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Nacho Simulation Football League (Season 28 - Taco Bowl XXVIII Posted)

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Nacho Simulation Football League

Welcome to the main thread of the Nacho Simulation Football League (or NSFL for short)! This is a Sim league that uses my custom American Football simulation engine, and posts games in play-by-plays viewable on Youtube, with Game Stats listed on the Video description. The league runs bi-annually, a Winter season (after the Super Bowl) and a Summer season (after the NFL draft) using a keeper system. Teams compete for the highly esteemed Guacamole trophy each season.

Offseason Schedule

Thursday, June 20th: Deadline for previous owners to renew interest in the league. Failure to do so by this date by posting in the main thread will cause a replacement owner to be found in your place.
Monday, July 1st: Deadline for owners to submit their Keeper Tags. All keepers will be processed on this date, so keeper tags must be in before this date.
Monday, July 8th: Season 28's draft begins. As this is a summer season, incoming rookies are eligible.

Draft Order

  1. Tokyo Shoguns (2-14)
  2. Wattsville Waste Walruses (3-13)
  3. Lake Minnewanka Ice Orcas (4-12)
  4. Burlington Sock Puppets (5-11)
  5. New Zealand Blobfish (6-10)
  6. Cincinnati Buffleheads (6-10)
  7. Anchorage Quill Pigs (6-9-1)
  8. Hanoi Viet Kongs (7-9)
  9. Okoboji Ents (7-9)
  10. Egypt Starfalls (8-8)
  11. Lancaster Fighting Amish (9-7)
  12. Cambodia Humanoids (9-7)
  13. Phoenix Rubber Ducks (9-7)
  14. Freiburg Venom (10-6)
  15. Reykjavík Direwolves (10-6)
  16. Hamilton Hornets (11-5)
  17. Tombstone Outlaws (11-4-1)
  18. Rio de Janeiro Pirates (13-3)
  19. Indianapolis Predators (12-4)
  20. Little Rock Uni Royals (11-5)

Registration & Off-season Schedule

All former-owners must re-register to renew their interest for this season. For those who are not past owners, you may still ask to join the league, however I will put you on a waiting list. When and if a GM decides to not renew interest or becomes idle, you will be contacted. You must remain an active FootballsFuture member in order to remain on the waiting list - I will remove inactive users from this list periodically.

Waiting list:

  • theuntouchable
  • VigilantZombie


The NSFL supports 20 teams split into four divisions (Red and Blue divisions in the Cheesy Conference, Green and Yellow divisions in the Salsa Conference). The regular season features sixteen games:

  • Teams will play each other team in their division twice.
  • Teams will play four teams in the other division of their own conference.
  • Teams will play four teams of a division in the other conference.

Games will be simulated on “Game Day”, which is every three days after the draft. I will provide links to Youtube videos with the complete Play-By-Plays, as well as text play-by-plays on Google Docs.

The playoffs will feature eight teams (four in each conference) in total. This includes all four division winners, plus four wildcard teams (two per conference). Playoffs last three Game Days. In the first round, the 4th seed of each conference will play at the 1st seed of that Conference, and the 3rd seed will play at the 2nd. After that, the two winners in each Conference will play in the Conference Championship with the higher seed having home-field advantage. Then, winners of the Conference Championship Game from each Conference will play each-other on a neutral field in the Taco Bowl for the highly esteemed Guacamole trophy. Seeding for the playoffs are based on this list of tiebreakers:

  1. Record
  2. Head-to-Head*
  3. Division record (Same division only)
  4. Conference record
  5. Net points
  6. Strength of schedule
  7. Coin toss

*This tie-breaker can still apply for a tie featuring more than 2 teams using the transitive property... If one team has head-to-head wins against all of the others, that team comes first in the tiebreaker. And if one team has head-to-head losses against all of the others, that team comes last in the tiebreaker. Also if Team A beat Team B, who beat Team C but Team C and A didn't play, Team A wins the tiebreaker and Team C comes in last in it (although this is only possible for draft order tiebreakers).

Division tiebreakers are applied first. Then with wildcard tiebreakers featuring 3 or more teams, only the teams highest in the division not currently in the playoffs are considered, since under no circumstances can a team make the playoffs over a team higher in their division.

