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Sashi fired


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8 minutes ago, hornbybrown said:

On my phone and I’m a dumb operator of this smart phone so don’t know how to quote.

Sashi just realeased a statement. Basically  took some responsibility for the record, but said the team is well set up to turn it around and that will be a bitter sweet moment 

Yeah well I’ll make sure I give him credit. 


Like i matter :|

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It’s ok sashi. We all know that Hue was supposed to be the QB whisperer and you took his advice when it came to the draft. You have given us some young talent to work with. You’ve been a saint in my eyes. Don’t see this as you being fired. View it as you being removed from this burning pile of dog ?.  We will see you soon. 



As for Hue “I’m not going to take responsibility for my horrible team, that sucks, but seems to have talent” Jackson. I hope you follow suit my friend. I had all the faith in the world. Two miserable years later and you have Joe Thomas talking about maybe not coming back, QBs talking about staying in school to avoid playing for you. GTFO.  You are a pariah. And you’re sitting there like this guy.


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Here's Sashi Brown's last two NFL Drafts. Our of his 24 picks, 20 might be multi-year NFL contributors.

That's an ABSURD success rate. Plus, they have 2018 Draft 1st and two 2nds coming.

If not for ownership, this would be the most coveted GM job in recent memory. #Browns



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51 minutes ago, CBrownsman said:

There was no guarantee , but it makes sense, when building a team from the ground up, to not waist valuable assets in the draft unless you are sure of them.

Gah its so easy to look back right now and say "You're dumb for not taking Wentz or Watson" but 1 you don't know that they would have worked out with what everyone seems to be enjoying calling a talent-less roster.  and 2 they were not a sure thing when they came out anyway...

We could have just as easily ended up with Blake Bortles and Paxton Lynch and hind site people would be complaining that they took QB's too early, or they suck at evaluating.

They could have taken Wentz or Watson and if they didn't pan out everyone would be screaming for being the same old browns and sucking at evaluating talent.  (Hue has not made the system easier for a QB success in cleveland when thats all philly and Houston have been doing to acclimate their players to the league, take some time and listen to Cian Fayhe if you need convincing)

We spent time acquiring assets, and the idea that there is a higher chance you pick good players with more draft picks than Just 1 makes a lot of sense, and is a good way to build a team.  It might mean the team takes a while to build, but everyone says building through the draft is how to create a successful team, and that is exactly what we have been doing.

Also you had a great time bashing sashi for drafting poorly in his two years...But please tell me how our previous regimes have been better? Please tell me you think this list of first rounders from 2011 - 2015

Phil Taylor, Trent Richardson, Brandon Weeden, Barkevious Mingo, Justin Gilbert, Danny Shelton and Cam Erving

Are better than who this current regime drafted in the last 2 years

Corey Coleman, Myles Garrett, Jabril Peppers, David Njoku

Please tell me how the free agent signings and trades have been better

Tell me how Dante Whitner,  Karlos Dansby, Dwayne Bowe, Paul Kruger, Desmond Bryant, Myles Austin, Andrew Hawkins, Randy Starks, and Tramon Williams were all players that were moving us in the right direction...

And how Jamie Collins, Jamar Taylor, Jason McCourty, JC Tretter, Kenny Britt, Brandon Colquitt and Kevin Zeitler are all garbage.

1 - Hindsight is 20-20 and your comparing apples to oranges with QB's.  No they haven't drafted one but we are certainly set up to do so now

2 - this is not a talent-less roster, its a ridiculously young roster with little help from coaching

3 - The drafts may not have produced constant pro-bowlers but its only been 2 years and its been better than we have

4 - You're happy now right? we got rid of the guy you thought sucked? can you please just enjoy it and not jump all over everyone else for being upset.  Enjoy the fact that we have a young team that could be promising, and the #1 draft pick in a draft that seems littered with good QB's so you will get what you want now right? We have 120 million and the new GM will spend that money to bring in difference makers right? we have 6 picks in the top 65 that we can use to get more players with someone who has to be able to draft better than sashi right? Just enjoy it!


Tell me how all the players you mentioned that are currently on the roster have helped us to just one win in the last year and a half?  We may very well have a fraud as our head coach right now, but It gets old hearing about how we should be better, and that it's ALL HUE's fault that we haven't won.  It's not.  He should absolutely face blame, and maybe even be fired also. 

I look at the guys that we drafted in the Ray Farmer era, and even before, and I could tell immediately that they weren't very good players for the most part.  However, everyone says....you gotta give it a couple years.  There were several on here preaching patience with guys like Gilbert, Manziel, Weeden.

