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Maximum Carnage Mafia (Legacy) - GAME OVER Bcb wins and everyone else loses, lol


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5 minutes ago, gopherwrestler said:

Hey, what was your wincon?

Eliminate Carnage.  I had absolutely no motive to do anything with Ross.  Even had investigation immunity while you were alive.

Here is is verbatim: You win if you are alive and Carnage has been eliminated. If General Ross has also been eliminated, you will be the sole winner.

Edited by Daniel
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1 hour ago, MWil23 said:

BCB: I'm Blue, but I won't tell you my alignment name or win con, because I'm stubborn and in no way, shape, or form should that make me suspicious in the eyes of Town

Town: Sounds good! 

BCB: Also, ignore the result from TK3 that shows I have an actual different WC than Green.

Town: Sounds good!

Green: The overwhelming majority of us, besides @rackcs, won't speak up and bang the drum that this doesn't make sense because we know what our win con is and control the vote. We will actively bury our heads in the sand, because...YOLO...it worked for about 4 days for Gamestop.

BCB: *Actively feels so bad about Town's ineptitude that he refuses to vote Gopher* 

Hey hey. I never said ignore it. I said to vote me out once carnage died. They just didn't want to cause I'm lovable 

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11 hours ago, Blue said:

BCB wins! He was Steel Serpent, JOAT Mastermind, The Hand.

Congratulations to Bcb and The Hand for being the sole winner of Maximum Carnage Mafia!

Just fyi - I was the Hand. BCB and I won. We can split MVPs 80/20. 

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Carnage, Strongman Serial Killer Godfather, Maximum Carnage

The madman running the insane asylum that once was New York City, your bloodlust and gleeful slaughter of innocents has made you a terror to behold. You know a team of “heroes” is coming in to get rid of you, but they’re really no better than you—heck, at least you admit to being what you are. If it’s a monster they want, you’re happy to show them what a monster looks like.

At the start of the game, your character will be revealed. Each Night, you may choose one player to be eliminated; your ability cannot be roleblocked or redirected (doctors, bodyguards, etc. will prevent your kill as normal). You cannot be eliminated by any means until the rest of your faction is dead.

You win when your faction outnumbers all other players.




Poison (Jackal), Delaying Janitor, Maximum Carnage

Once a respected geneticist, your mind had already become poisoned long before the symbiote took control. Now you take sick glee in dissecting the corpses of Carnage’s and others’ victims, leaving them a bloody mess that takes even longer to identify.

Each Night, choose a player. Until the end of the next Night phase, if that player is eliminated, their role will not be revealed until the end of the following phase instead of the beginning. Your faction will learn that player’s role name and abilities at the time of their elimination.

You also have a list of characters NOT in the game that you may use as fakeclaims for your faction. These include: Baron Zemo, Atlas, and Ant-Man.

You win when your faction outnumbers all other players.




Riot (Kraven), Motion Sensing Ability Cop, Maximum Carnage

A great hunter even before the symbiote took you over, the thrill of the chase has never been so much of a riot as it is now. Knowing the capabilities of your target and their ‘popularity’ will help you to identify those your leader, Carnage, should eliminate next.

Each Night, choose a player. You will learn the number of Night actions performed on or by that player (not including your own). You will also learn that player’s ability.

You win when your faction outnumbers all other players.




Hybrid (Chameleon), Framer, Maximum Carnage

Master of disguise in your former life, being able to use a symbiote to create whatever hybrid appearance you desire has almost taken the fun out of deception. Almost.

Each Night, choose a player to frame as Maximum Carnage until the start of the next Day phase. If you are investigated, you will appear as Jolt, Innocent Child, Thunderbolts.

You win when your faction outnumbers all other players.




Toxin (Morbius), Doublevoting Roleblocker, Maximum Carnage

The symbiote flowing through your tainted, vampiric blood has combined with your curse to make you an even more deadly toxin of the streets of New York. Draining the energy from others allows you to grow ever more powerful from the day, instead of hiding from the sun’s terrible light.