One day before the Taco Bowl each season, a conference vs conference all-star exhibition game called the All-Star Bowl is played, between the Cheesy Conference and the Salsa Conference. The game does not influence anything except the Game MVP of the All-Star Bowl's keeper cost the following season is reduced by 1. The voting rules are as follows:

  • Owners can submit a ballot with three selections at every position (including Returner), for each conference. Your first selection will receive 3 votes, your second selection will be worth 2 votes, and the last will be worth 1.
  • After the voting period, the final tallies will be posted.
  • In the event of a tie, a random number generator to determine who gets in.
  • On even seasons, Cheesy runs a 4-3 defense and Salsa runs a 3-4 defense. On odd seasons, Cheesy runs a 3-4 defense and Salsa runs a 4-3 defense.
  • The Head Coach for each conference will be the coach of that conference's highest seeded team. The Coordinators will be the coordinators of the team with the best yardage statistics of Offense, Defense, and Special Teams.

Roster Rules & Team Settings

At total, a roster has 26 players and 4 coaches. This roster includes: one Quarterback, two Runningbacks, one Fullback, one Tight End, two Offensive Tackles, two Offensive Guards, one Center, three Wide Receivers, two Defensive Ends, one/two Defensive Tackles, two/one Inside Linebackers, two Outside Linebackers, two Cornerbacks, one Free Safety, one Strong Safety, one Kicker, and one Punter. Teams also draft four coaches: A Head Coach, an Offensive Coordinator, a Defensive Coordinator, and a Special Teams Coordinator. Coaches can give bonuses to certain positions. In addition to starters, teams may keep an five-player or coach Practice Squad that gives you exclusive rights to that player/coach, even if you do not start them. Players can be started at any reasonable position but its recommended you start them at their listed position or a similar position. Players do not get injured in this league, so you do not need to worry about that.

Teams may make several team changes at any time for the upcoming game (note that the deadline to do this is Noon EST the day before the game):

  • Trade Players, Draft choices, and/or Keeper tags to another Team. Both Teams involved must agree by either posting on the main thread (please mention me when a trade is posted) or by both PMing me the trade details. There is a trade deadline each season that starts at Week 12, and is in affect until after the Taco Bowl. During this period, players cannot be traded but keeper tags and draft picks can. Picks of Round 16 or higher cannot be traded, as those picks are considered compensatory. Picks more than four seasons in the future can also not be traded. I will not enforce any future or additional parts of a trade, so it is recommended that you not do this.
  • After the draft is completed, Teams may sign Free Agents. Free Agents are handled on a first-come, first-serve basis. If you have no available slot to put the player, you must cut a player to sign one.
  • Change your team's Coaching Philosophy. This can be done by posting on the thread, or PMing me personally (for private changes revealed on Game Day, highly recommended).

A Team's Coaching Philosophy changes how your team is simulated. Once again, a Team can change this at any time, excluding Game Days. It is highly recommended that Teams tailor these to both your team, and your current opponent! Changes PMed to me will not be revealed until the next Game Day, so they will be a secret to your opponent! These are the changeable Coaching Philosophies:

  • Run Chance (max: 70, min: 30, default: 45): This determines how often, on a situation-unaffected play (teams will run or pass more depending on situation), your team will choose to do a running play instead of a passing play.
  • RB1 Chance (max: 80, min: 50, default: 65): This determines how often, when a running play is selected, that your 1st-string running back will take the carry. Warning: Players, especially RB, DO get tired as the game goes on, do not set too high!
  • Field Goal Try (max: 55 [your own 45], min: 20, default: 35): This determines which yard line (NOT length of FG!) your team will try to kick a Field Goal instead of punting. Note: length of field goal is this number + 17 (setting Field Goal Try to 40 will cause your team to attempt 57 yard field goals).
  • Offensive Aggression (max: 100, min: 0, default: 50): Determines offensive aggression. Aggressive offenses have a greater chance of big plays, but are more prone to incompletions, turnovers, and plays resulting in losses (like sacks). Aggressive offenses are also more likely to go for it on 4th and short.
  • Defensive Aggression (max: 100, min: 0, default: 50): Determines defensive aggression. Aggressive defenses have a greater chance in making big plays (like sacks, interceptions, or forced fumbles) but also have a larger chance of giving up big plays to the opponent's offense. Conservative defenses focus on tackling and forcing incompletions.
  • Run Defense Priority (max: 100, min: 0, default: 50): Determines whether, on a situation-unaffected play, teams will focus more on stopping the run or the pass. A high value will result in defenses more likely to focus on stopping the run, a low value will focus defenses more on the pass.
  • Defensive Formation (either 4-3 or 3-4, default: 4-3): Determines your defensive formation. A 4-3 allows you to start two Defense Tackles, but only one Inside Linebacker (known as the Middle Linebacker). A 3-4 allows you to start two Inside Linebackers, but only one Defense Tackle (known as the Nose Tackle).
  • Return Man (default: 3rd WR): Teams must set one of their Players to be their Kick/Punt Returner. This will be marked off as an asterisk in their Team listing. Practice squad players CAN fill this role.
  • You can swap starters with practice squad players. This counts as a coaching philosophy since it can be done privately (unlike Trades and Signing/Cutting players).

