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Coronavirus (COVID-19)


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32 minutes ago, resilient part 2 said:

I am way late on here, too many pages to read up on. But I do have one question for the more informed on here.

How has it worked out for Sweden and their Non-shutdown approach to date?

thanks in advance.

last thing i read the people are getting sick of it too, obviously here their maverick approach has come under criticism but the swedes themselves have started to get sick of it apparently.

in news for australia the outbreak in victoria has been getting worse and worse and that will likely show on the MoL's when @mission27 next gets them on; but all of our other states have still kept the ship tight

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“We thought this was only a respiratory virus. Turns out, it goes after the pancreas. It goes after the heart. It goes after the liver, the brain, the kidney and other organs. We didn’t appreciate that in the beginning,” said Dr. Eric Topol, a cardiologist and director of the Scripps Research Translational Institute in La Jolla, California.

In addition to respiratory distress, patients with COVID-19 can experience blood clotting disorders that can lead to strokes, and extreme inflammation that attacks multiple organ systems. The virus can also cause neurological complications that range from headache, dizziness and loss of taste or smell to seizures and confusion.

And recovery can be slow, incomplete and costly, with a huge impact on quality of life...

“We hear anecdotal reports of people who have persistent fatigue, shortness of breath,” Butler said. “How long that will last is hard to say.”...

“If you previously ran 5k three times a week and now feel breathless after a single flight of stairs, or if you cough incessantly and are too exhausted to return to work, then the fear that you may never regain your previous health is very real,” she wrote.


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8 minutes ago, kingseanjohn said:

I mean, that kind of happened to me when I got sick with Rocky Mountain spotted fever.  A constant fever for two weeks straight will sap all of your strength.  I never got back into the shape I was in before that.

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A while back I asked why Wisconsin seemed to be doing better than Minnesota but didn't get an answer.  Here is an interesting article comparing the 2 https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.twincities.com/2020/06/27/heres-how-covid-19-affected-minnesota-and-wisconsin-differently-the-reasons-why-are-still-unclear/amp/

They still don't really know but it seems like the meat packing plants and the bigger metropolitan area in Minnesota has a lot to do with it. 

I also found it interesting that Minnesota lists everyone that dies with a positive test as a covid death but Wisconsin won't include Adobe that obviously didn't die from covid

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46 minutes ago, SteelKing728 said:

So right now, the 3 states being hit the hardest are California, Texas and Arizona, right?

Florida. I don’t count CA since it’s because of all those Zonas dropping by Imperial County 😂

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16 hours ago, Shanedorf said:

She has a different take...:)



I'm talking from a constitutional perspective.  I consider myself educated, and come from an educated family full of teachers.  I know the basics of science, which is why I am not arguing against the science behind them- even though there are some splits in the medical community.  In the same way, I have an educated knowledge of our government (my dad taught US history and government, as did my grandfather) and I am not sure how we can continue to mandate masks from a state or even doing something on a federal level.  I am sure that there are people who are experts in this field are likely split as well.  Like science though, I don't proclaim to have the answer or know it for sure.  Someone here probably knows more about the inner workings of our government and constitution, so maybe they see this post and step in.  

What I do know is that individual businesses can mandate them and can decide who shops there, and they can send people away for not wearing masks.  So even if a state pulls back their order for masks, stores can still have their rules in place for them.  

Also, while I have made my personal disdain for masks known, I've also made it known that I am complying, and would likely wear one at places like church and the supermarket even if they weren't mandated right now.  Because I do have grandma who is 93 and wants to do things again, and I want her to be safe.  

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Has anyone seen any charts/studies out there that plot out states  closures / openings (and to what degrees or “phase” and cases/hospitalizations/deaths? 

I know these things wouldn’t be perfect, but I’m really curious to know if they can pinpoint to the what that causes the increases. A state like Texas has limited precautions from what I read but also has massive gatherings for funerals/protests. 

A state like PA had similar gatherings but has more restrictions. 

Would be curious to see it all plotted out. 

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On 6/20/2020 at 6:38 PM, diehardlionfan said:

Well it certainly depends where you live. Cost of living varies greatly as do food costs. There are also major sections of American cities that don’t have grocery stores. They have corner stores and small markets where goods are more expensive, with poor quality and minimal selection.

The suggested budget for food is about $1050.00 per month for a family of 5. 

12k per year is on the cheap side but doable. The average person spends about $160.00 per month on clothes. You have transportation costs, medical, prescription, utilities. Then you have accommodation costs which vary wildly.

Where I live it will cost $1600.00 per month minimum for a 2 bdr apt. Over 2.5k for a three bedroom house. So blanket statements simply don’t work. There are far to many variables.


I agree, but for context, I and my entire family live in one of the most expensive parts of the country, so everything is extremely overpriced. A decent 2BR apt here is $2,500+.  

The big benefit we have is we have to a of shopping options, so within 5 miles I have 6+ grocery stores and dozens of small business so it’s much easier to find the best prices. 

That last part is impossible in many parts of the country. 

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2 minutes ago, acowboys62 said:

Has anyone seen any charts/studies out there that plot out states  closures / openings (and to what degrees or “phase” and cases/hospitalizations/deaths? 

I know these things wouldn’t be perfect, but I’m really curious to know if they can pinpoint to the what that causes the increases. A state like Texas has limited precautions from what I read but also has massive gatherings for funerals/protests. 

A state like PA had similar gatherings but has more restrictions. 

Would be curious to see it all plotted out. 

DC and MD have not spiked from protests from what I know.  Baltimore had some decent sized protests, and one would think the surrounding areas of DC in Virginia and MD would be affected.  MD has also had a slow build from Phase I to Phase II.  We even had Phase II happen in a few different parts, with masks still being mandatory.  

Some local governments were even lagging behind the state recommendation as well.  The county where I live, which houses the state capital, had two different phases for Phase I, and was a week or so behind the state.  

We still can't have gatherings of more than 50 people as well.  Malls are open but I have to say, there aren't nearly as many people in them as before.  

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14 minutes ago, naptownskinsfan said:

I'm talking from a constitutional perspective.  I consider myself educated, and come from an educated family full of teachers.  I know the basics of science, which is why I am not arguing against the science behind them- even though there are some splits in the medical community.  In the same way, I have an educated knowledge of our government (my dad taught US history and government, as did my grandfather) and I am not sure how we can continue to mandate masks from a state or even doing something on a federal level.  I am sure that there are people who are experts in this field are likely split as well.  Like science though, I don't proclaim to have the answer or know it for sure.  Someone here probably knows more about the inner workings of our government and constitution, so maybe they see this post and step in.  

What I do know is that individual businesses can mandate them and can decide who shops there, and they can send people away for not wearing masks.  So even if a state pulls back their order for masks, stores can still have their rules in place for them.  

Also, while I have made my personal disdain for masks known, I've also made it known that I am complying, and would likely wear one at places like church and the supermarket even if they weren't mandated right now.  Because I do have grandma who is 93 and wants to do things again, and I want her to be safe.  

What do you mean by constitutional perspective? You get certain rights until it imposes on other’s rights. Not appropriately wearing a mask means that you are now a health risk to everyone else and not just yourself.

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Just now, Xenos said:

What do you mean by constitutional perspective? You get certain rights until it imposes on other’s rights. Not appropriately wearing a mask means that you are now a health risk to everyone else and not just yourself.

I mean, Google it.  You will see face masks and whether or not they are constitutional or not, probably broken out along media lines and how they lean.  Specifically, you have those who fall on the side of not wearing masks saying that executive orders are not laws.  That's where I am coming from but again, I'm not an expert.  

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