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1.26 - Jordan Love [QB; Utah State] - QB1


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I have watched several of love’s games on youtube and really like him as a passer. He misses throws from time to time, but drops dimes way more often. Each game i have watched has a few throws that get me all hot and sweaty.

If he develops like we hope over the next two years and rodgers doesnt improve, its going to be the start of the love era. My biggest hope is that this pick was like two players in one pick- our future qb, and our old qb who now his a fire under his arse and a renewed chip on his shoulder that drives him to better play.

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21 minutes ago, packfanfb said:

Don't think it's that deep. There aren't any issues between Rodgers and LaFleur. This is simply the Packers seeing an opportunity they feel good about and it fast-tracks Rodgers' exit from Green Bay to probably 2 years away instead of 4. Rodgers was never going to play QB here past this contract. So instead of leaving after 2023, he's probably now leaving after 2021. That's what this is. 

Oh I’m sure. They probably look at Rodgers as a viable option for the next 3 years and by then Love should be ready. A 24 year old “rookie” that’s been in a nfl program.

Gute saw this under Ted and I’m sure everyone in the building feels this is THE WAY to insurance maximum success for a young QB. This was likely going to happen sooner rather than later... the prospect dictated that it’s this year.

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I see his upside and I also see first round salary standing on the sidelines for possibly 3-5 years, further pinching our cap for little help now.  It's OK to be leery about this pick - don't be bullied into thinking something different.  It's not the best and its not the worst pick ever.  It's a gamble with both up and downsides.  We'll most likely be fine, but I for one am enjoying the wide range of opinions here.  

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I haven't read all through this thread, but one thought did bounce around in my head enough to collide with a receptor or two.

Had it become more attractive to choose QB Love this year, precisely because there may be very little time for new guys to get ready for the season............ so a guy that obviously is likely to sit for a season or two, will not impact the team negatively by the short prep time this year.

Of course, if an injury happens to #12 all bets are off, but that is another scenario.

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Last night I was pissed.

Today?  Meh.

I like this pick more than Gary.  I think we blew a premium pick on Gary.  (No, I won't entertain any discussion on that - this is about the Love pick.)  But this was the 26th pick.  Teams  blow picks on QB's all the time.  This could end up a bust.  But you have to try.  It is the most important position in football, and we have a 36 year old QB showing signs of decline.  If he doesn't adjust his game and get the ball out of his hand on time, we could see a really sharp decline at that.  We didn't have a viable option behind him.  

As for Love?  I think we hope for Mahommes and probably get Kaepernick.  I dont like the fact that he really only reads one side of the field.  He needs at least 2 years.  I do like the prospect of a little read option, though.

We need a home run in the second round like we got last year.  And then again in the third.  If Gute can still find 2 starting level players tonight, we'll be fine.

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A few positives that I think come from this:

1) Favre and Rodgers will undoubtedly become closer from this, which is an overall plus for the organization. Rodgers sees what Favre went through and Favre is able to observe a very similar scenario as an outsider rather than as a participant.

2) Rodgers will do a better job of mentoring Love than Favre did for Rodgers. Basically the inverse of point #1. Rodgers didn't love how he was treated by Favre in GB and is unlikely to do the same to Love after going through it himself.

3) I've always been a fan of drafting and developing 1st and 2nd round QBs rather than throwing them into the fire year 1. It may not be what Love had envisioned, but this is ultimately the dream scenario for a raw, talented prospect like him.

4) We get a very motivated Rodgers who wants to keep his job for the next 2-4 years.

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6 minutes ago, CWood21 said:

Honestly, this might be the part that I'm most intrigued by.

Rodgers is years beyond the chip on shoulder motivation and doubt very much he is threatened by Love. An earlier tweet said as much


Edited by cannondale
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Ben Fennell -   I like Jordan Love. I think he has an incredibly bright future... My frustration was I thought a 13-3 Packers team coming off 1st yr coach NFCC appearance/36yr old veteran QB - this would be ‘all systems go’ to use resources to make a run by adding talent around QB with WR/OL.

Jordan Love 2018 vs Michigan St. One of the better QB tapes I've seen in 5 years. All sorts of Sunday throws in the deep/intermediate areas of the field. Impressive game and really his 'coming out party' nationally, IMO.

Packers have two picks tonight. Will be interesting to see who is available Round 2 (62) Round 3 (94).

  • Ian Kenyon - Yep. It's reconciling that we're in the final 1-2 years of the Rodgers era, and those final 1-2 years aren't "all-in" seasons.
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