Lastly, a Team has a Stadium. Your Stadium can be submitted and changed at any time during the off-season (defined as any time after the Taco Bowl, but before the first game of the next season is played). Editable Stadium settings are as follows:

  • Stadium Name (default: Team's stadium): The Stadium's name. Has no effect on the Simulation, obviously.
  • Stadium Type (default: Random): There are six types of stadiums you can choose from - Outdoor Grass, Outdoor Turf, Outdoor Dirt, Outdoor Concrete, Dome*, and Retractable Roof. The difference between Grass and Turf have very minor affects in the simulation engine, but in poor weather, a Grass field tends to become harder to play on. Dirt and Concrete fields are a bit harder to play on for all players (with Dirt fields affecting the passing game more, and Concrete ones affecting the running game more), and in the rain turn into muddy fields which can cause some significant problems. A Retractable Roof stadium usually behaves like an Outdoor Turf stadium, except in increment weather where it behaves like a Dome stadium (most of the time... sometimes the roof gets stuck open!).
  • Timezone (default: Random): There are six timezones one can choose from: Eastern, Central, Mountain, Pacific, Europe, Asia, and Obscure (reserved for locations that don't fit into any category). Teams will be disadvantaged when playing in other time zones, with greater weight depending on the difference of distance. It is encouraged that you set the timezone to the location your team is located. For overseas teams, select Asia or Europe depending on which is closer.
  • Temperature (max: 100, min: 0, default: Random): Temperature of the location of the stadium. A high number means that the stadium is in a HOT place (Like Ecuador). A low number means the stadium is in a COLD place (Like Alaska). Your team's ability to play in bad weather depends on their home location (a warm-weather team will have a hard time playing in really cold weather, and vice-versa).
  • Precipitation (max: 100, min: 0, default: Random): Amount of precipitation the location typically gets. A high number means that there is a high chance of precipitation. A low chance means there is a very low chance of precipitation (like you live in a desert or something).
  • Wind (max: 100, min: 0, default: Random): How windy your location is. The higher the number, the greater chance of windy conditions come game-time!

*For Dome stadiums, please still include Temperature, Precipitation, and Wind data for the LOCATION of where your Stadium is built, even though these factors are not relevant for games played at your stadium. These values still affect how well your team can play in bad weather at other stadiums.

In addition, teams may submit to me a 80x90 logo and a 22x95 endzone graphic for use in the Game Simulations to make them more visually pleasing. If you aren't skilled in image editing, you can still post something and I'll resize it as best I can. Also, you may select two team colors and of course your team's name! If you don't submit anything, I reserve the right to make them myself. I make most endzone logos myself, and most people seem pleased with the results.

A sample endzone image looks like this:


Offseason Rules

The NSFL runs bi-annually (twice per year) with a Winter season (after the Super Bowl) and a Summer season (after the NFL draft). Before the Winter season, Player's attributes will be updated taking into account his NFL stats from the previous year. Before the Summer season, incoming Rookies from the NFL draft will become available to be drafted. In addition, any new features to the Simulation engine will be available at the start of each new season, and will be announced and explained at that time.

Rosters become locked after the end of the regular season (a playoff team is permitted to swap the positions of players already on their own roster for an upcoming game, but can't cut or sign new ones). Players can be maintained from season to season using Keeper Tags. Each team receives 20 Keeper Tags which they can use on Players as they see fit. Players of certain positions require more of a commitment to keep, and therefore require more Tags to keep. Obviously, this will lead to certain teams having more or less players than others going into the off-season. Keeper Tags, like Draft Selections, are considered an asset for a Team and therefore can be traded (but unused Tags are discarded at the end of the Keeper step)!

Very high upkeep positions (4 Tags):

  • Quarterback

High upkeep positions (3 Tags):

  • Runningback
  • Wide Receiver
  • Offensive Tackle
  • 4-3 Defensive End
  • 3-4 Outside Linebacker
  • Cornerback

Medium upkeep positions (2 Tags):

  • Tight End
  • Offensive Guard
  • Center
  • 3-4 Defensive End
  • 4-3 Outside Linebacker
  • Defensive Tackle
  • Inside Linebacker
  • Strong Safety
  • Free Safety
  • Head Coach

Low upkeep positions (1 Tag):

  • Fullback
  • Kicker
  • Punter
  • Offensive Coordinator
  • Defensive Coordinator
  • Special Teams Coordinator
  • Practice Squad or Rookies*

*Rookies are considered any player who was a rookie in their last NFL season. PS players are considered any player who started in seven or fewer games their previous NSFL season. Only up to two PS or rookie keepers can be players who played in a game the previous NSFL season. Other PS or rookie players who played a game in the previous season will be charged by their positional price, at the position they spent the most time in during the season.