Each Night, choose one player to roleblock. If the target chooses to use an ability and you successfully block it, you will gain a doublevote the following Day phase.

You win when your faction outnumbers all other players.




General Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross, Tie-Breaking Executioner, Thunderbolts

As the leader of the Thunderbolts, this operation is under your direct command. Many of the operatives you’ve selected aren’t happy about the assignment, but you’re not here to make people happy—you’re here to do a job.

While you are in the game, if any Day ends with a tied vote, you may choose any of the tied players to be eliminated. If you are eliminated, Days ending with a tied vote count will end without an elimination. Certain roles may not win under any circumstances while you are alive.

You win when Carnage has been eliminated.




Hawkeye, One-Shot Reviver, Thunderbolts

The leader of the Thunderbolts task force, you believe everyone has a shred of goodness in them—even if you have to dig real deep to get to it. That’s why you’re willing to give this mess of misfits a second chance at redemption.

One Night during the game, you may return a player of your alignment to the game. You may not use this ability on General Ross (he doesn’t deserve a second chance).

You win when Carnage has been eliminated.




Songbird, Comparison Cop, Thunderbolts

As a reformed villain, you have a history on both sides of the law. This helps you to reach across the aisle and find out what everybody wants—and how to help them get it.

Each Night, choose two players. You will learn if those players can win with each other. You may not target Carnage.

You win when Carnage is eliminated.




Winter Soldier, Watcher, Thunderbolts

Formerly a Russian double agent and assassin, the Thunderbolts have offered you an opportunity to make right all the wrongs you’ve done over a 75 year career enabled by cryogenic freezing.

Each Night, choose one player to see who targets them during that Night phase.

You win when Carnage has been eliminated.




Moon Knight, Neighborizer, Thunderbolts

A schizophrenic vigilante with a history of violence, some would call your tactics…excessive. But few can argue with the results you put out on the field, so the Thunderbolts have “invited” you to join this operation.

Each Night, you may choose one player. You will be able to talk with that player outside the game thread. You may not use this ability again until your original target is eliminated by any means. Once during the game, you may choose to eliminate your current Neighbor; if you are successful, you will be named in the death writeup and become vanilla for the rest of the game.

You win when Carnage is eliminated.




Deathlok, 3-shot Indecisive Alignment Cop/Vigilante, Thunderbolts

A former soldier modified into one of the world’s greatest killing machines, your existence has been a painful one. Ross conscripted you into the team as a government asset, and as such, you have powers and responsibilities the others don’t.

Each Night, you may choose to either investigate a player’s alignment or eliminate a player. You cannot use the same ability on consecutive Nights. You have three uses of each ability, and then you will become vanilla.

You win when Carnage has been eliminated.




Anti-Venom, Doctor, Thunderbolts

Easily mistaken for your sinister counterparts, your brief existence has been defined by trying to undo their wrongs. Nothing could be more different from Carnage’s aims than protecting your allies.

Each Night, choose one player to protect them from kills. If you target Carnage, you will be eliminated from the game.

You win when Carnage is eliminated.




Penance, Roleblocker, Thunderbolts

Formerly the superhero Speedball, life has taken a number of dark turns for you. Ross promised you a chance to make up for your wrongs and prevent others from committing even greater atrocities.

Each Night, choose one player to roleblock.

You win when Carnage is eliminated.




Iron Patriot, Role Cop, Thunderbolts

Formerly known as Mysterio, General Ross gave you a new codename when he recruited you into the Thunderbolts strike force to take down Carnage. Your new identity doesn’t mean you’re willing to stick your neck out too much for others, however.

Each Night, choose one player. You will learn if that player is a Symbiote or not.

You win if you are alive AND Carnage has been eliminated.




Darkhawk, Developing Ability Thief, Thunderbolts

Formerly known as the Vulture, you gained a new superhero identity after General Ross recruited you into the Thunderbolts team to take back the city from Carnage. That doesn’t mean you’re willing to stick your neck out for anybody, though.

