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Avengers: Endgame

The Gnat

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I am so tempted to look into the Spoiler thread, but I feel comfortable in the amount of spoilers I have suffered through.  I feel like I'm prepared enough and know enough while not knowing too much. 

I'm perfectly balanced right now. 


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I went to see this at 9 in the morning. Started off slow, but it caught on after about an hour. So many emotions are flowing after seeing it. I think it was good movie. I'd give it a solid 8.5/10. Gotta prepare myself to see it again with friends.

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7 hours ago, dtait93 said:

It was good, but not as good as what everyone hyped it to be. Just my opinion.


7 hours ago, beekay414 said:

Yep. Pulled at the heartstrings but IW was better.

IW is always going to be viewed as better because it elevated the genre to a different level of storytelling / consequences.   And we knew given what's coming in Phase 4 some of the end results.

I look it more like Two Towers and Return of the King.   Being the finisher, there's less surprise in what you will see.

What I am floored by is how much Endgame provides in just focusing on the characters.   It's not just big setpiece action sequences (although the big battle is amazing).    

The other part is just how dense the movie is, and yet it gives each of the main players actual time to give them a powerful resolution to their own character arcs, no matter the outcome.  And without spoiling, the level of payoff for those who watched the other movies, and especially know the origin story details, is just amazing. Not just in the movie's final act, but pretty much throughout the movie, with such detail and attention to the quieter moments, and the little scenes with character interactions.  

It's not a perfect movie - the way the team is able to overcome the events of IW will rightfully be a point of emphasis, as will the consequences of those actions.  But it's also the vehicle that allows for the density of the movie, the payback for past movie continuity, and allows for such a rich character experience.   It's rare that ensemble action movies pay characters off so much.   And very much in directions you do not expect.

I won't lie, I had tears in 3 scenes, and not at moments you'd necessarily expect.  And the theatre exploded at least 2x, if not 3x with a roar you saw with Cap-catching-Proxima's spear and revealing himself.   

With time, IW will be seen as the best of the 2, but much like Two Towers / Return of the King, Endgame's standing behind it won't be seen as a slight in any ways - just a sign of the amazing ending to a 22-movie epic journey that I sadly don't think we'll ever see the likes of again.   When movie fans look back at this, they'll be floored with the scope and detail that the MCU was able to pull off.   Hat off, Feige & Russo bros.   Bravo to the cast, who honestly pull off their finest acting performances (ok Hemsworth has been on a roll, so probably more on par with his last 2 movies, he's been off the charts great).

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BTW it’s easy in hindsight to say this because the movie sells itself (our theatres didn’t even put up promo posters for coming soon lol) but the fact that the trailers give away NOTHING crazy really rewards those who went spoiler free (like I did).  

If you went spoiler free I pretty much guarantee you won’t see the story unfolding as it does.   Huge props to everyone for keeping that **** locked up tight.  

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I saw a Thursday screen, holy ****. I'm almost at a loss for words for how mindblowingly awesome this was. While IW was the best CBM since TDK, this might actually trump it as THE best. That end fight scene was off the f'ing charts, very LotR-esque. 

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