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On 8/30/2023 at 7:32 AM, ramssuperbowl99 said:

What you're saying shows up in the data too. Gen Alpha kids are less interested in football and more interested in soccer anyway.




Obviously the results aren't completely apples to apples. We should expect the gymnastics/swimming numbers to come down, since the kids who watch those sports typically also play them, and the participation rate plummets in those sports once the kids become teens.

But the overall trend the article makes is pretty clear. Kids tend to play the sports that their parents played, so since Millennial and Gen Z parents play less football, fewer of their kids will have those core family memories tied to football, and on it goes.


And this is before Messi in MLS and the World Cup in 2026 which always boosts soccer interest.

Are the colors of the bars creating an illusion for my eyes, or are the teal bars disproportionately longer than the yellow bars? 

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4 hours ago, CBears019 said:

My guess is it did go off, but the security did a lazy pat down without getting all up in those folds and chalked it up to a false positive.  


My question is - how did the Sox not cancel the game when they learned that two people got shot inside their stadium?

More worried about suing McDonalds and Wendys for supplying the fat rolls.

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Where I work, it is tech and construction, to put it very simply. But next door, there is the global headquarters of a very trendy fashion brand. This company has a cafeteria on their campus that is open to the public, but their employees get a discount. It is a really nice cafeteria. It is such a big confidence boost when I go there for lunch about once every 2 weeks and get given the employee discount. I see my coworkers that I walk there with get rung up right in front of me and not get given the discount. It feels really nice.

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I'm in an interesting predicament employment wise. 

I think most know that I'm an underwriter. Recently, a job opportunity came up within my company for a role in the special investigations team. I'm pretty sure that job is mine if I want it. Its a job that involves a ton of research and the like. Lots of solo time. I think I'd enjoy it quite a bit. Minimal stress, think I'd be good at it, very busy work, but also not driven by production as is. I believe they clearly would like to move me into the role. 

Its a very small group in a division that is mandated by the DOJ, so frankly, job security is pretty damn good even if my company had a downswing or something. Especially given that most of them are heading toward retirement time (lots of 20-30 year vets in that division). 

But, salary wise its lateral and I'd wager I take a loss on the bonus end, so in total, I'd say may lose money. I really like money, guys. Like, a lot. 


So I applied for the role...only for the President of Underwriting operations call me after I applied and tell me that while it wasn't public knowledge and asked that I not tell anyone, my boss' boss was taking another role in the company. Which means that one of the underwriting managers would likely take that role and they need a new underwriting manager. He told me that he couldn't guarantee me anything, but that my name is out there and he wanted me "to have all the information I may not know" before making a decision. 

This job undoubtedly comes with a raise and a larger bonus, I have no doubt. If I had to guess, I'd wager a 25-30% increase in pay just based on previous discussions...so it's big.  But I'd say that 20% of that job I would loathe, while 80% of that job I'd like (I do cover for management during the year when they have company management meetings, which typically lasts a week where all managers are not available for work stuff, so i know that there is some stuff I enjoy). 

Unfortunately, the timeline doesn't match up (SIU will likely make me an offer in 2 weeks, I believe and the management job may take 3 months to even post), and of course, I may not get the job. SIU gives me a new wrinkle in the resume in terms of skillset that I can advertise, but management puts me in a higher bucket financially when putting my resume out there. 


So I'm kind of just bouncing back and forth having no idea what the hell way I'm going to go there. 

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15 minutes ago, Forge said:

So I'm kind of just bouncing back and forth having no idea what the hell way I'm going to go there

Do you like your current job enough to stick with it til mgmt job comes up? If the job you applied for is only lateral (or less), I think I’d personally hold out for the one with a 25% raise and better title. 

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18 minutes ago, Forge said:

I'm in an interesting predicament employment wise. 

