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Man I hate driving on I45….you're either going 85 in a 55 with someone tailgating you or behind someone in the fast lane doing 40 

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On 5/10/2024 at 3:52 PM, minutemancl said:

Appraisal on the house we are under contract to buy came in 18k under the contract purchase price. There's a review on appraisal going on right now and they did find discrepancies, both favorable and unfavorable, so so we'll see what happens on Monday.

I'm really hoping it comes up just a bit after review, maybe another 5k, and we can find a happy medium and be done with it. Sellers are obviously upset it came in low, and so are we since we don't want to have to cover that difference, but we're doing our best to work around it and make this work. 

It's all I've been able to think about lately.

We met in the middle. All seems to have worked out 🙌

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appreciate everyone's presence on this site. even the guys i don't really interact with that often, if at all, the familiarity / consistency of seeing the same guys posting is one of the few stable things i've got besides a few of my friends and family. hope you're all feeling alright.  

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Recently I was at the store.  A guy came up to me, he remembered me from school(I graduated nearly 30 years ago)  I couldn't believe someone would remember me from that long ago.  I didn't remember him.  Even when I got home and looked at my yearbook, I still didn't really remember him.   Anyone have something like this happen to them?  Did you go up to someone you knew from years ago and say you remember them from school, work, etc? 

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9 hours ago, Bowler1215 said:

Recently I was at the store.  A guy came up to me, he remembered me from school(I graduated nearly 30 years ago)  I couldn't believe someone would remember me from that long ago.  I didn't remember him.  Even when I got home and looked at my yearbook, I still didn't really remember him.   Anyone have something like this happen to them?  Did you go up to someone you knew from years ago and say you remember them from school, work, etc? 

Did he try to sell you life insurance?

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10 hours ago, Bowler1215 said:

Recently I was at the store.  A guy came up to me, he remembered me from school(I graduated nearly 30 years ago)  I couldn't believe someone would remember me from that long ago.  I didn't remember him.  Even when I got home and looked at my yearbook, I still didn't really remember him.   Anyone have something like this happen to them?  Did you go up to someone you knew from years ago and say you remember them from school, work, etc? 

I am from a smaller town, but it surprises me at the people who remember me, especially as I’ve lost a lot of weight since then.  It’s always the people I least expected.  

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12 hours ago, FinneasGage said:

appreciate everyone's presence on this site. even the guys i don't really interact with that often, if at all, the familiarity / consistency of seeing the same guys posting is one of the few stable things i've got besides a few of my friends and family. hope you're all feeling alright.  

It’s remarkable the forum has been dwindling over the years but the same loyal dudes will always be here. It’s been like a internet family but with mknight too

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1 hour ago, naptownskinsfan said:

I am from a smaller town, but it surprises me at the people who remember me, especially as I’ve lost a lot of weight since then.  It’s always the people I least expected.  

I’m surprised when I’m recognized in public with a mask on by people that haven’t seen me in a decade. Also was moderately surprised on here a month or so ago that people were talking about the town I grew up in and the business I work at, because it was the most dead end boring town of 900 that no one had ever heard of growing up. 

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1 hour ago, naptownskinsfan said:

I am from a smaller town, but it surprises me at the people who remember me, especially as I’ve lost a lot of weight since then.  It’s always the people I least expected.  

My wife and I are from a relatively larger town. We moved back to town recently, and we've been out and seen a few people that we both went to school with, and we'll recognize each other. Have a short, cordial talk, then part ways. My wife almost always turns to me after and goes "who was that?". We graduated from the same high school in the same year, and had completely different experiences, I guess lol. She doesn't remember anyone we went to school with.

Funnily enough though, only she still keeps in contact with, and has maintained friendships with, friends from high school. I haven't talked to my friends from high school in years.

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Posted (edited)
18 hours ago, Bowler1215 said:

Recently I was at the store.  A guy came up to me, he remembered me from school(I graduated nearly 30 years ago)  I couldn't believe someone would remember me from that long ago.  I didn't remember him.  Even when I got home and looked at my yearbook, I still didn't really remember him.   Anyone have something like this happen to them?  Did you go up to someone you knew from years ago and say you remember them from school, work, etc? 

I've had it happen twice that I can remember, and both time the same friend was with me.  My favorite time something like that happened was hours away from anywhere I've lived, and it was almost the inverse of knowing me.  All three occurred in convenience stores while buying beer. 

The first two happened in the area around my home town when I was back to visit.  Both were when I was with my friend who lived in the town, and had a public job where a lot of people know who he is, and both events happened almost the exact same way around two years apart.   The friend and I are from the same general area but attended different schools in different states.  We put the beer up on the counter, and my friend goes to grab his ID, and the clerk says he doesn't need to see his ID, so my friend basically asks if the clerk knows who he is.  They say no, and then look around behind him at me, and say but I know who this guys is! Offering up high fives.  I had no idea who either of them were, but the one said he remembered me from school and had some story about him eating lunch with me one day like 15 years prior.  I still had no idea who he was after he said his name.  The guy from the second time I didn't know, but had a sister that I graduated with.  I did remember the sister, so his name made sense when he said it.   

 My favorite one that wasn't really about me I mentioned was when I was in college.  I stopped in a convenience store that I was maybe 6 hours from my hometown, and not anywhere close to where I went to college either, while I was on a summer break vacation.  I was underage, but I had a good fake from a friend in my hometown that was 3 years ahead of me in school.  I put the beer up on the counter, and gave the cashier my id.  He looks at it, and asks if I went to (insert name of my high school)? No one would know this school unless they are from that area, as the name of it has nothing to do with the address or anything. I was taken aback, and not even really thinking about it not being my ID.  I said yes, and asked the guy if he knew me.  He said no, but I know the guy whose ID this is lmao.  Here those two lived on the same dorm floor their freshmen year at their college.  We both just laughed, said small world, and I picked up my beer and left.  

Edited by OkeyDoke21
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Verizon is trying to bait and switch me.  My old Triple Play plan has been chugging along with gigabit internet and what comes out as their enhanced sports package at $177/month.  A couple weeks ago, my price dropped $20, but I lost many of the sports channels- including the Orioles.  

I went online to try and figure it out, and it costs me an extra $6/month to get a channel package back.  However, that changes when you go to check out to $250 the first month, followed by $204 after that.  From what I’ve gathered, other people in our area have had to pay $30 more a month to get the Orioles/Nationals game channel back.  You can not get a subscription just for them, and I enjoy college football so I am fine keeping cable.  

Comcast has a three year package at $124, and then $140 after that, for the same stuff I got at $177 that they now want $204 to get.  Anyone think Verizon is going to match or beat that offer?  

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