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The Vigilants of Stendarr - Day Five ends Sunday at 9pm EST


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The group of Stendarr's followers peered over the hill at the abandoned fortress.

"This is it," Carcette whispered "Kill them before they know we're here."

Some of the Vigilants cast their mageflesh spells to prepare, others lifted their weapons in anticipation as they walked down the icy bank towards the lair.

"NOW!" Isran cried when they were close enough.

Vigilants screamed as they poured out of the forest from every direction and surrounded the stone building. "YAAAAAHHHHHRRRRRRRR!"

But as quickly as it started, it had ended. Everything was silent. Their surprise attack hadn't caught any of the beasts off guard. In fact, the beasts were nowhere to be seen.

"This isn't right. They should be here. There's no way they could've known-" Vigilant Adalvald's thought was cut short when a flash of fur came bolting out of the forest for him. "GGGAAAAAHHH!!!" he screamed as he was dragged into the woods. The entire group chased after him but lost site of him quickly in the dark.

Another man screamed from behind the group somewhere "AAAHHHHHH-" the group went chasing after the scream and were able to find the man, but it was too late.

Vigilant Tolan is dead. He was a Vigilant of Stendarr. (Win Condition: "Win when all threats to The Vigilants have been eliminated.")

The group went back to where Adalvald has last been seen and were glad to find him still clinging to life at the base of a tree. The group kicked in the door of the abandoned fortress and dragged Adalvald inside. Some of the Vigilants began breaking apart furniture to burn in the fireplace while others walked through the hallways and corridors to make sure the fortress was secure. 


All role PMs have been sent... Day One of the Werewolf Siege is underway. 

  1. @MWil23
  2. @Pickle Rick
  3. @Malfatron
  4. @rackcs
  5. @squire12
  6. @JoshstraDaymus
  7. @The Orca
  8. @Whicker
  9. @Tk3
  10. @Counselor
  11. @SwAg
  12. @gopherwrestler
  13. @Ragnarok
  14. @theuntouchable
  15. @daboyle250
  16. @bcb1213
  17. @Forge


Edited by Dome
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2 hours ago, Dome said:

Vigilant Tolan is dead. He was a Vigilant of Stendarr. (Win Condition: "Win when all threats to The Vigilants have been eliminated.")


55 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

Good morning 


A good morning for scum and scum alone

Tolan is dead.



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I know absolutely nothing about this theme. Google tells me it's The Elder Scrolls.


The Vigilants of Stendarr are a militant order in the priesthood of Stendarr, the Divine of Mercy. It was founded after the Oblivion Crisis to combat the Daedric influence. The Vigilants also seek to root out vampireswerewolveswitches, and other creatures that prey on mortals.

That said, I'm a pretty big fan of Underworld and Blade.

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