I think most know that I'm an underwriter. Recently, a job opportunity came up within my company for a role in the special investigations team. I'm pretty sure that job is mine if I want it. Its a job that involves a ton of research and the like. Lots of solo time. I think I'd enjoy it quite a bit. Minimal stress, think I'd be good at it, very busy work, but also not driven by production as is. I believe they clearly would like to move me into the role. 

Its a very small group in a division that is mandated by the DOJ, so frankly, job security is pretty damn good even if my company had a downswing or something. Especially given that most of them are heading toward retirement time (lots of 20-30 year vets in that division). 

But, salary wise its lateral and I'd wager I take a loss on the bonus end, so in total, I'd say may lose money. I really like money, guys. Like, a lot. 


So I applied for the role...only for the President of Underwriting operations call me after I applied and tell me that while it wasn't public knowledge and asked that I not tell anyone, my boss' boss was taking another role in the company. Which means that one of the underwriting managers would likely take that role and they need a new underwriting manager. He told me that he couldn't guarantee me anything, but that my name is out there and he wanted me "to have all the information I may not know" before making a decision. 

This job undoubtedly comes with a raise and a larger bonus, I have no doubt. If I had to guess, I'd wager a 25-30% increase in pay just based on previous discussions...so it's big.  But I'd say that 20% of that job I would loathe, while 80% of that job I'd like (I do cover for management during the year when they have company management meetings, which typically lasts a week where all managers are not available for work stuff, so i know that there is some stuff I enjoy). 

Unfortunately, the timeline doesn't match up (SIU will likely make me an offer in 2 weeks, I believe and the management job may take 3 months to even post), and of course, I may not get the job. SIU gives me a new wrinkle in the resume in terms of skillset that I can advertise, but management puts me in a higher bucket financially when putting my resume out there. 


So I'm kind of just bouncing back and forth having no idea what the hell way I'm going to go there. 

Flip a coin on the decision and then read this after


How you felt at the result of the coin flip would inform your decision


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7 minutes ago, Ty21 said:

Do you like your current job enough to stick with it til mgmt job comes up? If the job you applied for is only lateral (or less), I think I’d personally hold out for the one with a 25% raise and better title. 

Yeah, I don't hate my job at all. I'm one of the best in production,  I make good coin, don't work 40 hours a week but am not exempt so I still get overtime if needed (hasn't been in a while though) and there's so much down time that even when I'm on the clock, I probably only work 5 hours in a day? I usually try to watch a movie or TV shows for a bit

There's a little stress with production and quality, but I haven't had that issue yet, no reason to think I will in the future. Just one of those situations where a very, very small mistake can be very big, and that weighs on you a little. Have to deal with people sometimes, but I get to shovel the truly bad **** to my manager lol

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Just now, Forge said:

Yeah, I don't hate my job at all. I'm one of the best in production,  I make good coin, don't work 40 hours a week but am not exempt so I still get overtime if needed (hasn't been in a while though) and there's so much down time that even when I'm on the clock, I probably only work 5 hours in a day? I usually try to watch a movie or TV shows for a bit

There's a little stress with production and quality, but I haven't had that issue yet, no reason to think I will in the future. Just one of those situations where a very, very small mistake can be very big, and that weighs on you a little. Have to deal with people sometimes, but I get to shovel the truly bad **** to my manager lol

I kinda think keep it

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13 hours ago, Forge said:

Yeah, I don't hate my job at all. I'm one of the best in production,  I make good coin, don't work 40 hours a week but am not exempt so I still get overtime if needed (hasn't been in a while though) and there's so much down time that even when I'm on the clock, I probably only work 5 hours in a day? I usually try to watch a movie or TV shows for a bit

seems like you ought to consider keeping your present job, and waiting for the management position to open up in 2-3 months.

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2 hours ago, candyman93 said:


Fears of a disease outbreak and hypothermia. Multiple people have died already.

Idk what Burning Man is, but lighting yourself on fire sounds like a bad time.

Edit: I looked it up, and that sounds terrible for those people.

Edited by JohnChimpo
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