. KSJ @kingseanjohn

9. Mwil @MWil23 (Alive ) 

12. Swag @SwAg

13. Pickle @Pickle Rick

16. @Llamalover (Llama 2.0)

17. Daboyle @daboyle250

18. Counselor @Counselor

19. Squire @squire12

20. Touch @theuntouchable

21. @TheKillerNacho(Nacho 2.0)

22. Jason @jasonwbantle

24. ww @wwhickok

26. Cheese @Cheesehawk

27. ET @ET80

28. N4L @N4L


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Just now, Dome said:

Makes me feel like you know your flip will kill whatever credibility you have left.

if you're lynched and flip town, of course we'll listen to your invests and lynch mwil.


why the phrasing here?

I’m talking about tomorrow.  People will use me being on the lynch block as a reason to ignore what I’ve said, and cast doubt on it until the moment I flip.  Look at how people have ignored all the lynchees other than laughing occasionally.  I don’t want a sound chamber (no scum dead yet, hopeful on bcb) derailing interest, or even when I die people just “forgetting” what I said after I’m not around to scream it anymore.

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1 minute ago, SwAg said:

You’re delusional.  The point that you think you’re refuting is a supplemental point, supplemental to the other interactions that I quoted.  It is not a stand alone point.  After you defended MWil from me, and spent pages doing nothing except protecting him from me, it starts to look as I presented it.

You’re doing an inverse fallacy.  You think that if you cast doubt on the supplemental point, people will forget the rest.

This is mind numbing.

Except that’s not what happened at all. 

you were in the midst of ANOTHER smear campaign (is there anyone left you haven’t tried?) and I pointed out how bad you were howling. 

now you’re attempting to pass that off as me “defending” mwil, when in all reality it was me calling you out on even more of your BS within this game. 

THEN you attempted to point to a statement and say “see, see he had knowledge!!” Except for the fact that that very same statement proves you wrong. 

NOW you’re attempting to swirl it all together in one giant **** pot in hopes that something sticks to prevent the rest of your scum buddies from getting lynched. 

I give you an A for effort but an F for ******* stupid. Next time you want to try a smear campaign, you should probably attempt it on someone that can’t smack you around like the dirty fish you are. 

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2 minutes ago, SwAg said:

You’re delusional.  The point that you think you’re refuting is a supplemental point, supplemental to the other interactions that I quoted.  It is not a stand alone point.  After you defended MWil from me, and spent pages doing nothing except protecting him from me, it starts to look as I presented it.

You’re doing an inverse fallacy.  You think that if you cast doubt on the supplemental point, people will forget the rest.

This is mind numbing.

Yeah... You would never do something like that.


14 hours ago, SwAg said:

Also, Dome, are you accusing me of being scum with squire because you think I figured out a roleclaim, and then you lost Rock Paper Scissors? Lmao

You knew this wasn't my point

14 hours ago, Dome said:

That’s not what I’m saying at all, and I know you’re not so stupid to think that it is. 


14 hours ago, SwAg said:

So we’re clear: you’re blaming me because Rock Paper Scissors is impossible?

You knew this wasn't my point.

14 hours ago, SwAg said:

Oh just hangman is impossible okay, well, I’m still Town, and outed the Framer

You knew this wasn't my point. 

14 hours ago, Dome said:



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Just now, theuntouchable said:

Except that’s not what happened at all. 

you were in the midst of ANOTHER smear campaign (is there anyone left you haven’t tried?) and I pointed out how bad you were howling. 

now you’re attempting to pass that off as me “defending” mwil, when in all reality it was me calling you out on even more of your BS within this game. 

THEN you attempted to point to a statement and say “see, see he had knowledge!!” Except for the fact that that very same statement proves you wrong. 

NOW you’re attempting to swirl it all together in one giant **** pot in hopes that something sticks to prevent the rest of your scum buddies from getting lynched. 

I give you an A for effort but an F for ******* stupid. Next time you want to try a smear campaign, you should probably attempt it on someone that can’t smack you around like the dirty fish you are. 

You’re delusional.

You defended MWil from me.  Every time I tried to engage him, you would interrupt and say I’m deflecting.  You were protecting your weak, and you cannot dismiss it out of hand like you want to do so.

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