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Chrono Trigger Mafia (Lavos and Magus wins!)

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3 minutes ago, TheKillerNacho said:

I mean, letting them convert you did allow you to earn 3 victory points (after factoring in the +2 earned from the Day of Lavos win condition), as opposed to the maximum of 2 you could've earned even if town won. ;)


3 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

Hey now I advocated to convert you! :) 


3 minutes ago, skywindO2 said:

You should be thanking me for saving your life so you had the opportunity to earn those 3 points. 

Yeah but then I had to actually work to stop Mwil from imploding himself 🤣

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1 minute ago, The Orca said:



Yeah but then I had to actually work to stop Mwil from imploding himself 🤣

I legitimately don’t think I’ve ever been in lylo as scum and there’s a valid reason for that. Somehow all of my claims and fake claims were verified except for my N3 lie about Forge and my missed kill on Dome being redirected.

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Time for some Awards!

Winning MVP: @MWil23 - One humorous blunder aside, MWil23 played an absolutely phenomenal scum game. Despite having his character revealed early on as a villain in the game, he was never really a lynch candidate on any day of the game (while successfully using his influence to steer the town's lynches into favorable directions like @rackcs and @Deadpulse  instead of his convert, @The Orca). He was even able to turn the blunder of killing his own teammate around to clear himself and survive being seen attempting to kill @Domeon that same night. While he got lucky as well in some ways, his play was also a big part of how scum was able to turn around what appeared to be a sure defeat into a comeback victory.

Losing MVP: @Dome - Henceforth, I think I'll split MVP into two separate categories, so that great play can be acknowledged even if it comes in a losing effort. Coming back from the dead to red-letter @Malfatron was a huge turning point in the game when it happened, and his suspicion of @kingseanjohn's red-letter of @Daboyle led to him getting investigated by two town players. He was a major reason why the game was in a state of major town advantage in the mid-game, so a fairly phenomenal job by him. The one criticism I can offer is letting himself get lynched on Day 1, using up his revival ability early.

LVP: @ET80 - While he did actually open his role PM, he didn't really do much else. While I could normally overlook this, when you have a role that needs to survive the game and you fail to use your own governor ability to prevent yourself from being lynched, I just can't see how an argument can be made for anyone being more of a detriment to their own win condition than he was... did he just check out mentally after he saw he wasn't given Magus as his role?

JVP: @Malfatron - Absolute baller move to use the Halation ability given to him. Maybe not the smartest move, but the most chaotic, certainly. Created quite a bit of chaos and even lead to his own partner, @kingseanjohn, being discovered as scum, but it was totally worth it! Maybe.

Most Enjoyable Player: @Forge - Forge was a much-needed source of theme knowledge early on in the game, as well as one of the game's most active participants. It's honestly a shame he ended up dying so early into the game, as I feel like the game would've been way more active with his continued involvement.

Best Threadplay: @Whicker - A consistent town voice throughout the game, Whicker did a great job exuding town energy to the point that he never needed to be investigated by anyone to be virtually cleared, sniffing out most of the scum players despite inconsistent results with his watches. He had excellent townreads on @Scoundrel and @Xmad, and a great scumread on @Daboyle leading to his investigation of him. Although never truly suspecting @MWil23 led to his downfall, not getting everything completely correct can hardly be held against a town player. His dedication to solving the game even when other town players weren't even bothering to post was admirable.

Most Swingy Player: @11sanchez11 - Each time he used his bodyguard ability, he interfered with the moves of a handful of players. Unfortunately, this probably hurt town as much as it did scum. Regardless, it left many players wondering how they kept being redirected to 11sanchez11! It's frankly impossible to say how the game would've turned out without these redirects.

Rookie/Comeback Award: @Deadpulse - Deadpulse finished his first TKN game with an impressive third-party victory, keeping @Ragnarok alive until the end of the game, as required. He actually played pretty well as a pro-town asset over the course of the game, although he didn't decide to take action to remove @MWil23 until it was too late.

Funniest Move: @skywindO2 - Deciding to use his Telepathy ability to track/watch @The Orca on the same night his partner was throwing a bomb at him, leading to his own death, was undoubtedly the most hilarious night result during the game. This was a major turning point for scum, as they were in a strong position prior to this moment. While unrelated, it's also funny how he rolled a pseudoplayer controller in both games he played of mine, and in both games he made good use out of them, in my opinion.

Luckiest Player: @The Orca - The Orca did a great job of avoiding being lynched after conversion to last until the final day to keep town from suspecting the true Lavos, and was definitely an underrated reason why they were able to win. He never would've been in position to do this, however, if @skywindO2 hadn't unwittingly took an explosion to the face for him (detailed above).

