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33 minutes ago, BayRaider said:

You are correct, it's not a 99.998% survival rate, but it is an extremely high survival rate for those healthy and under 70. These are CDC's own posted numbers:

Age 70+ 94.6% survival rate (pretty bad)

Age 50+ 99.5% survival rate

Under 50 99.97% survival rate

This lines up perfectly with the deaths as well. 

If you are under 50 with no underlying medical conditions and in-shape (overweight is a medical condition even if you are 20lbs overweight), dying from this virus is ridiculously, beyond slim. Almost all of the people that I have been sent a link to that are under 50 are overweight or have a medical condition. Yes, some healthy people under 50 have died, but like I said, that's super beyond rare. 

With that said, it's still a pretty serious virus, I have always been in favor of masking, social distancing, and all of the lockdowns. Although, I wouldn't support anymore future lockdowns at this point. 

If you’re healthy and fit, you should still get vaccinated because it still lowers the chance of being infected by the Delta variant. Which in turn reduces the chance of transmission to others.

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3 hours ago, Xenos said:

The NFL protocol section is pretty interesting if not kind of sad.



I don't buy the "I'm not getting the vaccine because it's not FDA-approved" excuse from anti-vaxxers. BS, you were never gonna get it and won't once it's finally approved in 2023, stop lying to yourself. You want to know how I know that? A lot of these same people are spouting their "Covid is a hoax" delusions of grandeur/flat earther talking points. Otherwise, they wouldn't be more worried about potential side effects than a deadly disease that has killed more people daily for a year straight than 9/11.

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8 minutes ago, KManX89 said:

 lot of these same people are spouting their "Covid is a hoax" delusions of grandeur/flat earther talking points.

If there’s any flat earthers here I’d like to apologize for the intolerance and condescension from many of my fellow round earthers and I want you to know we’re not all like that. Don’t stop being yourself.

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3 hours ago, KManX89 said:

I don't buy the "I'm not getting the vaccine because it's not FDA-approved" excuse from anti-vaxxers. BS, you were never gonna get it and won't once it's finally approved in 2023, stop lying to yourself. You want to know how I know that? A lot of these same people are spouting their "Covid is a hoax" delusions of grandeur/flat earther talking points. Otherwise, they wouldn't be more worried about potential side effects than a deadly disease that has killed more people daily for a year straight than 9/11.

Just be grateful you don’t have to explain it over and over again like Sills does to NFL players lol. Or even a medical professional. I would lose patience so quickly.

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54 minutes ago, DontTazeMeBro said:

If there’s any flat earthers here I’d like to apologize for the intolerance and condescension from many of my fellow round earthers and I want you to know we’re not all like that. Don’t stop being yourself.

thank you

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3 hours ago, KManX89 said:

I don't buy the "I'm not getting the vaccine because it's not FDA-approved" excuse from anti-vaxxers. BS, you were never gonna get it and won't once it's finally approved in 2023, stop lying to yourself. You want to know how I know that? A lot of these same people are spouting their "Covid is a hoax" delusions of grandeur/flat earther talking points. Otherwise, they wouldn't be more worried about potential side effects than a deadly disease that has killed more people daily for a year straight than 9/11.

Ill include @Xenos in this as well...   You know what ive realized, that not everyone who hasnt gotten the vaccine is a dummy or doesnt have a good reason for not getting it. Some are for sure, but when you actually talk to people and have an open mind, and just happen to find someone that isnt vaccinated, tells you exactly why, sometimes you say to yourself "oh, well that makes sense". Its absolutely asinine to make blanket statements about everyone who is unvaccinated. And thats coming from someone who got the double jab months ago. And its the last ill say on the subject.

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1 hour ago, GSUeagles14 said:

Ill include @Xenos in this as well...   You know what ive realized, that not everyone who hasnt gotten the vaccine is a dummy or doesnt have a good reason for not getting it. Some are for sure, but when you actually talk to people and have an open mind, and just happen to find someone that isnt vaccinated, tells you exactly why, sometimes you say to yourself "oh, well that makes sense". Its absolutely asinine to make blanket statements about everyone who is unvaccinated. And thats coming from someone who got the double jab months ago. And its the last ill say on the subject.

Of course, there’s people who actually can’t get vaccinated ie. the immunocompromised and those under 12. There’s also people who can’t get it due to social economical problems, or have true vaccine hesitancy like certain minority groups who were ostracized medically in the past, and need more help. I just spent the last few pages defending that group.