Players count as the tier they spent the majority of the previous regular season at or above. In the event of a tie, the higher value is used. For example, if one has QB Matthew Stafford and started him for 7 games and had him on their practice squad for 9 games, he can be retained with a single Tag instead of 4. In addition, players who were kept the previous season cost a minimum of what they cost the year before.

After a period where inactive GMs are replaced and Keepers are selected, a new draft will commence with all players not kept and, before a Summer season, new Rookie players. These drafts will not snake, and the ordering will be determined by last season's placing, with the Taco Bowl Champion selecting last, after the runner-up. Teams that have less players than others due to the Keeper Tag system will receive Bonus rounds at the end of the draft (in the same order) until all Teams have 30 players again. At that time, Rosters become unlocked and a new Season begins!


NSFL Seasonal History

S28 Detailed Statistics
S28 Draft
Player/Team Stat Rankings

Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 13
Week 14
Week 15
Week 16
Divisional Playoffs
Conference Championships
All-Star Bowl XXV
Taco Bowl XXVIII

Team Rosters & Settings

Cheesy Conference

Red Division

Reykjavík Direwolves (Owner: Tk3)
QB: Lamar Jackson (BAL)
RB: Miles Sanders (CAR), Keaton Mitchell (BAL)
FB: Michael Burton (DEN)
TE: Dalton Kincaid (BUF)
WR: Stefon Diggs (HOU), Chris Godwin (TB), Jayden Reed (GB)*
OT: Trent Williams (SF), Rob Havenstein (LAR)
OG: Jon Feliciano (SF), Greg Van Roten (NYG)
C; Creed Humphrey (KC)
DE: Josh Sweat (PHI), Denico Autry (HOU)
DT: Ed Oliver (BUF), Cameron Heyward (PIT)
OLB: Eric Kendricks (DAL), Isaiah Simmons (NYG)
MLB: Fred Warner (SF)
CB: Trevon Diggs (DAL), Rasul Douglas (BUF)
SS: Kerby Joseph (DET)
FS: Micah Hyde (FA)
K: Cameron Dicker (LAC)
P: Corey Bojorquez (CLE)
HC: Mike Vrabel (FA)
OC: Shane Waldron (CHI)
DC: Gus Bradley (IND)
STC: Ryan Ficken (LAC)
PS: Devonte Wyatt (GB), Odafe Oweh (BAL), ???, ???, ???

S29 Keeper Tags: 20
Picks: S29 2nd (TOM), S29 6th (HAM), S29 2nd (WAT), S29 3rd (WAT), S29 4th (WAT), S29 9th (HAM), S29 11th (HAM)
Guacamole Trophies: Season 13, Season 14

Strategy - Run Chance: 30, RB1 Chance: 60, FG Try: 39, Offens
e Agg: 75, Defense Agg: 45, Run Defense: 35
Stadium - Winterfell Godswood - Type: Outdoor Grass, Timezone: Europe, Temp: 1, Precip: 50, Wind: 50
Colors - Primary: Gray, Secondary: White

Burlington Sock Puppets (Owner: Daboyle)
QB: Jordan Love (GB)
RB: Raheem Mostert (MIA), Rachaad White (TB)
FB: Alexander Mattison (LV)
TE: Travis Kelce (KC)
WR: Tyler Lockett (SEA), Rome Odunze (CHI), Jakobi Meyers (LV)
OT: Christian Darrisaw (MIN), Joe Alt (LAC)
OG: Brandon Scherff (JAX), Alijah Vera-Tucker (NYJ)
C; Ryan Kelly (IND)
DE: DeMarcus Lawrence (DAL), John Franklin-Myers (DEN)
NT: Dexter Lawrence (NYG)
OLB: Alex Highsmith (PIT), Dallas Turner (MIN)
ILB: Lavonte David (TB), Kaden Elliss (ATL)
CB: Kendall Fuller (MIA), Terrion Arnold (DET)
SS: Talanoa Hufanga (SF)
FS: Jimmie Ward (HOU)
K: Brandon Aubrey (DAL)
P: Jake Camarda (TB)
HC: Sean McVay (LAR)
OC: Shane Steichen (IND)
DC: Mike Macdonald (SEA)
STC: Larry Izzo (WAS)
PS: Dorance Armstrong (WAS), Morgan Moses (NYJ), Xavier Gipson (NYJ)*, Darrick Forrest (WAS), Tyler Guyton (DAL)

