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NFL suspends 5 players for gambling


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2 minutes ago, AZ_Eaglesfan said:

I just don't really understand how the rule accomplishes anything. I agree it is easy not to break, but that doesn't make it a good thing. But I am probably being narrow-sighted here somehow.

It's so easy it's stupid.

You're a player in the NFL (coach, staffer I dont know....) - DONT bet on NFL games.  Easy. Dont do it.
You want to bet on other sports/games (?) - do it from home (or anywhere not affiliated with the NFL).

Easy. As. Pie.

Have some *personal discipline* - especially, over something as easy as this.

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Just now, Leader said:

It's so easy it's stupid.

You're a player in the NFL (coach, staffer I dont know....) - DONT bet on NFL games.  Easy. Dont do it.
You want to bet on other sports/games (?) - do it from home (or anywhere not affiliated with the NFL).

Easy. As. Pie.

Have some *personal discipline* - especially, over something as easy as this.

I agree.

That doesn't make it a good rule.

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Other sports in countries where sports betting has always been a thing have similar rules for not better on the sport you’re involved in.

At least here, the players are generally smart enough to have someone else do their online betting for them.

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7 minutes ago, AFlaccoSeagulls said:

Rule is beyond stupid, especially for how much the NFL and every other league is promoting gambling. That being said, it's also very easy to just not place bets while at the team facility.

When we were an NCAA affiliate team, despite being baseball, we weren't even allowed to fill out a March Madness bracket or we would have risked losing eligibility. It sucked, but those were the rules...so I personally have 0 sympathy for any professional athlete. Yes, it's absolutely hypocritical by the league, but it is what it is.

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2 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

When we were an NCAA affiliate team, despite being baseball, we weren't even allowed to fill out a March Madness bracket or we would have risked losing eligibility. It sucked, but those were the rules...so I personally have 0 sympathy for any professional athlete. Yes, it's absolutely hypocritical by the league, but it is what it is.

Same when I was an NCAA athlete. We couldn't do anything March Madness related because it was considered gambling and strictly forbidden. Our coach had to repeat his speech every year to make sure everyone understood it. Couldn't do anything for the Superbowl or things like that either where anyone is winning money.

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Just now, AFlaccoSeagulls said:

Same when I was an NCAA athlete. We couldn't do anything March Madness related because it was considered gambling and strictly forbidden. Our coach had to repeat his speech every year to make sure everyone understood it. Couldn't do anything for the Superbowl or things like that either where anyone is winning money.

Also couldn't be given cream cheese for bagels.


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37 minutes ago, mse326 said:

My only guess was this is a relic of when bets were more often going to be between you and bookie rather than through a regulated gambling site, but it should be eliminated or at least narrowed to that type of situation

Yep, makes sense in the 80's. You don't want every Pete Rose with a personal bookie hanging out in a locker room because that's how cheating scandals happen. But in 2023, with every bet being placed online these guys are effectively suspended because the NFL doesn't get that WiFi is everywhere.


And my god can Q not catch a break. It's approaching Final Destination territory.

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16 minutes ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

Yep, makes sense in the 80's. You don't want every Pete Rose with a personal bookie hanging out in a locker room because that's how cheating scandals happen. But in 2023, with every bet being placed online these guys are effectively suspended because the NFL doesn't get that WiFi is everywhere.


And my god can Q not catch a break. It's approaching Final Destination territory.

Caveat for me personally:

In no way, shape, or form should these guys ever be able to place a bet for or against their own team. Not betting is the same as betting, and to me, that's a huge red flag that opens up a huge can of worms.

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