The disdain is for conspiracy theorists, antivaxxers, and just deliberately ignorant people. In terms of the NFL, guys like Cole Beasley have no leg to stand on, and definitely fit under the latter two categories.


Edited by Xenos
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15 hours ago, Xenos said:

Haven’t been following Canada as much lately, but has your government had to do any mandates yet? What about the vaccine passports?

There’s talk but nothing concrete, yet. We have a leader that likes to talk but is short on action.

Previously it was suggested it won’t happen until December. Our illustrious leader wants an election first and that’s what his decisions are based on.

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Looks like mask mandates are coming back around my area. What a joke.

People really don't understand that the vaccine is working. A vaccine isn't bug repellent. It's not meant to stop the virus from getting to you, but more so protect you from it and help your body fight it off. A true breakthrough case in my opinion would be if the virus broke through the vaccine and got you sick and based off of hospitalization/death numbers for vaccinated people, it is doing exactly what it is supposed to do. 

If someone doesn't want to get the shot, fine (I mean, not fine but it's their choice), but expecting people who have done everything right to continue to take precautions for the ones who are only making decisions for themselves is ridiculous. 

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8 hours ago, Xenos said:

Of course, there’s people who actually can’t get vaccinated ie. the immunocompromised and those under 12. There’s also people who can’t get it due to social economical problems, or have true vaccine hesitancy like certain minority groups who were ostracized medically in the past, and need more help. I just spent the last few pages defending that group.

The disdain is for conspiracy theorists, antivaxxers, and just deliberately ignorant people. In terms of the NFL, guys like Cole Beasley have no leg to stand on, and definitely fit under the latter two categories.


nope. you have no idea of Cole Beasleys medical history or what hes been through personally. Maybe hes an idiot, or maybe he has a real reason that hes choosing not to say. 

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9 hours ago, GSUeagles14 said:

Ill include @Xenos in this as well...   You know what ive realized, that not everyone who hasnt gotten the vaccine is a dummy or doesnt have a good reason for not getting it. Some are for sure, but when you actually talk to people and have an open mind, and just happen to find someone that isnt vaccinated, tells you exactly why, sometimes you say to yourself "oh, well that makes sense". Its absolutely asinine to make blanket statements about everyone who is unvaccinated. And thats coming from someone who got the double jab months ago. And its the last ill say on the subject.

I saw the numbers and there are a surprising number of people who haven't gotten vaccinated yet because of access. Not everywhere is like where I am, where they converted shopping malls to vaccination centers and there is a Walgreens or CVS on every corner offering it.

Also, this is crazy, but PCPs aren't offering the shot at their practices? This is a wild concept to me, but there are a lot of people that trust their PCP and only their PCP implicitly with all health related matters. If they were to recommend and offer the shot at their practice, they would take it. But for whatever reason, that isn't happening.

EDIT: Sadly, there are still people who don't believe it is free either, or that they can't get it because they aren't insured. Total failure of messaging there. People going door to door in areas where situations like these are most common could do a lot of good.

Edited by minutemancl
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So I was pretty hesitant to take this vaccine. Number of cases are almost non-exsistent in my surrounding area, but have slowly, recently been on the rise. Anyway, with the delta variant, etc. Making its way I finally decided to go get mine done. Went into Walgreens literally 45min after my decision and was able to get one (Moderna).

This was 3:45pm on Monday. No side effects what so ever the rest of the day. Day two, I go into work and started noticing something going on in my chest occasionally. Oh! I've felt these before, they're heart palpitations/flutters (I had them briefly before when I got diagnosed with Lyme disease last year, they were easily treated with an OTC magnesium supplement that my Dr. recommended). So I continue to work, write it off as something that'll just go away, but I kept feeling it throughout my shift, albeit not very often. Anyway I get home and look up Moderna vaccine + heart palpitations. Well it takes me to the CDC website: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/safety/myocarditis.html

Now maybe the timing is just a coincidence, and I'm overreacting. I've monitored my blood pressure and heart rate (120s/70, 65bpm) so everything is seemingly checking out well in the ticker department. But I'm tempted to call off work today to go get checked out, just in case.

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1 hour ago, GSUeagles14 said:

nope. you have no idea of Cole Beasleys medical history or what hes been through personally. Maybe hes an idiot, or maybe he has a real reason that hes choosing not to say. 

No, it’s pretty clear Beasley’s an idiot. Maybe if he wasn’t so adamantly loud about his opinions online, you can maybe make the case. But sometimes you have to call a spade a spade.

Edit: and please don’t give me that nonsense about medical history. The guy had no problem getting shot up with a painkiller which is more detrimental to his health than a vaccine.

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