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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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51 minutes ago, Forge said:

Euron's death was completely ridiculous, just like his entire character was for most of his run. Seriously. They just never knew what to do with him or how to treat him. He was basically a caricature, and for him to just randomly show up and want to fight and kill Jaime was pretty asinine. Book Euron deserved better treatment on screen. 

lol seriously, that was such a bizarre scene. They had a little bit of something going there with the rivalry over Cersei's love, so they could have maybe done something decent there, but alas.

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It has to be Arya who takes her out, right? Otherwise, it's a curious decision to even have Arya in this episode. Figure it has to be for her POV within the walls of the flames, actually watching people being burned alive...a more intimate and deeper view than even the soldiers got, and she will never be able to forgive Dany for what she saw and was a part of.

Also, side note, what in the hell was Davos doing out there essentially on the front lines?

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43 minutes ago, Forge said:

It has to be Arya who takes her out, right? Otherwise, it's a curious decision to even have Arya in this episode. Figure it has to be for her POV within the walls of the flames, actually watching people being burned alive...a more intimate and deeper view than even the soldiers got, and she will never be able to forgive Dany for what she saw and was a part of.

Also, side note, what in the hell was Davos doing out there essentially on the front lines?

Yeah I think for both Davos and Arya, it's because they will be Jon's biggest allies most likely in doing whatever they do next episode.
They have seen the "Mad Queen", gives Davos the final reason to bail, gives Arya the motivation to kill Dany.

If the show is as on the nose as it's been, the conflict will end with conspirators being round up, Jon will kneel for death by fire. 
Of course he survives it and is standing there in the flames, the true hero of the show. Ties back to last part of season 1 when Dany arose from the fire, in the Courtyard a couple episodes when he yelled at the dragon.
3rd act will be wrap up. They put Dany in Chains instead of killing her outright (breaker of chains in chains). Jon probably ditches the gig and goes north, Sansa becomes Queen with Tyrion at her side.
Not what I want necessarily, just in line with what they have done recently.


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7 hours ago, LeeEvans said:

I get that, I thought that was pretty obvious. But why didn't she go on a sweet genocidal rampage before the bells started ringing? It's not a major complaint, just thought it could have been done a bit better.

I didn't love it, but I think it was this. As she sat there on Drogon, she realized that even though this was a win, that she would never really be accepted or loved as the Queen. That there were always those that would undermine her, and see someone else as the beloved ruler.. or should-be-ruler. 

So, she basically just seethed to a boiling point about that. Ruling over Westeros was always her dream. She fought through and lost so much to get to this point.. and finally realized that even accomplishing the win.. it wasn't going to be enough. So she snapped. It's not brilliance.. but after just watching, I don't know that there is need to look beyond that. 

Fun episode to us though, even if not perfect. Cersei gets off too easy, but that was expected, one way or another. Great scene with Tyrion and Jamie. Jamie always loved Cersei, and was probably coming back to kill/stop her.. and ultimately didn't feel he deserved anything but death, after all the wicked he had done. Appropriate battle and end for Clegane Bowl. Jon, Arya, and Co. versus the Mad Queen now. I can dig it. 

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6 hours ago, seminoles1 said:

I don't get why people are that upset about Jamie's end. He's always loved Cersei. Trying to save her life doesn't negate him growing as a person.

Book prophesy that wasn’t in the show. I would have like him to mercy kill her and have her die while he held her. That would have been true to both the book and show. 

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This season is so bad. They're doing everything and everyone totally wrong. Nothing makes any kind of sense.

It's not even that characters are being taken in the wrong directions, it's that they're being taken out of the picture in ludicrous or inconsequential ways, none of the characters are acting in any kind of rational way, etc. Cool of them to have Arya get that mother and daughter killed for no reason at the end as well.

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7 hours ago, NYRaider said:

The roof is blown off of the building though. 

Did you think TNKs winter would just be a snow storm that only gave you a couple inches? I see where you're coming from, I just don't feel it's that outrageous to think, that's all. Especially when the next scene was literally her walking into a snow storm

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If you think Dany's arc was sudden at all, you haven't been paying attention.

  • "A Targaryan alone in the world, is a terrible thing" has a double meaning. The natural targ impulse is Fire and Blood. Advisers can help calm that influence, but when they aren't there or aren't trusted, like they were today, that's the default. And it has been with Dany the entire time.
  • How about this scene from Season 1:
    "My child was innocent?"
    "Innocent? He would be the Stalion who Mounts the World, now he would burn no cities, now he will trample no nations into dust."

    The Mother of Dragons had a child, and he did both of those things.
  • When Dany goes to Qarth and they don't let her past the gates, she says this:
    "Thirteen, when my dragons are grown, we will take back what was stolen from me, and destroy those who wronged me, we will lay waste to armies, and burn cities to the ground. Turns us way, and I will burn you first."
  • She burns every single master in Astapor alive. She has Daario execute every single master in Yunkai. 
  • She fails miserably as a ruler in Mereen. When one of her former slaves kills a master, she executes him. Then almost immediately afterwards, there's this scene, which says everything you need to know about her loud and clear:

    She straight up says "I should let my dragons decide [who is innocent]"
  • How does she "resolve" the conflict in Mereen? 
    “I will crucify the masters. I will set their fleets on fire, kill every last one of their soldiers, and return their city to the dirt.”
  • She was told over and over again that if she used a dragon in open field the common people wouldn't love her in Season 7. She did at the first sign of defeat, and when the Tarly's wouldn't bend the knee she publicly executed them.

Every major decision point and obstacle for her character was Fire and Blood from the beginning of the show.

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As I watch it again, the actions of Dany were probably avoidable. Jon's just not much of a conversationalist. 

After the kiss, and prior to any battle, Jon needed to explain where his heart and mind were at. He clearly still had love for Dany, but needed to explain himself more clearly. Incest was far more difficult for him to process than for Dany. Once she felt that she was being played by him, then she saw it a much easier choice to 


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1 hour ago, sammymvpknight said:

Book prophesy that wasn’t in the show. I would have like him to mercy kill her and have her die while he held her. That would have been true to both the book and show. 

pretty sure there was a whole scene about the prophecy in the show they just you know decided to not use it at all.

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10 minutes ago, ninjapirate said:

pretty sure there was a whole scene about the prophecy in the show they just you know decided to not use it at all.

There was a scene, but it didn't include the valonqar part from the books. That was never relevant for the show.

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1 minute ago, NickButera said:

Anyone wondering what Varys was reading in the opening scene, the letter he burned, and what he was having the little girl do/spy on? Did he scheme one last scheme?

He was writing a raven scroll that had "true heir" on it, so we can infer he was sending letters to other houses to rally support for Jon Snow.

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