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Prequel to World War III Mafia: Night 5 (Send Yerr PMs!)


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2 - Malfatron- squire, matts

2 - Hockey - Nacho,  KSJ

9 - Nacho – Hockey, rackcs, Malf, Orca, Daboyle, ET, squire, Counselor, Forge

1 - Ted - bcb

2 -Forge– Pickle, forge,

1 - Bcb -  Ted

@TheKillerNacho has been lynched.  Write-up incoming sometime soon.

You will have 12 hours from the timestamp of the write-up to submit night moves.

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Day 1, Part 3 (lol):




Alright, this **** is gay, I'mma go JFK on MWil

MWil is dead.  He was a bad, confused, likely electrocuted as a child until he turned straight because his parents ain't about no "bundle of sticks," man.

SwAg is right.  Individually, we may be feeble twigs, but when we unite together, we form a mighty fa*got.

Alright, so with that out of the way, who wants to randomly lynch Nacho?

I mean, yeah, he is totes scum.  Nacho

How bout we all just vote Nacho to get to the good part of the game because we have allegedly played Mafia for almost a decade, but still cannot figure out how to function on Day 1.

What the **** did you just say to me?




The nondescript votes poured down upon poor Nacho.  He...or should I say she, stood there, frozen on the spot with a more gaunt than usual look on her face, shrouded by her dead hair... Nacho opened her mouth to speak, and the crowd scampered for cover, expecting a Banshee wail.

Look, I know people will get mad, but like, President Drump is not using his position to enrich himself.  He's only using it to enrich his family.  So I wanted to remind you to go buy shoes from his daughter.  They're great, and made in China... a country.

Nacho was likely to go on to violate the Hatch Act several more times and substantiate a myriad cries of corruption, but the crowd had heard enough.  They strung a rope around Nacho's neck and began to hoist her up the light post.  Nacho struggled, but then all attention was drawn elsewhere ---- The Head Honcho.

The Head Honcho walked out in front of everyone, observed the scene, flashed a quick thumbs up, and then began reading talking while staring at a blank note card.

Hello, tremendous what's going on here.  I just want to say, I support lynches.  Great history of all that.  You know, some people say it's bad history, but I say it's our history -- my confederate rebels know what I mean.  Shout out to my boy David Duke.  Anyway, it's good, but it's really, really not good when it's me.  Not me, good.  Me, bad.  I get in trouble, they're gonna say I shouldn't say it, but I said it.  Right, where was I?  I just want to say that I respect all females, but if you don't vote for me, you and all your gun buddies are gonna be stripped of your god-given rights and forced to open Muslim abortion clinics in your basement, while Healery's death squads force you to gay marry illegals -- and not the fun eastern European ones, I'm talkin bad hombres.  It's because she is the Mother of SISI.  I said it.  Speaking of SISI, how about Chicago?  Basically a warzone.  You know, like Afghanistan is better.  Basically the Holocaust, that happened in Afghanistan, and what they won't tell you is that it was mostly black on black crime.  I know, it shocked me when Frederick Douglas told me.  Believe me, 5 million people.  Do you know how many 5 million is?  It's like half my inauguration crowd.  He told me not to say it, but I said it.  Oh, and Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself.

Mr. President... Jim Acosta, CNN... My question is... what?

Why do you hate me Jim?  I think it's clear.


Someone else what walks out into the crowd, pats the President on the back, and ushers him off with the promise of giving him two scoops of ice cream for dessert.

What the President was saying was clear.  I don't know how you all want to twist his words now, but he has a new Vice President!  And, as the President said very clearly, they are a Big Leaguer who ain't gonna be a total vagina like that last one.  You know, don't tell anyone, but I think he's stupid for believing in Jesus, and I'm pretty sure he's gay.


No more questions from fake news.

The crowd was dumbfounded by what they had just beheld.  Sometime after they had all pinched each other to ensure that this was real life and not some nightmare that's lasted way too long, the crowd looked back at what they were doing before they were interrupted by whatever that was.

@TheKillerNacho is dead.  He was Kellyanne Conley, The Propaganda Barbie, Sorta Evil but we need a Good Team for this to be Mafia-Aligned.


@Dome is still being interrogated because he's one tough cookie.  No one knows where he is, or when or if he will return.  He still may not speak.

@theuntouchable, @rackcs, @bcb1213, @daboyle250, @The Orca, @Dome, @TedLavie, @Hockey5djh, @Matts4313, @Pickle Rick, @ET80, @Forge, @squire12, @gopherwrestler, @Malfatron, @Counselor


Edited by SwAg
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