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Monster Village Mafia - The Village is destroyed, Werewolves win!


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Woz was being lead deeper and deeper into the woods. He was growing more and more scared with every step but he was being promised all the candy he could eat so he kept trudging forward. Eventually they came to a clearing. In the middle was a wide tree stump. Blood stained the top of the stump. Woz instantly felt as though he’d made a huge mistake. He tried to retreat but was tripped up seemingly by nothing. Moments after he hit the ground he felt himself being lifted into the air almost as if by magic.

“Hee hee hee, you’re not the brightest little girl, are you?” rackcs asked.

“Pl…please miss, I just want to find my brother and go home…” Woz responded.

Rackcs merely cackled loudly and waved his wand. Woz was thrown across the clearing and landed with a loud thump upon the tree stump. He tried to lift his arms but it was no use. Something was holding him in place.

Rackcs stalked forward menacingly, pulling a dagger from within his gown as he moved. He reached Woz who at this point was too petrified to even say anything. He raised the dagger high, moments from plunging the blade deep into Woz’s chest.

Luckily for Woz, a branch cracking broke the silence and tension of the moment. Rackcs turned around in alarm.

“Who’s there?! I’m warning you, I am not to be trifled with!”

Rackcs moved towards the tree line cautiously.

“This is your last chance to reveal yourself before I make you!”

With no response, rackcs moved into the dense forest and disappeared from Woz’s sight. All was quiet for a few moments.

“Aha, I found you! Come here, I’m going to teach you a lesson! Wait…wait…no! No, you stay away from me!”

The forest was filled with the sounds of fighting but Woz couldn’t see anything. Finally he heard a blood curdling scream and the pressure being placed upon his body went away. He could move again!

“Oh thank you! Please sir, please help me find my way home! I need to find my brother and get back home! Sir? Sir?”

Suddenly something is thrown into the clearing and crashes into the stump. Woz looks down and sees rackcs’s mangled corpse staring up at him.

@rackcs is dead. He was The Witch, Haunt-Aligned

Woz screamed and fell backwards. He scrambled to his feet and took off into the woods. He heard something huge rampaging through the woods and gaining on him fast. He tried to work his stubby little legs harder and harder but it was no use. Whatever was behind him lunged at him. He felt a searing pain in his back that thankfully didn’t last long.

@Woz is dead. He was Gretel, Village-Aligned

It is now Day 1! With 18 alive and 18 voting, it’s 10 to kill. The deadline is tomorrow, 8/25 at 10:00 PM EST.

Edited by rackcs
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