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WWE Faction Wars game - OVW, The Fiend, and Batista WIN


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Don't mind me... just stealing tag lists....


Stray Stories — I've been trying to piece this together for ages...

This game will pit 5 'factions' or teams of 5 against each other vying for titles.



Factions win when they hold 5 championships at one time. No player can hold more than one title at a time. Titles can change hands based on roles and abilities given to each. However the main way they are won is via matches.

Matches are set up at random by the host but also by certain roles. There will be multiple matches within a Day period. Matches will be decided based on triggering a finisher. Players will vote for a competitor in the match but can't vote on a match in which their faction is apart of. These votes will trigger finishers in specific ways. Some roles will be better matchups against others.


There will also be 4 major events; The Royal Rumble, Elimination Chamber, Money in The Bank Ladder match, and Survivor series.

Royal Rumble Elimination Chamber MITB Ladder Match Surivor Series
all men plus Chyna and Beth are entered Host will randomly select title holder to defend Each faction selects up to 2 non-title holders to enter Faction with most titles vs Faction with least
order of entry randomized by me each factions selects 1 non-title holder to enter there will be periodic rounds of trivia questions factions decide their orders ahead of time
you get eliminated when you are the last one in the ring to respond to my alarm entry order selected at random first competitor with ten correct answers grabs the breifcase no tags, match will start with competitors in first position
new competitors enter the ring every 15 minutes Majority vote for those INSIDE the chamber are elminated Briefcase can be cashed in as a move and used on any match that took place to change the outcome to you winning the title even if you werent in the match vote per usual match - factions in the match can't vote
Elmination alarms will be random When we reach the final two, the competitor with the most votes against but survived to final 2 wins   As 1 person goes down the next comes up to face whoever won that round
winner gets shot at WWE or World Heavyweight title Winner gets title and does not have to defend for 2 days   Faction loses when they don't have anyone left
      If faction with most titles wins, they do not have to defend the next day
      If faction with least titles wins, all titles for losing faction are vacated



2. This will not be balanced and will probably be swingy, you've been warned.

3. To vote for someone, type their name in bold. Color should preferably be the "Automatic" color on the forum, and a normal font size. Matches will be decided periodically throughout the day when finisher are proc'd, however nothing is final until night moves are processed!

4. When a finisher is proc'd I will announce the finisher being performed but I will not announce a winner. After a finisher procs all votes for that match are locked. 

5. Day Phases will last 24 hours, unless my schedule demands otherwise. Deadline should always be around 9 PM ET (8PM CT), but not necessarily. The thread title should contain the actual deadline. Also, due to having IRL priorities, I may take my sweet old time processing night and the subsequent writeups. There are a LOT of moves that can be made that will effect match outcomes, so please be patient with me as I am sorting through it. 

6. If there is a match in which a finisher does not proc it will likely end in a draw with 'time expiring'. Moves may still decide this match, however if a draw is maintained after night moves are processed the title simply does not change hands. Both players can participate in matches the next day. 

7. Match losers will not be able to participate in matches the next day. If your role is a match maker and you attempt to put someone who lost into a match the next day your move will fail. 

Night Phase Rules:

1. After night is called, players will have 30 minutes to send in their moves via PM, then they are locked. There is no penalty for sending in night moves during the day phase; in fact, you should send them in early if possible.

2. You can change submitted moves at any time prior to the night deadline, but please do so via a new PM, rather than editing your previous one.

3. You are allowed to post during the night, but do not post any results from that night’s actions before the night has ended.

4. Night actions and items do have a certain priority assigned, but the details of this will not be revealed during the course of play. However, to quote TKN, the notion that "anything that can be assumed to happen at the same time does" is a core principal.

General Rules:

1. You may edit posts you made in the last 5 minutes to fix typos or to add something but do not edit any post except your latest post, and do not add, remove, or change a vote. Do not abuse this, either.

2. Do not communicate or discuss the game outside of this thread without explicit permission.

3. You are allowed to claim your name and/or power but copy/pasting the contents of your PM is not allowed. You may summarize it in your own words. 

4. Please keep your hidden talent to yourself throughout the game, even among your faction.

5. Please put a decent effort into remaining active (posting at least three times per day phase) throughout the game. 

6. I understand it has become a trend on this site to fail to open your Role PM or join your scum chat or whatever. This is unacceptable for my games, so if you intend to do this don't sign up. If you fail to open your Role PM or join your scum chat within the first Day of the game, I will replace

7. Playing blatantly contrary to your win condition (game throwing) will not be tolerated. If I feel that you are guilty of this, you will be replaced 

8. Please treat all fellow players with respect and courtesy. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.


Sign Ups!

We NEED 25 for this game to run properly, please tag away to fill er up!

1. @Malfatron

2. @rackcs

3. @gopherwrestler

4. @bcb1213

5. @Slappy Mc

6. @MWil23

7. @ET80

8. @Daboyle

9. @JoshstraDaymus

10. @DrDoomIQ

11. @Matts4313

12. @TheKillerNacho

13. @Pickle Rick

14. @Nazgul

15. @Forge

16. @The Orca

17. @biggio7

18. @TedLavie

19. @Ragnarok

20. @Whicker


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