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Vote Count

No Lynch - 1 - Malfatron

SwoleXmad - 6 - Ragnarok, Pickle Rick, TheKillerNacho, Whicker, SwAg, Dome

Ragnarok - 2 - Mwil23, bcb1213

The Orca - 1 - theuntouchable

kingseanjohn - 1 - The Orca

Dome - 5 - DingoLadd, VikeManDan, Counselor, kingseanjohn, SwoleXmad

DingoLadd - 1 - carl_sjunior

SwAg - 1 - Matts4313

Carl_sjunior - 1 - Slappy Mc

Nazgul - 1 - Nazgul

With 20 alive and 20 voting, it's 11 to lynch! The 30 minute countdown starts now! The bell will ring at 1:06 AM!

@Slappy Mc, @theuntouchable, @MWil23, @Dome, @Malfatron, @Counselor, @Ragnarok, @bcb1213, @SwoleXmad, @Matts4313, @carl_sjunior, @SwAg, @kingseanjohn, @TheKillerNacho, @Pickle Rick, @VikeManDan, @Whicker@The Orca, @DingoLadd, @Nazgul

Also, start sending in night moves!

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School? Lame. Who would pick this as a theme?

Did somebody say bomb?! No? nobody? Oh well, I'll keep up this tired shtick regardless.

Oh hey guys, I'm indy. I want to extend trust to you guys and hope you trust me in return.

Lynch Lynch Lynch Lynch

Yeah, let's lynch that indy, he's totes indy.

Wait, you're saying you're indy too?

What? No. Where did you even get that idea from?

Lynch the ******* indies!!! It's day 1 so who gives a **** if we're lazy?!

Students are sitting in their class eagerly awaiting the bell when a voice comes over the loudspeaker.

"Pardon the interruption. Will SwoleXmad please report to the principal's office? SwoleXmad to the principal's office."

SwoleXmad left his classroom and went down to the principal's office. A few minutes later he came out crying.

"Nooooo! I can't be suspended! No daddy will take away my Jaguar and I'll be forced to drive the Audi! THE AUDI!"

HE continued to cry as he walked outside and hopped in his car. The butler drove off and his cries quickly faded away.

SwoleXmad has been suspended! He was The Rich Kid, School-Aligned.


We are now between periods. You have 30 minutes to submit your night moves.

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As people are milling about, running errands, and going to their lockers, one girl in particular bullied her way to the middle of the crowded hallway. She twirled her hair and made flirty eyes at the boys but nobody was paying attention to her. That would have to change. She grabbed a random girl from the crowd and threw her against a locker.

"How dare you ******* touch my man you dumb *****! I will **** you up!"

The girl started to tug and pull at the other girls hair and soon they were full on fighting in the hallway. All of the students immediately stopped what they were doing and whipped out their phones to start recording. By the time the fight had been broken up, the bell was about to ring so people hurried immediately to class.

Hallway Time 1 has been cancelled! It is now Period 2! With 19 alive and 19 voting, it is 10 to lynch! The deadline will be today, 8/31 at 10 PM EST.

@Slappy Mc, @theuntouchable, @MWil23, @Dome, @Malfatron, @Counselor, @Ragnarok, @bcb1213, @SwoleXmad, @Matts4313, @carl_sjunior, @SwAg, @kingseanjohn, @TheKillerNacho, @Pickle Rick, @VikeManDan, @Whicker@The Orca, @DingoLadd, @Nazgul

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Just now, DingoLadd said:

OTrying to figure out the rich kids ability, I bet it was a motivational move or something because what better motivator is there than money. 

That or a 1 shot bribe attempt/role block or something. 

N1 was cancelled. ****

i am pretty much smarter than everyone else.

if we would have no lynched, he would still be alive today

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