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2 minutes ago, WizeGuy said:

Just a heads up- those numbers are behind. It's hard to say exactly where we're at but it's def higher than 2 million. Also, last I heard (which was a few days ago), 10 million vaccines had been distributed but even that number may have been lower than the official count. 

Ill just say from what Ive heard around the hospital- Moderna is much easier to administer due to shelf life. The amount of healthcare workers who have rcvd the vaccine has increased a lot over the last week and now nursing home residents/staff are receiving the vaccine. I expect it to pick up dramatically. 

Vaccinating mostly healthcare workers has brought a few logistical road bumps. We had serious worries of wasted doses because of Pfizers shelf life and trying to prioritize who should get it first. We had to establish pop up locations at other hospitals to use the doses we feared may go to waste. That seems to have changed now that Moderna is in the fold. I also think hospitals being strained hasnt helped.

This is very consistent to what I have seen/heard at the hospital I work at.  The initial vaccination of health care workers was done in a manner to avoid a huge side effects and workers needing time off....from a situation that there is no excess staff to cover such an event.    The need to actually train staff to administer the vaccine....yes, there were staff giving the vaccine that had not done such a task in the past....again, a shortage in the personnel to actually do that task.

2 minutes ago, WizeGuy said:

Once CVS, Walgreens, vaccination vans, etc...begin vaccinating people it'll rapidly increase. I have to wonder how they'll monitor allergic reactions. Everyone who rcvd the vaccine in the hospital had to be monitored for 15 mins. We just sat in an auditorium like place. 

There are a lot of hands involved here and local leaders are learning on the fly. I expect (hope) as we move along we'll get a much better grasp at distributing these vaccines.

Agreed.  Once there are more facilities (CVS, Walgreens, etc) receiving their shipments and being able to get out and full scale doing vaccinations, it will improve the process.  



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1 thing that needs to be considered in this vaccine rollout.  

Age being an easy factor to ID the "next group".   Risk factors is a much harder factor to coordinate and pooling those individuals into a "next group".   Meshing those together is time consuming and tedious.

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5 hours ago, mission27 said:

At the end of the day if we'd written big pharma a blank check to ramp up production of unproven vaccines in the spring instead of everyone standing in their corner getting off on their fiscal responsibility or corporate accountability agendas, there wouldn't be shortfalls. 

I'm not so sure about that. Have you heard the parable about nine pregnant women?

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9 hours ago, squire12 said:

1 thing that needs to be considered in this vaccine rollout.  

Age being an easy factor to ID the "next group".   Risk factors is a much harder factor to coordinate and pooling those individuals into a "next group".   Meshing those together is time consuming and tedious.

For sure. I think every new phase we enter will come with a few hurdles early on but hopefully lessons are learned from the previous phases that will allow has to transition a bit smoother. 

Also, some good news from my hospital:

"We have vaccinated more than 5,600 inpatient and outpatient faculty and staff at Strong Memorial, and collectively, UR Medicine has vaccinated more than 8,500 health care workers. Next week will be another milestone week: We not only will begin to give second doses of the vaccine, but we should be on track to open vaccination clinics to all faculty and staff who interact directly with patients. Below you’ll find answers to the most common questions about the vaccine clinics and a reminder about our new 300 East River Road pre-surgical testing location."

Also, from Sunday to Monday we vaccinated 491 in 24 hours putting us at a total of 7215 people. From Monday to Tuesday we jumped up to 8500 staff vaccinated, so that's 1300 people vaccinated it what seems to be 24 hours. I'm not sure how accurate those numbers are but we're def getting quicker. Now that nursing homes are being hit and we're opening up vaccination clinics- the numbers should really start rising. 


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11 hours ago, squire12 said:

1 thing that needs to be considered in this vaccine rollout.  

Age being an easy factor to ID the "next group".   Risk factors is a much harder factor to coordinate and pooling those individuals into a "next group".   Meshing those together is time consuming and tedious.

Age seems to be both the strongest covariate and the easiest one to identify logistically. Why not just start oldest and go from there?

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3 hours ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

Age seems to be both the strongest covariate and the easiest one to identify logistically. Why not just start oldest and go from there?

Interesting that certain states like Texas and Florida have actually prioritize age before even frontline healthcare workers. Strategy wise this should be better right?



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51 minutes ago, Xenos said:

Interesting that certain states like Texas and Florida have actually prioritize age before even frontline healthcare workers. Strategy wise this should be better right?



We won't know for a bit. Both strategies have their pro and cons. I dont think we know how well these vaccines work on those in the age bracket that's being vaccinated now. We also dont know how well it mitigates transmission. 



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