I see the guys we drafted, and many of them look like JAG's.  Nassib...Ogbah...Coleman....you guys go ahead and preach patience, and talk about how they are earth movers.  In a few years, they will be akin to Mingo, Orchard, and Little.

I want the GM that recognized how good Wentz would be

I want the GM that recognized how good Watson would be

I want the GM that would make a play for Jimmy Garropolo

All I keep hearing from the Hue haters is that he is solely responsible for our QB situation, and Sashi is blameless.  Sashi cleared cap space...Sashi accumulated picks

What has all that cap space done for us, besides keeping us at the bottom of the NFL?

What has all the trading down done for us, besides passing up on guys like Zeke, Bosa, Wentz?


You wanna win in this league???  Get a QB

No sane person could have envisioned us being this bad in year 3 of a rebuild.  We are lucky as F that we are sooooo bad in year 3, that we will potentially be able to get the QB of our choice in the draft.  I'm sure everyone can blame Hue for whoever that is, and the new GM will be blameless too, if it doesn't work out.  If the guy is a stud, everyone will say thanks to the almighty Sashi....he set us up.



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21 minutes ago, big poppa pump said:

I see the guys we drafted, and many of them look like JAG's.  Nassib...Ogbah...Coleman....you guys go ahead and preach patience, and talk about how they are earth movers.  In a few years, they will be akin to Mingo, Orchard, and Little.

I want the GM that recognized how good Wentz would be

I want the GM that recognized how good Watson would be

I want the GM that would make a play for Jimmy Garropolo

All I keep hearing from the Hue haters is that he is solely responsible for our QB situation, and Sashi is blameless.  Sashi cleared cap space...Sashi accumulated picks

What has all that cap space done for us, besides keeping us at the bottom of the NFL?

What has all the trading down done for us, besides passing up on guys like Zeke, Bosa, Wentz?


You wanna win in this league???  Get a QB

No sane person could have envisioned us being this bad in year 3 of a rebuild.  

You are literally just spewing nonsensical garbage at this point. And I mean that not as a personal issue, I usually like your posts just fine, but as taking issue with the assertions in your posts on this specific topic. Let's go point by point.

"You say there's talent but we have no wins!!!!" - Yep. That's about it. We have the worst QB/WR group that I can remember anywhere in the league in the last 3-4 years in a league where passing is the name of the game these days.

"It's year three!" - It's actually year two. And we had an ATROCIOUS, OLD roster when they got here. You can have an old roster and be good, you can have a bad roster and be set up to get better if you're young. If you're old AND atrocious, that's a special brand of terrible. So they spent two years getting rid of turds, and building as much capital as humanly possible to get younger, and we did.

"Ogbah's a JAG!" - This one makes me wonder if you really know this stuff at all. Ogbah has missed a couple games now since ending the year with an injury. He still has the 11th most tackles at or behind the line of scrimmage of ANY PLAYER IN THE LEAGUE. DE's, OLB's, DT's combined, he is top 12 in plays behind the line of scrimmage. Give him that extra game and extrapolate and he'd be top 5.

"Good GM's knew Wentz and Watson would be great!" - This is just stupid horse turds everywhere. Did ONE of us on here love both those guys? @MWil23 was pretty much the ONLY Watson supporter, and I would note, the guy blew and ACL in less than half a season! If we'd drafted him and done that half of us would be yelling about how drafting a running QB is a risk and we should've been smarter! QB's have high bust rates, so I don't give a crap what you "want", I care about what is "realisitic" and it's not realistic to expect a FO to hit on every pick.

"WE should've got Garoppolo!" - Did you even like the guy in the draft? His first couple seasons in the league? Or did one good game convince you that we missed the future here? I LOVE Garoppolo and have since before most of this forum knew he existed. I AM the original Jimmy G fanboy. And you need to get it through your head that WE COULDN'T GET HIM. MULTIPLE credible media reports (important to figure out credibility on these things) said that HE didn't want to be here and that Bellichick didn't want him in the AFC, on the Browns, or in a spot that would make him, and by extension his agent, pissed. We. Couldn't. Get. Him. Which makes me furious because I would've given up our 2nd and 3rd for him in a blink. But it is what it is and wishing it weren't doesn't do jack squat.

"We should have Zeke Bosa and Wentz!!!" - We could've only got one dude. Come on. Just. Come on. And once we moved down from Wentz Zeke and Bosa both went before our next pick. Would you have liked us to stay at #8? We could've had world beaters Vernon Hargreaves or Eli Apple. Earlier picks don't automatically work out just because they're earlier. Better chance, sure, but hindsight is 20/20 and FO's don't have that privilege. They have to maximize their chances with what they know.