Unluckiest Player: @Pickle Rick - While there are many candidates for this (such as @Scoundrel's random Epoch target being @MWil23, allowing the Lavos faction to get the recruitment ability it sorely needed), Pickle Rick being blown up by @RandyMossIsBoss's bomb while trying to steal from @rackcs takes the cake. In that one move, his excellent Survivor game he had played to that point was completely wasted.

Best Timing: @Scoundrel - Saving @Dome with a gift of armor at the precise time he would've been otherwise killed by @MWil23 was extremely clutch. He also nailed @kingseanjohn with his Halation usage, who may have otherwise been able to explain away @11sanchez11's investigation of his abilities as being aligned with the Mystic Army.

Worst Timing: @Ragnarok - While succeeding a couple times, Ragnarok did not have much luck with giving his Lucid Dreams during the game. On the final two nights of the game, he visited the same target that @RandyMossIsBoss was targeting. Often, he would attempt to use it on someone being visited by several other people (in a lot of cases missing a night that they would've had no visitors by a single night). Moreover, he apparently was intending to make a case against @MWil23 this morning, but wasn't able to do so before the result was clinched.

Best Start: @Xmad - While he was unable to truly capitalize on it due to @Forge being killed just a day later, finding Frog with his ability early on in the game was an incredible stroke of fortune.

Best Finish: @rackcs - Honestly, I wasn't quite sure who to award this to, as I wanted to pick a different player for each reward. While inactive for most of the game in-thread, I thought rackcs did an great job in the day of his lynch to argue his case (and warn town about how certain players seemed to be willfully ignoring his meta). He also used his ability as best as he could be expected, considering his role was intentionally pretty underpowered.

Thanks again for playing, everyone!

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2 minutes ago, TheKillerNacho said:

LVP: @ET80- While he did actually open his role PM, he didn't really do much else. While I could normally overlook this, when you have a role that needs to survive the game and you fail to use your own governor ability to prevent yourself from being lynched, I can't how an argument can be made for anyone being more of a detriment to their own win condition as ET80... did he just check out mentally after he saw he wasn't given Magus?


Just not interested in Mafia anymore. Sorry, your game seemed really interesting but I just couldn’t get into it.

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1 hour ago, MWil23 said:

Make sure you thank @The Orca for deciding not to kill @Ragnarok. I advocated to completely screw you over out of spite just so you wouldn't win and he was the voice of reason.

Smart play by Orca, a Rag lynch wouldve looked awful for you and mightve actually swayed the lynch vote towards you. 

Ill take the spite, because it comes with knowing I was right to try and NK you and then call you out next day. 

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4 minutes ago, Deadpulse said:

Smart play by Orca, a Rag lynch wouldve looked awful for you and mightve actually swayed the lynch vote towards you. 

A hit you mean? Nah, that one's easy:

"Hey guys, I killed Skywind. I'm not Lavos. I'm being setup here, it was probably Orca trying to frame me. Also remember, I killed Skywind and Deadpulse confirmed I'm pink. Here's my wincon. Orca is framing me, to reiterate."

4 minutes ago, Deadpulse said:

Ill take the spite, because it comes with knowing I was right to try and NK you and then call you out next day. 

If anything, I was hinting to you in thread with the "Please don't kill me" to leave us alone and we'd leave you alone. Since you, did not in fact leave me alone, I was tempted to say it's payback time. :) 


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On 1/19/2023 at 8:04 AM, TheKillerNacho said:

The game is over - the Lavos faction, consisting of @MWil23 (+4 victory points), @Malfatron (+4 victory points), @Daboyle (+4 victory points), @skywindO2 (+4 victory points), @kingseanjohn (+4 victory points), and @The Orca (+3 victory points), won the game! The Demon King @Deadpulse (+3 victory points) also wins the game, as Schala (Ragnarok) survived until the end of the game!

Thanks for playing! I will have full details on the setup in the OP shortly (and I'll be happy to answer any questions), and awards will be awarded later today.

TEAMCHAOS did it!!!!!!


@MWil23 @Daboyle @skywindO2 @kingseanjohn @The Orca

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On 1/9/2023 at 4:07 PM, Malfatron said:

Malfatron: 6 victory points, 3-4 record
kingseanjohn: 6 victory points, 3-4 record




@kingseanjohn - still spidermans.

But this time, we scaled to the top!



1. Malfatron: 10 victory points
2. kingseanjohn: 10 victory points
3. swoosh: 9 victory points
4. Dome: 8 victory points, 
5. Daboyle 8 victory points, 

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