S29 Keeper Tags: 20 (+1 for Travis Kelce)
Guacamole Trophies: Season 9

Strategy - Run Chance: 58, RB1 Chance: 65, FG Try: 37, Offense Agg: 85, Defense Agg: 87, Run Defense: 40
Stadium - The Coat Factory - Type: Retractable Roof, Timezone: Eastern, Temp: 35, Precip: 60, Wind: 70
Colors - Primary: White, Secondary: Red

Rio de Janeiro Pirates (Owner: RuskieTitan)
QB: Patrick Mahomes (KC)
RB: Nick Chubb (CLE), A.J. Dillon (GB)
FB: Khari Blasingame (CHI)
TE: George Kittle (SF)
WR: Tyreek Hill (MIA), Mike Evans (TB), Romeo Doubs (GB)
OT: Ronnie Stanley (BAL), Darnell Wright (CHI)
OG: Wyatt Teller (CLE), Laken Tomlinson (SEA)
C; Lloyd Cushenberry (TEN)
DE: Jadeveon Clowney (CAR), Preston Smith (GB)
DT: Kenny Clark (GB), B.J. Hill (CIN)
OLB: Dre Greenlaw (SF), Kyzir White (ARI)
MLB: Tremaine Edmunds (CHI)
CB: Jaylon Johnson (CHI), A.J. Terrell (ATL)
SS: Harrison Smith (MIN)
FS: Andre Cisco (JAX)
K: Evan McPherson (CIN)
P: Johnny Hekker (CAR)
HC: Andy Reid (KC)
OC: Brian Callahan (TEN)
DC: Aaron Glenn (DET)
STC: Darren Rizzi (NO)
PS: Jalin Hyatt (NYG)*, Treylon Burks (TEN), Roschon Johnson (CHI), Tyjae Spears (TEN), Will Levis (TEN)

S29 Keeper Tags: 20
Picks: S29 1st (RJ), S29 3rd (RJ), S30 3rd (RJ)
Guacamole Trophies: Season 4, Season 6, Season 21

Strategy - Run Chance: 40, RB1 Chance: 75, FG Try: 40, Offense Agg: 65, Defense Agg: 60, Run Defense: 55
Stadium - The Boneyard II - Type: Outdoor Grass, Timezone: Eastern, Temp: 40, Precip: 45, Wind: 35
Colors - Primary: Purple, Secondary: Light Gold

Hanoi Viet Kongs (Owner: ravens5520)

QB: Caleb Williams (CHI)
RB: Alvin Kamara (NO), Ezekiel Elliott (DAL)
FB: Patrick Ricard (BAL)
TE: Isaiah Likely (BAL)
WR: DeAndre Hopkins (TEN), Tee Higgins (CIN), Zay Flowers (BAL)*
OT: Jack Conklin (CLE), David Bakhtiari (FA)
OG: Kevin Zeitler (DET), Teven Jenkins (CHI)
C; Tyler Linderbaum (BAL)
DE: Rashan Gary (GB), Brian Burns (NYG)
DT: Chris Jones (KC), Justin Madubuike (BAL)
OLB: Jerome Baker (SEA), Germaine Pratt (CIN)
MLB: Jack Campbell (DET)
CB: Marlon Humphrey (BAL), D.J. Reed (NYJ)
SS: Jordan Poyer (MIA)
FS: Marcus A. Williams (BAL)
K: Greg Zuerlein (NYJ)
P: Matt Araiza (KC)
HC: Pete Carroll (FA)
OC: Brian Schottenheimer (DAL)
DC: Todd Bowles (TB)
STC: Jerry Rosburg (FA)
PS: Rashod Bateman (BAL), Adonai Mitchell (IND), Blake Corum (LAR), Michael Wilson (ARI), Zamir White (LV)

S29 Keeper Tags: 20
Picks: S29 6th (HAN), S29 8th (HAN)
Guacamole Trophies: Season 23

Strategy -  Run Chance: 48, RB1 Chance: 63, FG Try: 41, Offense Agg: 65, Defense Agg: 45, Run Defense: 38
Stadium - The Jungle - Type: Dome, Timezone: Asia, Temp: 45, Precip: 50, Wind: 55
Colors - Primary: Red Orange, Secondary: Yellow

Lancaster Fighting Amish (Owner: TOUCAN)

