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Packers hire Mike Pettine as Defensive Coordinator

marky mark

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2 minutes ago, Pugger said:

Well, we can't say Mike is letting any grass grow under his feet...  :)

He's got a lot of work to do. Some fresh perspectives and younger coaches will help light some fires. Plus, knowing you'll have a GM who will give you more help probably helps rekindle that spark.

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I'm good with the hire. He's got some bona fides. How that translates into success in GB has alot of moving parts to it that I wont prejudge at this point.

I think I like his overall attitude - thinking him something of a tough guy (unafraid to get in a players face) and that he'll be down on the sidelines where he can communicate more closely with the players.

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29 minutes ago, NormSizedMidget said:

The concern over being too complex really needs to be reeled back.


Right? We have a new GM and reason to belive that talent acquisition will be handled differently than it was during Capers time. Also if you want a defense that just lines up and beats the other guys, you need to have the guys to do that.If the concern is that we don't have the right guys to run a complex, scheme-based defense, we also don't have the guys to just line up and beat any team in the league. It's relatively easy to bring in a few stopgap vets who have the savvy to help transition into a new system if you need them. It's much harder to build a defense that can just straight up beat another team across the board.


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16 minutes ago, packfanfb said:

Kris Richard out as Seattle's DC. If he doesn't land another DC job, could have a connection to Pettine for a staff job.

I don't think he's "out" as in fired. From what I read he's free to pursue other opportunities so i'm sure it would have to at least be another lateral move to DC.

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18 minutes ago, packfanfb said:

He could replace Whitt if Pettine doesn't keep him. I'd like to keep Whitt personally, but Richard would be a nice replacement. 

I'd like to keep Whitt as well.

As much as I'd like to see this team go back to a 4-3, I don't think Pettine will play it that way, at least on the onset. Reports are saying that he'll keep the base 3-4 with several 4-3 looks that are really the 4-2-5 line up we see as well as the 2-4-5 that apparently the fans love?....I hate the 2-4-5 look. Someone one FB said expect a buttload of dime.

Still, if Pettine wants to take Rex Ryan's approach, he's going to want to recreate the type of defenses he had in Baltimore and not elsewhere. Something tells me we may be looking at prospects that fit the Melvin Ingram/Terrell Suggs mold. Guys like Bradley Chubb and Austin Bryant stand out to me right now.  I think Da'Ron Payne is a guy we need to keep on the radar as well; he fits the mold of Haloti Ngata a lot better than Kenny Clark will. Reggie McKenzie Jr. and Vita Vea may be options as well. 

However, we have to question whether or not DL will be addressed given the holes at EDGE and some of the issues along the OL.

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