Each Night, you may choose one player who has been eliminated. You will gain their ability (with some exceptions or modifications). You may have up to three abilities at a time; if you choose to take a new ability, you must choose an ability to lose. You may gain both passive and active abilities (with some exceptions), but all count towards your limit of three. Each Night, you may use an ability you have gained instead of gaining a new ability.

You win if you are alive AND Carnage has been eliminated.




Paladin, Gift Giver, Thunderbolts

Gadgets and gizmos are your specialty, since the forces of the universe never saw fit to give you any super powers of your own. Because of that, you’ve become the de facto quartermaster of this motley bunch, distributing equipment instead of using it yourself.

You have multiple items you may hand out to any player of your choice each Day; you may not gift items to yourself. You may gift one item per Day; a player may use the item in addition to their regular Night action, but a roleblock will cancel both. Some items may provide a modifier or additional effect to the target’s current ability or abilities, rather than providing an additional action. Once gifted, an item is ‘used’ and may not be given again until the player who received the item is eliminated. The items are as follows:

-          Cloaking device: the recipient gains the Ninja modifier and cannot be detected by any watch or track abilities.

-          Homing device: the recipient may choose one player. Until that player is eliminated, the recipient will learn each Night who that player visited.

-          DNA Scanner: the recipient may choose one player to learn their alignment. This item is subject to any framing abilities that may be in the game.

-          Kill Switch: the recipient may choose one player. All items held by that player will be permanently destroyed. If that player has three or more items in their possession, they will also be eliminated. (Paladin: this includes you)

-          Police Scanner: the recipient may choose one player to learn whether that player’s Night action was successful. If the player is roleblocked or has no Night action, the scanner is silent.

-          Holographic Projector: the recipient may choose one player. All Night actions targeting the recipient will target that player instead. If an ability cannot be redirected, it will not be affected by this item.

-          Ebony Blade: once during the Day phase, the recipient may choose one other player. That player and the recipient will be the only options for that Day’s vote; all other votes will not count. After using this ability, the item may no longer be given again, even if the recipient is eliminated.

You win when Carnage is eliminated.




Madame Web, Chat Enabling 3-shot Census Taker, Thunderbolts

Formerly known as Spider-Woman, you sacrificed physical sight for the sight beyond sight-knowledge of things hidden to others. On top of this, the spirits of the dead can commune thanks to your presence.

While you are alive, players who are eliminated may continue to participate in their respective chats. Additionally, three times during the game, you may ask the moderator for the number of players left of a specific alignment. This ability cannot be tampered with.

You win when Carnage is eliminated.




Purple Man, Redirecting Mastermind Miller, Purple

A monster of manipulation, the Thunderbolts have brought you onto the team to help out. Unbeknownst to them, you have absolutely no intention of serving anyone but yourself. Really, they should have seen this coming, so it’s their own fault for what’s about to happen to them.

Each Night, choose a player to redirect to a target of your choice. You may redirect players with no Night action; that player will appear as visiting to watch and track abilities. If you are investigated, you will appear as Thunderbolts unless and until General Ross is eliminated.

You may safely fakeclaim Moonstone.

You win if you are alive and Carnage has been eliminated. If General Ross has also been eliminated, you will be the sole winner.


Note: Purple Man could not redirect Carnage or General Ross


Steel Serpent, JOAT Mastermind, The Hand

Once passed over for the mantle of Iron Fist, you have since given over your allegiance to the villainous ninja cult known as The Hand. Infiltrating the Thunderbolts is your way in to New York City to provide The Hand with a potential stronghold in the US from which to achieve their aims—but you wouldn’t mind taking a bit of revenge on your old rival along the way.

You have four Night actions you may use. Every action must be used before you can use any of them again. The abilities are:

-          Investigate Alignment: choose a player to learn their alignment

-          Investigate Ability: choose a player to learn their ability, if any

-          Track: choose a player to learn who they target that Night

-          Bodyguard: choose a player to protect from all Night actions (cannot choose self)

You win when Carnage has been eliminated. If you are alive, you will be the sole winner. You may win with the Maximum Carnage faction if you are alive AND Iron Fist has been eliminated before the game ends.