QB: Jayden Daniels (WAS)
RB: Kyren Williams (LAR), Kenneth Walker III (SEA)
FB: Ben Mason (LAC)
TE: Mark Andrews (BAL)
WR: Chris Olave (NO), Terry McLaurin (WAS), George Pickens (PIT)
OT: Penei Sewell (DET), Olumuyiwa Fashanu (NYJ)
OG: Sam Cosmi (WAS), Kevin Dotson (LAR)
C; Jackson Powers-Johnson (LV)
DE: Laiatu Latu (IND), Carl Granderson (NO)
DT: Jonathan Allen (WAS), Bryan Bresee (NO)
OLB: Logan Wilson (CIN), Quincy Williams (NYJ)
MLB: Patrick Queen (PIT)
CB: Devon Witherspoon (SEA), Christian Gonzalez (NE)
SS: Jeremy Chinn (WAS)
FS: Dax Hill (CIN)
K: Jake Moody (SF)
P: Tress Way (WAS)
HC: Jim Harbaugh (LAC)
OC: Todd Monken (BAL)
DC: Brian Flores (MIN)
STC: Richard Bisaccia (GB)
PS: Jahan Dotson (WAS), Ja'Tavion Sanders (CAR), Elijah Moore (CLE)*, ???, ???

S29 Keeper Tags: 20

Strategy - Run Chance: 40, RB1 Chance: 50, FG Try: 40, Offense Agg: 30, Defense Agg: 30, Run Defense: 25
Stadium - The Silo - Type: Outdoor Grass, Timezone: Eastern, Temp: 29, Precip: 80, Wind: 30
Colors - Primary: Silver, Secondary: Navy Blue

Blue Division

Anchorage Quill Pigs (Owner: Scoundrel, GM: InjuredReserve)
QB: Trevor Lawrence (JAX)
RB: Rhamondre Stevenson (NE), Samaje Perine (DEN)
FB: Jahmyr Gibbs (DET)
TE: Trey McBride (ARI)
WR: Justin Jefferson (MIN), Malik Nabers (NYG), Josh Downs (IND)
OT: Laremy Tunsil (HOU), Garett Bolles (DEN)
OG: Ben Powers (DEN), Zach Tom (GB)
C; Graham Barton (TB)
DE: Nick Bosa (SF), Sam Hubbard (CIN)
DT: Jordan Davis (PHI), T'Vondre Sweat (TEN)
OLB: Devin White (PHI), Devin Lloyd (JAX)
MLB: Nick Bolton (KC)
CB: Patrick Surtain II (DEN), Carlton Davis (DET)
SS: Tyler Nubin (NYG)
FS: Kyle Hamilton (BAL)
K: Daniel Carlson (LV)
P: Thomas Morstead (NYJ)
HC: DeMeco Ryans (HOU)
OC: Zac Taylor (CIN)
DC: Vic Fangio (PHI)
STC: Brian Schneider (SF)
PS: Drake Maye (NE), Jonathon Brooks (CAR), Rashee Rice (KC)*, Travon Walker (JAX), Ben Sinnott (WAS)

S29 Keeper Tags: 21
Picks: S29 6th (CAM), S29 6th (WAT), S29 6th (PHO), S30 5th (WAT), S29 8th (ANC), S29 9th (ANC), S29 10th (ANC)
Guacamole Trophies: Season 3

Strategy - Run Chance: 30, RB1 Chance: 65, FG Try: 37, Offense Agg: 67, Defense Agg: 64, Run Defense: 47
Stadium - The Tundra - Type: Outdoor Turf, Timezone: Pacific, Temp: 5, Precip: 30, Wind: 30
Colors - Primary: Light Gray, Secondary: Dim Brown

Cambodia Humanoids (Owner: Malfatron, GM: Ragnarok)
QB: C.J. Stroud (HOU)
RB: Joe Mixon (HOU), Jamaal Williams (NO)
FB: De'Von Achane (MIA)
TE: Dalton Schultz (HOU)
WR: A.J. Brown (PHI), Christian Kirk (JAX), JuJu Smith-Schuster (NE)
OT: Taylor Decker (DET), Michael Onwenu (NE)
OG: Alex Cappa (CIN), Jon Runyan Jr. (NYG)
C; Drew Dalman (ATL)
DE: Leonard Williams (SEA), Dre'Mont Jones (SEA)
NT: Daron Payne (WAS)
OLB: T.J. Watt (PIT), Khalil Mack (LAC)
ILB: Terrel Bernard (BUF), Quay Walker (GB)
CB: Darius Slay (PHI), Martin Emerson (CLE)
SS: Vonn Bell (CIN)
FS: Camryn Bynum (MIN)
K: Nick Folk (TEN)
P: Logan Cooke (JAX)
HC: Kirby Smart (FA)
OC: Frank Reich (FA)
DC: Jeff Ulbrich (NYJ)
STC: Darrin Simmons (CIN)
PS: Marvin Mims Jr. (DEN)*, Cooper Beebe (DAL), Deonte Banks (NYG), Asante Samuel Jr. (LAC), Christian Benford (BUF)