"Cap space no good without wins!" - YES! For sure! But what wins are you looking for? You want to spend that cap to go from 1 win to 5. That's dumb! We just get a 5-7 pick instead of a #1 pick. We miss out on BOTH the opportunity to move out of #1/2 for a haul (2016) OR to stay and get the top guy (2017). And for what? So we can suck a little more respectably? I've been saying it since 2016. This rebuild was DESIGNED for us to suck in 2016/17 and THEN to go draft happy this year, pay for 3-5 GOOD YOUNG FA's (not the turds you get when you spend just to spend) AND to have the money left to resign our best guys coming off of rookie deals (look at the extensions for Kirksey, Collins, etc.) 

None of your points make sense other than, "I hate losing, current FO loses, get rid of current FO." And that's just ridiculous when everyone who knows what they're talking about has universally said that the greatest weakness of this team since coming back into the league is a lack of consistency. And that happens because guys (owners and fans) look at a team, it's not winning after 1-2 years and they scream to dump it.

We need a QB, and we need consistency. We had a FO with a track record of overall very solid drafting (through two years), and the #1 pick, and we dumped the consistency because we hadn't gotten a QB yet when the plan was clearly to get stop gaps/lottery tickets until this year when we'd get, "the guy".

I would've been fine say, "Sashi, Andrew, we want to make this QB decision right. So we're going to bring in a guy with a successful track record drafting QB's to supervise." I'd get it! I'd be in.

This decision guaranteed that you WON'T get that guy. Not with itchy trigger finger Haslam at the helm.

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15 minutes ago, freakygeniuskid said:

You are literally just spewing nonsensical garbage at this point. And I mean that not as a personal issue, I usually like your posts just fine, but as taking issue with the assertions in your posts on this specific topic. Let's go point by point.

"You say there's talent but we have no wins!!!!" - Yep. That's about it. We have the worst QB/WR group that I can remember anywhere in the league in the last 3-4 years in a league where passing is the name of the game these days.

"It's year three!" - It's actually year two. And we had an ATROCIOUS, OLD roster when they got here. You can have an old roster and be good, you can have a bad roster and be set up to get better if you're young. If you're old AND atrocious, that's a special brand of terrible. So they spent two years getting rid of turds, and building as much capital as humanly possible to get younger, and we did.

"Ogbah's a JAG!" - This one makes me wonder if you really know this stuff at all. Ogbah has missed a couple games now since ending the year with an injury. He still has the 11th most tackles at or behind the line of scrimmage of ANY PLAYER IN THE LEAGUE. DE's, OLB's, DT's combined, he is top 12 in plays behind the line of scrimmage. Give him that extra game and extrapolate and he'd be top 5.

"Good GM's knew Wentz and Watson would be great!" - This is just stupid horse turds everywhere. Did ONE of us on here love both those guys? @MWil23 was pretty much the ONLY Watson supporter, and I would note, the guy blew and ACL in less than half a season! If we'd drafted him and done that half of us would be yelling about how drafting a running QB is a risk and we should've been smarter! QB's have high bust rates, so I don't give a crap what you "want", I care about what is "realisitic" and it's not realistic to expect a FO to hit on every pick.

"WE should've got Garoppolo!" - Did you even like the guy in the draft? His first couple seasons in the league? Or did one good game convince you that we missed the future here? I LOVE Garoppolo and have since before most of this forum knew he existed. I AM the original Jimmy G fanboy. And you need to get it through your head that WE COULDN'T GET HIM. MULTIPLE credible media reports (important to figure out credibility on these things) said that HE didn't want to be here and that Bellichick didn't want him in the AFC, on the Browns, or in a spot that would make him, and by extension his agent, pissed. We. Couldn't. Get. Him. Which makes me furious because I would've given up our 2nd and 3rd for him in a blink. But it is what it is and wishing it weren't doesn't do jack squat.

"We should have Zeke Bosa and Wentz!!!" - We could've only got one dude. Come on. Just. Come on. And once we moved down from Wentz Zeke and Bosa both went before our next pick. Would you have liked us to stay at #8? We could've had world beaters Vernon Hargreaves or Eli Apple. Earlier picks don't automatically work out just because they're earlier. Better chance, sure, but hindsight is 20/20 and FO's don't have that privilege. They have to maximize their chances with what they know.

"Cap space no good without wins!" - YES! For sure! But what wins are you looking for? You want to spend that cap to go from 1 win to 5. That's dumb! We just get a 5-7 pick instead of a #1 pick. We miss out on BOTH the opportunity to move out of #1/2 for a haul (2016) OR to stay and get the top guy (2017). And for what? So we can suck a little more respectably? I've been saying it since 2016. This rebuild was DESIGNED for us to suck in 2016/17 and THEN to go draft happy this year, pay for 3-5 GOOD YOUNG FA's (not the turds you get when you spend just to spend) AND to have the money left to resign our best guys coming off of rookie deals (look at the extensions for Kirksey, Collins, etc.) 