Iron Fist, Mason Motivator, Hero for Hire

An immortal master of kung fu, you are almost without peer in hand to hand combat; with the power of the Iron Fist, you are practically unstoppable. However, your impact here is in liberating your friends and allies from the tyrannical thumb of General Ross, removing the explosive chips in their heads while encouraging them to do their best.

Each Night, choose one player. That player will be able to perform their Night action, if any, twice the following Night. If you target a member of the Thunderbolts faction, that player will gain your alignment and win condition; however, they will NOT join your mason group. You will not be told if this additional effect occurs.

You may communicate with: Luke Cage

You win when Carnage AND General Ross are eliminated. If Carnage is eliminated while Ross is still in the game, you will lose.




Luke Cage, Macho Bulletproof Mason, Hero for Hire

Nobody knows the streets like you do, and with the help of your ally Iron Fist, it’s time to clean up Carnage’s filth. But you don’t need the government’s pseudo-heroes stepping on your toes; you’ll need to serve as your partner’s voice to be heard and help the people take back control of their lives from General Ross.

You cannot be eliminated during the Night phase. Protective abilities which target you will fail.

You may communicate with: Iron Fist

You win when Carnage AND General Ross are eliminated. If Carnage is eliminated while Ross is still in the game, you will lose.


When Gopher was eliminated the first time, he returned after one phase as:



Red Hulk, Roaming Indecisive Strongman JOAT, HULK

The Thunderbolts may no longer be under your control, but that doesn’t mean the team is gone; on the contrary, now you’re in it! But it’s tough to control the raging beast within—and do you really want to?

You will survive the first attempt to eliminate you by vote. Each Night, you may use one of the following actions. You may not target the same player on consecutive Nights, and you may not use the same ability on consecutive Nights.

-      Roleblock a player of your choice

-       Eliminate a player of your choice

-       PGO to eliminate the first player to visit you this Night phase; if you are targeted for a kill, this ability will target that player instead and the kill against you will be blocked

All of your abilities carry the Strongman modifier and cannot be blocked or protected against. You may be redirected, and any watch or track abilities will still work on you.

You win when the player or players responsible for your elimination as General Ross have themselves been eliminated; they game will not end until you or they are eliminated. If you were Nightkilled, this includes the player who eliminated you and their faction; if you were voted out, this includes all players who voted for you.


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1 minute ago, Blue said:


































Note: Purple Man could not redirect Carnage or General Ross







When Gopher was eliminated the first time, he returned after one phase as:




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6 minutes ago, Blue said:

Deathlok, 3-shot Indecisive Alignment Cop/Vigilante, Thunderbolts


A former soldier modified into one of the world’s greatest killing machines, your existence has been a painful one. Ross conscripted you into the team as a government asset, and as such, you have powers and responsibilities the others don’t.


Each Night, you may choose to either investigate a player’s alignment or eliminate a player. You cannot use the same ability on consecutive Nights. You have three uses of each ability, and then you will become vanilla.


You win when Carnage has been eliminated.


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After reflecting on this - I don't feel bad about this outcome at all. This game lasted what, 8 votes and we voted out town a grand total of zero times

5 votes for carnage and eliminated them in 6 nights, and 3 vote outs of harmful-other

The mastermind who beat us was outed as harmful other and was next on the list, and our only error was voting the bad guys in the wrong order - which was actually the order that made logical sense via our wincon

I can walk away from this feeling like the heroes did a lot of good work..

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Just now, Tk3 said:

After reflecting on this - I don't feel bad about this outcome at all. This game lasted what, 8 votes and we voted out town a grand total of zero times

5 votes for carnage and eliminated them in 6 nights, and 3 vote outs of harmful-other

The mastermind who beat us was outed as harmful other and was next on the list, and our only error was voting the bad guys in the wrong order - which was actually the order that made logical sense via our wincon

I can walk away from this feeling like the heroes did a lot of good work..


town played very well this game considering the amount of scum we needed to kill.

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1 minute ago, Malfatron said:


town played very well this game considering the amount of scum we needed to kill.

not only the amount, but like.. a specific order was required as well, AND the order was counterintuitive to wincons

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