S29 Keeper Tags: 20
Picks: S29 1st (CAM), S29 6th (CAM), S29 10th (CAM), S30 2nd (CAM)
Guacamole Trophies: Season 2, Season 15, Season 18

Strategy - Run Chance: 30, RB1 Chance: 65, FG Try: 39, Offense Agg: 55, Defense Agg: 100, Run Defense: 0
Stadium - Bloodbath and Beyond - Type: Outdoor Grass, Timezone: Asia, Temp: 90, Precip: 90, Wind: 75
Colors - Primary: Crimson Red, Secondary: Bright Turquoise

Little Rock Uni Royals (Owner: Glen)
QB: Josh Allen (BUF)
RB: Devin Singletary (NYG), Chuba Hubbard (CAR)
FB: Taysom Hill (NO)
TE: Hunter Henry (NE)
WR: Brandon Aiyuk (SF), Mike Williams (NYJ), Gabriel Davis (JAX)
OT: Dion Dawkins (BUF), Brian O'Neill (MIN)
OG: Zack Martin (DAL), Joel Bitonio (CLE)
C; Mitch Morse (JAX)
DE: Gregory Rousseau (BUF), Jordan Elliott (SF)
NT: Grover Stewart (IND)
OLB: Micah Parsons (DAL), Matt Milano (BUF)
ILB: Demario Davis (NO), C.J. Mosley (NYJ)
CB: Taron Johnson (BUF), James Bradberry (PHI)
SS: Antoine Winfield Jr. (TB)
FS: Justin Simmons (FA)
K: Jason Sanders (MIA)
P: Bryan Anger (DAL)
HC: Bill Belichick (FA)
OC: Brian Daboll (NYG)
DC: Jonathan Gannon (ARI)
STC: Dave Fipp (DET)
PS: Braxton Berrios (MIA)*, Cam Jurgens (PHI), Michael Penix Jr. (ATL), Anton Harrison (JAX), Maliek Collins (SF)

S29 Keeper Tags: 20
Guacamole Trophies: Season 12, Season 27

Strategy - Run Chance: 45, RB1 Chance: 60, FG Try: 38, Offense Agg: 60, Defense Agg: 55, Run Defense: 35
Stadium - Pebble Stadium - Type: Outdoor Turf, Timezone: Central, Temp: 50, Precip: 1, Wind: 0
Colors - Primary: Royal Blue, Secondary: White

Tokyo Shoguns (Owner: bcb1213)

QB: Joe Burrow (CIN)
RB: Breece Hall (NYJ), D'Andre Swift (CHI)
FB: Cole Kmet (CHI)
TE: T.J. Hockenson (MIN)
WR: Garrett Wilson (NYJ), Diontae Johnson (CAR), Jordan Addison (MIN)
OT: Kolton Miller (LV), Jake Matthews (ATL)
OG: Quinn Meinerz (DEN), Trey Smith (KC)
C; Ted Karras (CIN)
DE: Jaelan Phillips (MIA), Jermaine Johnson II (NYJ)
DT: Javon Hargrave (SF), KAidan Hutchinson (DET)
OLB: Shaq Thompson (CAR), Alex Anzalone (DET)
MLB: T.J. Edwards (CHI)
CB: Jalen Ramsey (MIA), Brian Branch (DET)
SS: Jabrill Peppers (NE)
FS: Kevin Byard (CHI)
K: Harrison Butker (KC)
P: Riley Dixon (DEN)
HC: John Harbaugh (BAL)
OC: Kevin O'Connell (MIN)
DC: Robert Saleh (NYJ)
STC: John Fassel (DAL)
PS: wity Paye (IND), Nate Wiggins (BAL), Ricky Pearsall (SF)*, Quentin Johnson (LAC), Chase Brown (CIN)

S29 Keeper Tags: 20
Picks: S29 3rd (HAM), S30 2nd (WAT)
Guacamole Trophies: Season 20

Strategy - Run Chance: 45, RB1 Chance: 58, FG Try: 37, Offense Agg: 60, Defense Agg: 60, Run Defense: 39
Stadium - Bushido Bowl - Type: Outdoor Grass, Timezone: Asia, Temp: 45, Precip: 55, Wind: 45
Colors - Primary: Copper, Secondary: Dark Gray