None of your points make sense other than, "I hate losing, current FO loses, get rid of current FO." And that's just ridiculous when everyone who knows what they're talking about has universally said that the greatest weakness of this team since coming back into the league is a lack of consistency. And that happens because guys (owners and fans) look at a team, it's not winning after 1-2 years and they scream to dump it.

We need a QB, and we need consistency. We had a FO with a track record of overall very solid drafting (through two years), and the #1 pick, and we dumped the consistency because we hadn't gotten a QB yet when the plan was clearly to get stop gaps/lottery tickets until this year when we'd get, "the guy".

I would've been fine say, "Sashi, Andrew, we want to make this QB decision right. So we're going to bring in a guy with a successful track record drafting QB's to supervise." I'd get it! I'd be in.

This decision guaranteed that you WON'T get that guy. Not with itchy trigger finger Haslam at the helm.

Every year teams make small leaps, and sometimes bigger ones.  No one stays this consistently bad.  Sashi inherited a poor team, but so have other GM's.  He said it himself today.  Their record is not cutting it.

Ogbah improved on his run d, but I never see him getting close to the QB.  I don't know his stats on sacks or hurries over the last two years, but I would be shocked if they are good.

Just because many of us didn't like guys like Wentz and Watson, doesn't mean that their were GM's that didn't.  Some loved em, and some did not.  I want the ones that did, because they obviously got it right as of now.  How thick are you????  I am saying that I WANT THE GM THAT RECOGNIZES HOW GOOD THEY WERE.

I did like Garropolo before the draft, but that's not the point.  People were talking about him being worth multiple firsts.  HE WENT FOR A SECOND.  Reports also said Bill would have traded, but for a higher price.  Why weren't we in on that?????

I never said we could have all those guys...I SAID WE COULD HAVE HAD ONE OF THEM....I OBVIOUSLY KNOW IT WAS THE SAME DRAFT.


So keep overrating our talent, and making excuses.  I'm done with that!!!




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2 hours ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

There is also another group (LETSGOBROWNIES, party of one) who didn't want to can anyone and believed the record was due to the process more so than incompetence and was cool with where we were headed.

Hue wasn't going to win with this roster, nobody would, but this roster isn't being built to win in 2017 so I'm not sure why that matters.

Oh well, doesn't matter now.

I'm rooting for Hue to win and hope he does great, but he's now officially out of scapegoats.

Make that party of 2....I was truly hoping Trigger Finger Jimmy would keep his damn hands off of things.  We don't need a new GM or a coach...we need a new owner!!!


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dude no one is overrating our talent.  all we're saying is that it takes time for 21 year olds to get good
all we're saying is that hue could have taken this team and won a couple games so far if he was a good coach, or worth his salt or whatever he said
literally if he won 2 games this year and him and sashi got along, sashi doesnt get fired.  thats it.  

and what dont you get about a quarterback having more value BEFORE an NFL draft than after?

and i love the "AHHHHHHH I HAVENT DONE THE RESEARCH BUT GRUMBLE GRUMBLE GRUMBLE OGBAH CANT RUSH THE PASSER" he had 4 sacks in 10 games this year (extrapolates to 6.5 in 16) and 5.5 sacks in 16 games last year.  add that to a very stout run defense and he's definitely worth a 2nd round pick.

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3 minutes ago, mistakey said:

dude no one is overrating our talent.  all we're saying is that it takes time for 21 year olds to get good
all we're saying is that hue could have taken this team and won a couple games so far if he was a good coach, or worth his salt or whatever he said
literally if he won 2 games this year and him and sashi got along, sashi doesnt get fired.  thats it.  

and what dont you get about a quarterback having more value BEFORE an NFL draft than after?

and i love the "AHHHHHHH I HAVENT DONE THE RESEARCH BUT GRUMBLE GRUMBLE GRUMBLE OGBAH CANT RUSH THE PASSER" he had 4 sacks in 10 games this year (extrapolates to 6.5 in 16) and 5.5 sacks in 16 games last year.  add that to a very stout run defense and he's definitely worth a 2nd round pick.

It didn't have to be a bunch of 21 year olds.  They could have, and should have provided the 21 year olds with enough veteran leadership. 

I completely understand that drafting, and especially the drafting of a QB is tedious business.  These guys did NOT GET IT RIGHT.  I want the GM that WILL GET IT RIGHT.  Is that too much to ask for???

Since when is 5 or 6 sacks a year good???  Just curious

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