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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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9 minutes ago, sunnygsm said:

If D&D hadn't actively chosen a shorter season (instead of the regular 10 episode run HBO offered), they'd be subject to less criticism. They insisted they only needed 6 episodes and it's clear they needed more. In my mind, if they made that choice they have a responsibility to do better. Too many moments are being rushed and crammed into one episode. 

True, but it is what it is at this point. Everybody knows that they had a shorter time frame to work with and had a window of 16 episodes to wrap up the whole show. It went from a super slow paced show built around multiple setup episodes for a 15 min "oh s^&*" scene because time wasnt a factor to a show that had a deadline to wrap up as many character stories as possible. It became a entertainment show.

Im not sure if they could have had more time or not, but from the way they basically announced 2 more seasons when they did--it seems like somebody told them or there was a reason they had to have a hard timeline.

Edited by AkronsWitness
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16 minutes ago, sunnygsm said:

My main gripe was the execution. A consequence of the short season. She's been ruthless in the past but not "mad". The trigger point of seeing the red keep was unconvincing. 


11 minutes ago, Adrenaline_Flux said:

have you ever heard of a pattern of escalating behavior

On top of that, they have been talking her out of using the Dragons and burning KL to the ground for 2 seasons.

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20 minutes ago, candyman93 said:

I will never understand Jamie’s character arc.

Image result for it's a circle gif

Really this episode was pretty well done, except:

  1. They've already established that Euron's fleet can hit a dragon with precision accuracy, and now they can't hit a ******* thing after that. If they wanted to ultimately show they weren't accurate, they shouldn't have made them snipers from the get-go. So freaking stupid.
  2. Cersei's death was completely anti-climatic and so poor.
  3. Arya conveniently getting a horse to show up out of thin air is T1 "Okay we've seen enough, let's get her out of the city quickly"
  4. Why didn't Dany just burn down the Red Keep instead of killing thousands of innocent people? The entire reason she's here was so she could not be "Queen of the ashes"........

Everything else was well done, tbh. Cleganebowl was satisfying. The Golden Company not meaning a damn thing was satisfying. Dany burning everything down was satisfying. Varys dying was satisfying.

But honestly, I couldn't care less now about E6. We all know Jon is gonna kill Dany then refuse to sit on the Iron Throne so he passes it off to Bran, who is now the most useless character left in the show.

Edited by AFlaccoSeagulls
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The ep was fine. The issue with this series in the end was simply they ran out of time/didn't feel like doing any more seasons. All the stuff that has gone down this season are things I could see happening with some more build-up and character development. Instead, with so few eps, they just had to rush everything to the finish line. Oh well


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Just finished it. 

I like the strength Varys had in death. No blubbering, no crying (though I do think that I saw a lip quiver), but he owned up to it and was ready for it - took it like a champ. 

Cleganebowl was fun. 

Does anyone else really want to see a Grey Worm / Jon fight next week? After the looks Grey Worm shot Jon in this episode, and his own craziness to match Dany's, I hope that comes to fruition. I think it would be a fun fight to watch. 

Visual spectacle was once again amazing and off the charts. 

I know that a lot of people felt like they hadn't earned the Dany Mad Queen turn, and yes, I think that they could have done a better job with it with more time, but I I think they did okay with what they had. They have been foreshadowing this for a while, and obviously there have been several instances when her decision making veered toward a more violent predilection. Would I have preferred a slower burn? Sure. But this is not out of left field or anything and at least I can buy the reasoning that she would deteriorate so quickly given the circumstances. In a fairly short amount of time, she's lost two of her dragons, been betrayed by Varys, had two of her most loyal and loved partners die on her in Jorah and Missandei, lost a large chunk of her forces, particularly Dothraki, found out that the one truth that she had been clinging to for all this time (that she is the rightful heir to the seven kingdoms) was a lie, has had her lover basically recoil from her...it's a lot. Plus, she's already been through one recent harrowing battle, probably isn't sleeping much...I mean, I get it at least. 

I kind of wish Jamie had killed Cersei at the end as a mercy kill. I know that the show never catered to that particular part of the prophecy, but that would have been a very interesting way for that to go down given that I've always assumed that when Jaime kills Cersei in the books, it would be with anger and malice. But a mercy kill as they were going to die anyway, would have been a very interesting way to spin that. As it is, I don't have a problem with the Jaime / Cersei thing. Because they have separated from the book just a smidge in this regard, I didn't think that it was completely out of nowhere or anything. Jaime just couldn't quit her. I get the debate with regards to the mixed emotion of the scene - after all, Cersei's character trajectory went monstrous, while Jaime's went redemptive, so how are you supposed to feel during such a matter? Cersei's death is worth celebrating, while Jaime's should be sad. But it's fine to me. Again, Jaime just couldn't move on or get past it...and I think to a large degree, this is in line with his character. Granted, it's slightly different with Cersei, but he could never just abandon Tyrion either. It's weird that the incestuous relationship between twins is probably the "greatest" love story that this show had lol. I didn't love the way the deaths occurred, but I'm fine with those two dying together like that without any real anger. 

Euron's death was completely ridiculous, just like his entire character was for most of his run. Seriously. They just never knew what to do with him or how to treat him. He was basically a caricature, and for him to just randomly show up and want to fight and kill Jaime was pretty asinine. Book Euron deserved better treatment on screen. 

I feel like there is no way that Jon ends up on the throne at the end of this - there's a part of me that wonders if he kills Dany (or Dany dies however), and he just breaks the kingdom apart. He goes back beyond the wall to live out his days in the great north, and we are back to 7 true kingdoms - Sansa as Queen of the North, Gendry as king of the Stormlands, Tyion as king of the Westerlands, and so on. 


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3 hours ago, PARROTHEAD said:

Tyrion is as dead as Varys at this point. He let Jaime loose. Dany knows it, Unsullied would have mentioned who relieved them of duty.

Jamie getting even 20 ft from that tent was ridiculous.  Letting Tyrion speak to him alone is one thing but the guards and soldiers wouldn’t have been THAT far away.  Just have Tyrion allow Jamie through at the front line instead of him being caught by Dany’s men ahead of time.  Use him pulling rank there.

War is hell and changes ppl for life but the Arya who kicked wightass, survived the dead and killed the Night King was nowhere to be found tonight. She forgot everything she learned and trained for and was just as lost as everyone else in the attack.  She never even drew her sword.  

I hope Brann wargs and takes over Dany’s dragon.  But I’m not sure if he’s on some Uatu steez where he’s watching all of this from a different angle and allowing things to happen. I’m not sure he would interfere like that as cool as it would be to watch.  

Edited by thrILL!
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