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Jameis Winston Under NFL Investigation


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2 hours ago, cddolphin said:

Most hardcore NFL fans would probably recognize Jameis' face. Casual fans, less likely. Someone who lives around FSU would probably be pretty likely as well. This was a young female (not exactly typical NFL demo *usually*) who lived in Arizona, meaning it wouldn't exactly be surprising if she didn't recognize him as Jameis Winston NFL QB.

My point being, his identity had to be announced to her. Just comes off strange to me is all.

I watch football all the time. With the exception of a few players, if they don't have on a jersey, I have no clue who they are.
...kinda like Kareem Abdul Jabbar in Airplane, I suppose.

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4 hours ago, cddolphin said:

This is the part of the story I find a little odd:

Does a star athlete's entourage always advertise his presence unnecessarily? Then Winston was 'placed' alone in the car to be taken home, no women or homies with him? The driver likely wouldn't have recognized Winston if his identity hadn't been announced to her, you can tell from the way her complaint was written:

It said 2am. Good chance they were drunk. In which case, yes. I could absolutely see them running their mouths like that. Even if they’re sober. They’re members of an entourage. I could imagine them telling every single person they meet they know him. If it’s even his entourage. I didn’t read that. I could also see her pulling up, asking a bunch of people if any of them are Jameis and them being like, “holy F, you’re driving Jameis Winston, he’s here.” I did some pickups at a bar Kelly Slater was at. Everyone made a big deal about it. Ive been sexually harassed quite a few times doing Uber(not complaining.) Really can’t even imagine what it’s like for females doing it. Everything about this story sounds believable to me 

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6 hours ago, Hunter2_1 said:

Hmm, homophobia and sexual assault. Doubly whammy. Disgusting individual, hope the NFL throw the book at him.

You cannot teach stupid.


Edit: if true 

Wait for the evidence. Unless you're name is Roger, then tell you're lead investigator to go to Six Flags, have fun then come straight back with a report incriminating him. 

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Three things that make it less likely Jameis gets the Zeke treatment and more like Landry:

1.  No photo or video evidence.  The photo evidence really hurt Zeke’s initial claims the injuries were from waiting tables or a recent bar brawl.  

2.  The discrepancy in Uber Voice Mail that says he or his companion were responsible for the incident.  This gives him an easy out for one of his entourage to take the fall. 

3.  While his college days were highly publicized other than a really dumb speech to school kids he’s stayed out of trouble (and of course that chump move vs. NO that got Evans in trouble, he was the main culprit TBH, no business starting that trouble) in the NFL.  

If there is video or photo evidence then the tide turns and he’s in trouble to be treated like Zeke.   But if a Jameis entourage guy takes the fall (or really was responsible) with no photo / video and the Uber VM I doubt this goes anywhere. 

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Talent has never been the issue for Winston, decision making has been.... on and off the field apparently. If he is innocent I hope he gets complete validation of that, but I'm not betting on him being completely innocent.

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4 hours ago, Sugashane said:

Talent has never been the issue for Winston, decision making has been.... on and off the field apparently. If he is innocent I hope he gets complete validation of that, but I'm not betting on him being completely innocent.

At this point in his NFL career, I'm starting to wonder if talent is an issue. Sure, his decision making has always been suspect, but I'm not liking a whole lot from what I see from him on the field period. 

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