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TNF: Miami @ Cincinnati

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39 minutes ago, JAF-N72EX said:

I only asked for your opinion and you quoted someone else as your entire answer. I see your new here and so here's some words of advice. This forum derives on discussions regarding different opinions from each user and when you simply just quote someone else without saying anything then you're not really stating an opinion or opening up any sort of discussion.

If you feel the same way, that's fine. But can you at least try to elaborate a bit more next time to try and further the conversation? That's it. No big deal. Just mentioning it is all.

My opinion is the same.

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3 hours ago, y*so*blu said:

We need a Howard Cosell at times like this. That guy kept it real.

For better or worse, this isn't the 1970's anymore though where you can be super critical and get away with it. If Al Michaels went rogue he'd just get warned by his new employer Amazon after they get pressured by the NFL, and/or fired. 

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3 hours ago, y*so*blu said:

They're showing the postgame presser now. McDaniel sounds like such a weasel. Stammering nonsense about how he'd never knowingly put a player in harm's way, and how he's sure an injury "from last week" (four days ago) had nothing to do with this, blah blah blah.

I wouldn't let that guy run a lemonade stand.

Considering their owner and the way they treated Flores, I'm definitely not a big fan of Miami regardless of division rivalry.

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“I don’t believe an injury last [Sunday] made him fall the same way [Thursday]. I do not have any, like absolutely zero patience for — or will ever — put a player in a position for them to be in harm’s way. That is not what I’m about at all, and no outcome of a game would ever influence me being irresponsible as the head coach of a football team…And as long as I’m the head coach, that will never be an issue that you guys have to worry about.”


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In rugby, which is about as similar a sport to football in the world, if a player shows signs of a head injury (wobbly on feet, dazed, that kind of thing) - they go off for a Head Injury Assessment. They often don't pass, and they're declared to have concussion. Then there's a mandatory 2 week rest for the player. If they have a number of these, they are forced to sit longer periods of time.

Tua last week being wobbly on his feet and stumbling would have flagged him for a HIA. If it was anything remotely like a head injury, he was sitting 2 games. 

I feel so sorry for him, and hope it isn't as serious as it looks. I just can't help feel like it could be avoided if the NFL just placed slightly more emphasis on resting head injured players. Take them out the firing line for a bit. It has show to help, in rugby at least

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4 hours ago, kokichi said:

Serious replies only: how many weeks is Tua out? <in your estimation>

3-4 weeks?

Not looking for sarcastic replies here on how he will be back next week

At least rest of the season.

Hopefully it doesn't end his career like Shazier. That's how serious it looks, anyway.

If it's just a concussion, then they'll rush him back after 1 game out probably. The way the NFL is.

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8 hours ago, JAF-N72EX said:

The man just got you to the SB for the first time in ~25 years and your calling for his head 3 games later?

Marvin Lewis: never wins a playoff game; keep him for decades.

Zac Taylor: gets to SB in second year, “only” starts 2-2 in third year; must be fired.

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8 hours ago, Yin-Yang said:

I don’t know, man. I’ll defer to your take, but it seems like we hardly ever see coaches that suck at X’s and O’s/game planning, win championships. Kubiak technically, but Peyton was that guy. Same with Arians. Caroll, I guess? Shrug, my gut says they’re better off moving on.

Speaking generally (which is why I didn’t include that poster in my post). My point stands as that opinion is out there. Exhibit 1 ^

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