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I know that there was a figure of 35% being helped/saved by the plasma treatment being used at yesterday’s press conference, but unfortunately, that’s just plain wrong. FDA Commissioner Hahn used the phrase “35% improvement in survival”, but that merely makes him look like a fool (and like someone trying to keep his boss smiling) to anyone who’s capable of reading the actual paper, which is another nasty side effect of this whole affair. See this for more, and this: since the data do not have a control comparison group, we can make no firm statements about the benefit of the treatment, and the 35% number is a misunderstanding of what data we have.

... Announcing an Emergency Use Authorization this late in the game for it in the US is, as I tried to convey in the above paragraph, closer to being something that we should be vaguely ashamed about.

The hype is not helpful.

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And this is why you postpone large events like weddings



"A woman who did not attend the reception died on Friday after contracting COVID-19 from a person who did attend the event, health authorities said. They did not identify her, nor the guest she came into contact with," the paper reports. The Maine CDC didn't immediately respond to NPR's request for comment.

Nearly half the 65 people who attended the reception held at the Big Moose Inn tested positive for the virus, Maine Public Radio reports. Of those 32 cases thought to be linked to the wedding celebration, seven of them were in children under the age of 18, MPR reports.


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17 minutes ago, Chiefer said:

Just doesn’t seem like it was worth shutting the world down, 6 months into this pandemic

swine flu was a pandemic and the world didn’t shut down, couldn’t afford to we were in the middle of a recession 


Swine flu is different than Covid 19. It wasn’t contagious enough to be a global pandemic for one. Additionally, we didn’t really do a good job of shutting down. Not to mention we opened up too quickly without having the proper mitigation procedures in place. It’s why this virus is still lingering in the first wave during what is supposed to be a slower transmission season. This is ultimately what happens when you take a short term and narrow view of the economy.

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2 hours ago, Xenos said:

Swine flu is different than Covid 19. It wasn’t contagious enough to be a global pandemic for one. Additionally, we didn’t really do a good job of shutting down. Not to mention we opened up too quickly without having the proper mitigation procedures in place. It’s why this virus is still lingering in the first wave during what is supposed to be a slower transmission season. This is ultimately what happens when you take a short term and narrow view of the economy.

It was considered a pandemic though, WHO said so, CDC said so. Yet nobody cared and it went away as pandemics tend to do.

many people live paycheck to paycheck so it’s not a narrow view for a lot of people in America right now. 

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1 hour ago, Chiefer said:

It was considered a pandemic though, WHO said so, CDC said so. Yet nobody cared and it went away as pandemics tend to do.

many people live paycheck to paycheck so it’s not a narrow view for a lot of people in America right now. 

When I said narrow view, I mean putting short term economics in front of safety. For example, a business is not going to stay in business very long if it puts short term needs first before safety. After all, who would want to go to a restaurant if an outbreak happens there.

In terms of living paycheck to paycheck, that’s why it was so important that the unemployment extension happened as well as a host of other finances like state aid and important mitigation tools for schools to safely reopen. But alas stupid politics got in the way.

And no, this pandemic isn’t going away until there’s a viable vaccine or treatment. Until then, it’s about adapting to the new normal including wearing masks and avoiding super spreader places like bars.

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7 hours ago, vikesfan89 said:

how often do people have symptoms without a fever?

Dunno, I didn't have one and out of the 6 members of my household (including me) only 1 had a fever and it only lasted about 24 hours. 

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9 hours ago, Chiefer said:

Just doesn’t seem like it was worth shutting the world down, 6 months into this pandemic

swine flu was a pandemic and the world didn’t shut down, couldn’t afford to we were in the middle of a recession 


Covid is not the same as swine flu. You can't just apply the handling of one to the other. 

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1 hour ago, theJ said:

Going in for my first COVID test today!  Woo!


I have a bad runny nose and sore throat.  Just came on yesterday.  I doubt it's COVID, but can't be too careful.

Hope you go for the speedy one and it's good news. Sounds like allergies to me but you're right, better safe than sorry. 

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42 minutes ago, JonStark said:

Covid is not the same as swine flu. You can't just apply the handling of one to the other. 

Actually the numbers are remarkably similar.  The difference being H1N1 was an also ran on the news and there was a democrat in the whitehouse.  

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I'm not sure which part was better: the etymological scrutiny of the word "pandemic" to determine if all pandemics are the same, or our most recently revealed advocate of social violence announcing their mathematical illiteracy.

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