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BDL Discussion Thread 2019


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@Jlash @bcb1213 @Hockey5djh @Counselor @wwhickok @Whicker @BringinDaPain @SirA1 @MD4L @PR @Ragnarok @RuskieTitan @WFLukic @SwoleXmad @pheltzbahr @TedLavie


We got action!


The Hungarian Hippos just announced that they've signed some depth to their roster in offensive guard Brian Winters and cornerback Dominique "I'm not retired" Rodgers-Cromartie to vet min salaries.

Also being reported Portland has signed the following to vet mins.  Joe Flacco, Devin Funchess, Greg Mancz and Clay Matthews.

Expect others to be signed soon. 

These players will officially be added to their team rosters tomorrow.   

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@TedLavie @SirA1

Updating the Player Database sheet in the main workbook.

Two sheets (Shark tank awarded contracts and shark tank import) were added to the master wb.

Once players are awarded in the shark tank, they are imported into the shark tank IMPORT sheet.  I used a formula in column A, flagging the names to signify if they need to be added to the Shark tank Awarded Contracts sheet.  If they need to be added, copy row starting with column I thru AH and use cntrl shift V to paste just the values into the shark tank awarded contracts sheet.  This will give you a record without any formulas.

Once you get the player added to that sheet, travel to the player database and enter the bdl team name, contract amount, contract length and roster status/ Signed Shark Tank...Done.

Once they are added to the player database sheet their names will be removed the shark tank workbook so it's important that you copy the info to the Shark Tank Awarded Contracts sheet first.

Hope this helps...if you're confused don't worry so am I.

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13 hours ago, ny92mike said:

IMPORTANT:  This form is not linked to the official shark tank workbook.  This is just to show you guys something that would make it easier on all of us.


So check this out.

Rather than requiring a manual entry of the player name and pos and making sure that it matches exactly.  I've loaded all the names into the form, which we would update when players are added and or removed from the tank.  This wouldn't have worked last year because of the amount of entries being added but it's working now.  


Give it a look and let me know if you guys wanna switch to this as it would prevent a ton of typo issues that we've been dealing with.

I'd rather copy/paste. Scrolling to find each player would take forever.

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12 hours ago, TedLavie said:

So @Jlash @bcb1213 @Hockey5djh @Counselor @wwhickok @Whicker @BringinDaPain @SirA1 @MD4L @PR @Ragnarok @RuskieTitan @WFLukic @SwoleXmad @pheltzbahr 

Do any of you want to switch back to the forum for the rest of the Shark Tank? It's been almost 48hr, time to make a decision

I'm good with sticking to the form.

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