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Mayhem Mafia - Game Over - Anarchy (Mafia) Wins!

Slappy Mc

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"Ladies and gentlemen this is @Slappy Mc reporting from a city in ruin. The air is so dense with smoke that *cough* I can barely breathe. *cough* I don't know how much information I can *cough* report. I have a feeling this town is past the point of no return. *cough* I need to... find... shelter. *cough* There has been a couple developments that I *cough* want to tell you about *cough* before I go. Another explosion happened today *cough* killing a bunch of people. Some of them *cough* I am not too upset about. A man with a *cough* bomb strapped to his chest went into the Channel 7 *cough* news building and blew the place to Timbuktu. Good riddance. @theuntouchable exploded, he was the Redirector, Anarchy Aligned. *deep breath* Shortly after that with the city in complete disarray, a bunch of bystanders decided they were tired of Christmas as much as I am and mercilessly beat a man dressed in Santa garb, who was passing out gifts, to death. @JoshstraDaymus was Gift Giver, Justice Aligned. I can't breathe... Everything is... so... blurry... Stay... safe..."

Moves have until 6pm tonight to get in. If I receive them early, I will end night.

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Sirens ring out in the city. The sounds of gunfire and explosions overshadow the cries of people having their entire existence turned upside down. Bodies can be seen in unimaginable positions on sidewalks, on top of cars, in trees and dangling from buildings. Several cars remain burning and the once peaceful city lay in ruins. When the smoke clears only a small group of people remain, walking down the middle of the road. They don soot covered, blood soaked clothes that could pass for something forced through a paper shredder. A subtle laugh can be heard followed by triumphant chatter. They have survived...

The six people that had been strangers not even days before each looked at each other in astonishment at the madness that had transpired over the past 4 days. As they proceeded past the "Now Leaving Mayhem, the friendliest town in America," an explosion that was far worse than anything they had experienced in the past 4 days erupted from the heart of the city. @TheKillerNacho had exacted his revenge. The city that he felt alienated from since his mother, who was so beloved, passed away seemingly turned their backs on him by not even coming to her funeral. He swore they would pay for their slight, tonight he finished the job himself. He walked straight into the local police station and pulled the final pin he would ever pull. No one could survive an explosion of that magnitude. @ET80 (my **** boss and Cultist extraordinaire) @jasonwbantle (the nosy watcher from my job), @titans0021 (the janitor the no-one wanted to be), @Hockey5djh (the local coroner that really likes talking about auto-erotic asphyxiation), @Blahstoise (probably the nicest coworker that takes extra donuts everyday), @Dr LBC (the other tracker that ET hired to keep an eye out for talent on Cult Paradise), @N4L (the other cop that didn't make the cut into the story) and @TheKillerNacho the Bomb Maker, Chaos Aligned.

After the explosion, there were no more screams, there was no more gunfire. The city lay in ruins. The people turn around to continue their escape and suddenly 3 people are staring at 3 people. @Forge the Coward, @ny92mike the Twin and @SwAg the Watcher were all looking down the barrels of three pistols from @Dome the Framer, @The Orca the Concealer and @Whicker the Counterfeit Gift Giver pull their triggers for the last time. Forge, Mike and Swag were all Justice Aligned. The last three survivors all belong to Anarchy Alignment and have won the day.



Thank you all for playing and I hope you enjoyed the game.

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