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Mayhem Mafia - Game Over - Anarchy (Mafia) Wins!

Slappy Mc

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6 hours ago, Malfatron said:

 @MWil23 if you had one shot, and lets say equal reads, would you hit orca or pickle and why? Had to pick one and only one

I've got to read back real quick, give me a sec, but probably Orca because I owe him double digit payback (not an exaggeration).

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11 hours ago, squire12 said:


Morning scatters in and I am steady like a drug
Feeling out this one
She wakes up smashed as hell and steadies her *** against the rail
And bends before the pounding rain

She had the widest bright ideas all along about my love
And I need this ******* fix and I beg her to pick from
One of a million ways to feel no pain

The morning after bends reflected in and I can hardly stand
The way this whole thing makes me seem
She climbs out from a dream with lungs hardening
She screams a stereo scream
And bends before astounding rain

She's got a system made of metal with magnet bits inside her brain
She opens her box of tricks and begs me to pick from
One of a billion ways to feel no pain

She had the widest bright ideas
That all the world would sleep away until the nightmare ends
Everyone is on
Wait on the end
Hold me uptight, let me breathe now

She had the widest bright ideas
That all the world would sleep away until the nightmare ends
Everyone is on
Wait on the end
Hold me upright, let me breathe now


I can always count on you to indulge me in the 90's music wormhole. Thank you Squire.

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9 hours ago, Slappy Mc said:

The smoke is thick through the city as glimpses of daybreak peak through the smog. Unfortunately more members of this town did not survive the night. I was walking past a local electronics store and Channel 7 News (those pricks) was reporting that the dead body count from the explosion yesterday is up to 10 now. I shake my head and as I pull my hood down lower I see the report from that guy from last night who was beat to death. I start to walk away and a breaking news report pops up. @JBURGE @Ragnarok @Llamalover@VikeManDan and @Tugboat are all dead from injuries sustained during the explosion.


A man was murdered last night while performing his job. @squire12 was found with a gunshot wound to his head. Squire was Tracker, Justice Aligned. "The police are investigating the scene, but we expect with the Mayhem going on, we don't expect this to be the last death in the coming days. And now to @Woz over with Sports."

As I walk away, I am sure that more is going to happen, but I need to find those *******s that stole my ID.

Day 2 has begun. Day 2 will end January 6th at 6:00pm PST.

A Squire D1 hit after Malfatron called his shot as Squire being the Darkhorse?

Anticipation Popcorn GIF

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6 hours ago, Malfatron said:

 @MWil23 if you had one shot, and lets say equal reads, would you hit orca or pickle and why? Had to pick one and only one


6 hours ago, The Orca said:

Orca dead at the end of the day 😪

Bomb go boom boom (so I've been told) 


6 hours ago, Malfatron said:

Yeah i picked up on that. i was trying to get a sense of whether mwil maybe did it based on on his response.


It really depends on how you want to play it. On the one hand, Orca is playing and Pickle is rather inactive, but doing his typical Day 1 gifs and votes thing, which is a null tell early. Orca has made an early claim that may or may not be true, so if you wanted to be safe, you hit Orca on the off chance that he's doing a soft claim gimmick and scum, which worst case scenario results in a redundant kill and not hitting another Townie (if Orca is being truthful).

On the other hand, I'm a "go for broke" person generally speaking, so I'd probably roll the dice...plus if both twins are Town, while I probably look bad, it's at least funny, so going for the lulz factor early would be funny.

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10 hours ago, wolfeyestrk said:

Jeez a guy leaves for a while. venom better to be safe then sorry

@Whicker is right in that BCB has the most questionable vote on Venom, but Wolf has the weirdest and most unnatural thread entrance and vote timing, voting just before the deadline. This looks like a "just in case someone flips their vote" vote based upon where things were at the time. Granted, he COULD be voting to "save himself" in case myself, Josh, SwAg, or BCB flipped to him for the tie since it was 4-2 at the time.

10 hours ago, Slappy Mc said:

Day 1 Vote Count:
(5) Venom - Swag, MWil, Josh, Bcb, Wolf

(2) Wolf - Whicker, Malf

(1) Forge - Nacho

(1) Malf - Venom

(1) Orca - Squire

(1) Swag - Pickle

(1) Josh - Forge

@Venom Sife will be lynched

It is now Night 1. Please send in your moves. You have until 6:32 pm PST before I lock moves in.

Write-up to follow.

10 hours ago, wolfeyestrk said:

Now the fun begins. . . i think . . .how does this thing work again? I cant remember

Why does the fun begin now? And why back off of that and feign not remembering. @wolfeyestrk what was "the fun" that you were referencing mean?

10 hours ago, Slappy Mc said:

Television 90S GIF

Video cuts in
"Ladies and gentlemen this is @Slappy Mc reporting from an undisclosed location. As you are all aware something big is in motion. After the bank robbery yesterday. a nationwide manhunt was started for a group of criminals that got away with two million dollars from Wellshire Bank. As bad as that appears to be, the explosion that happened left more people gravely injured and unfortunately @Raves, @rackcs, @Shady Slim and @gopherwrestler did not survive the blast.  I am still unable to come out of hiding for fear of my own life, both from the law and whoever stole my ID card."

In the distance there is some shouting, "I know it was you!" "Show me your ID!" The sound of pleading is followed by the gut-wrenching sounds of violence and then it is silent. I decided to sneak around to see what the commotion was about. I peaked around the corner and there was a badly beaten man who was on his last breaths. The man looked at me said, "I was just trying to explain..." The man lost consciousness and his last breath drained from his body. Clutched in his hand was his ID card. It read, @Venom Sife, Twin - Justice Aligned. Just as I was sneaking back into the shadows, a panicked man's voice ruptures the silence as he cries out, "My TWIN! MY TWIN!!! NOOOO! PLEASE NOT MY TWIN!" 

It is getting dark and this city doesn't feel safe anymore. I need to go into hiding. I will try to catch you all up tomorrow on anything else I find. Please be safe. God bless.

Not the writeup and timing of this late day push. Very close.

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9 hours ago, Slappy Mc said:

A man was murdered last night while performing his job. @squire12 was found with a gunshot wound to his head. Squire was Tracker, Justice Aligned. 


9 hours ago, Slappy Mc said:

Also, @squire12 has returned to the game to replace @Daboyle


7 hours ago, Malfatron said:

Your inability to understand me is truly astounding


You Dont Understand Season 4 GIF by The Good Place

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1 hour ago, MWil23 said:

@Whicker is right in that BCB has the most questionable vote on Venom, but Wolf has the weirdest and most unnatural thread entrance and vote timing, voting just before the deadline. This looks like a "just in case someone flips their vote" vote based upon where things were at the time. Granted, he COULD be voting to "save himself" in case myself, Josh, SwAg, or BCB flipped to him for the tie since it was 4-2 at the time.

Why does the fun begin now? And why back off of that and feign not remembering. @wolfeyestrk what was "the fun" that you were referencing mean?

Not the writeup and timing of this late day push. Very close.

From what I remember of Wolf, I think you’re giving too much credit here. 

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