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3 hours ago, KManX89 said:

I just watched the OG Blade Runner on Netflix last night, great movie. Loved the noir atmosphere, and Harrison Ford kills it, as usual. Instant classic.

Still have never finished it. 

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Just watched the live action Aladdin.

Average at best.

Writing was corny, dialogue was often horrid, acting all around was subpar, story was told in a pretty boring way, CG was over the top and looked bad at times, but the movie was at least mildy entertaining, and thats what matters.

Easily the best part of the movie was Naomi Scott.  Best acting, singing and had the best story arc.

The guy who played Aladdin was in over his head.  Not terrible,  but his acting was up and down and his singing was high end karaoke night quality.  There were moments I liked him, but he wasnt good enough for a lead in a blockbuster movie.  

This was one of Will Smiths weaker performances.  He was just annoying too often, and really didnt steal the screen like he usually does.  Might be because of his weak supporting cast, but he really didnt do much to help this movie.

BY FAR, the worst part of the movie was Jafar.   I hated every second he was on the screen.  Acting was awful, no screen presence and just entirely generic.

If it werent for Naomi Scott, this movie wouldve bee much worse.  She has a bright future.  Hope she gets better roles in better movies.

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I would have said this long before Corona.

But if a crew member who is in perfect health suddenly feels unwell on a alien planet, I figure there would be a safety protocol that says stay the hell away from them. Crew members on this movie though? Oh hey, let me touch your face, let me put my arms around you. Nothing unsafe about that.

Edited by Calvert28
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Watched Frozen II with the family.  A solid follow up although a little too schlocky at times and despite them going for stakes, you know how it's all going to unfold and it does.  Still a decent watch.

Rewatched The Next Three Days with the wife and it holds up a decade later.  Great performance by Russell Crowe who carries this movie on his back. Only other noteworthy acting is the brief bit by Brian Dennehy. 

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20 hours ago, Calvert28 said:

I disagree. This movie could have been so much more if they split it into 3. Lots of waste in this as well as the script. But given who wrote the script it's not surprising. 

No guarantee the 2nd two could even get made. 

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