Hamilton Hornets (Owner: LAOJoe)

QB: Aaron Rodgers (NYJ)
RB: Aaron Jones (MIN), C.J. Ham (MIN)
FB: Bijan Robinson (ATL)*
TE: Jimmy Graham (FA)
WR: Drake London (ATL), Marvin Harrison Jr. (ARI), Malik Washington (MIA)
OT: Charles Leno (FA), Lane Johnson (PHI)
OG: Jason Peters (FA), Jordan Morgan (GB)
C; Garrett Bradbury (MIN)
DE: Josh Hines-Allen (JAX), Harold Landry (TEN)
DT: Grady Jarrett (ATL), Calais Campbell (MIA)
OLB: Josey Jewell (CAR), Ivan Pace Jr. (MIN)
MLB: Alex Singleton (DEN)
CB: Patrick Peterson (FA), Tyson Campbell (JAX)
SS: Geno Stone (CIN)
FS: Ahkello Witherspoon (FA)
K: Jason Myers (SEA)
P: Ryan Stonehouse (TEN)
HC: Eric Bieniemy (FA)
OC: Joe Brady (BUF)
DC: Steve Wilks (FA)
STC: Chris Tabor (FA)
PS: Kene Nwangwu (MIN), Ja'Lynn Polk (NE), Cooper DeJean (PHI), Jordan Mailata (PHI), Derek Carr (NO)

S29 Keeper Tags: 20
Picks: S29 1st (PHO), S29 2nd (PHO), S29 5th (WAT), S29 7th (WAT), S29 9th (ANC), S29 9th (WAT), S29 10th (CAM), S29 10th (ANC), S29 10th (FRE), S29 10th (LM), S29 10th (WAT), S29 11th (WAT), S29 12th (WAT), S29 13th (WAT), S29 14th (WAT), S29 15th (WAT), S30 1st (PHO), S30 3rd (WAT), S30 6th (WAT), S30 11th (OKO), S31 2nd (WAT), S31 3rd (WAT), S29 2nd (HAM), S29 3rd (HAM), S29 6th (HAM), S29 9th (HAM), S29 11th (HAM), S30 10th (HAM), S30 11th (HAM)
Guacamole Trophies: Season 8, Season 26

Strategy - Run Chance: 30, RB1 Chance: 60, FG Try: 43, Offense Agg: 70, Defense Agg: 56, Run Defense: 40
Stadium - The Hive - Type: Outdoor Grass, Timezone: Eastern, Temp: 31, Precip: 31, Wind: 31
Colors - Primary: Amber, Secondary: Black

Salsa Conference

Green Division

Wattsville Waste Walruses (Owner: TL-TwoWinsAway)

QB: Dak Prescott (DAL)
RB: Dalvin Cook (FA), Josh Jacobs (GB)
FB: Travis Etienne (JAX)
TE: Mike Gesicki (CIN)
WR: Amon-Ra St. Brown (DET), Odell Beckham Jr. (MIA), Brandin Cooks (DAL)*
OT: Tristan Wirfs (TB), D.J. Humphries (FA)
OG: Chris Lindstrom (ATL), Orlando Brown Jr. (CIN)
C; Shaq Mason (HOU)
DE: Von Miller (BUF), Matt Judon (ATL)
DT: Derrick Brown (CAR), Vita Vea (TB)
OLB: Andrew Van Ginkel (MIN), Ernest Jones (LAR)
MLB: Ja'Whaun Bentley (NE)
CB: Marshon Lattimore (NO), Stephon Gilmore (MIN)
SS: Kyle Dugger (NE)
FS: Jessie Bates III (ATL)
K: Justin Tucker (BAL)
P: Sam Martin (BUF)
HC: Jeff Fisher (FA)
OC: Sean Payton (DEN)
DC: Mike Tomlin (PIT)
STC: Bobby April (FA)
PS: Kamari Lassiter (HOU), Isiah Pacheco (KC), Alontae Taylor (NO), Jalen Carter (PHI), George Karlaftis (KC)

S29 Keeper Tags: 20
Picks: S30 11th (HAM), S31 10th (IND), S31 10th (TOM), S29 1st (WAT), S29 2nd (WAT), S29 3rd (WAT), S29 4th (WAT), S29 5th (WAT), S29 6th (WAT), S29 7th (WAT), S29 8th (WAT), S29 9th (WAT), S29 10th (WAT), S29 11th (WAT), S29 12th (WAT), S29 13th (WAT), S29 14th (WAT), S29 15th (WAT), S30 1st (WAT), S30 2nd (WAT), S30 3rd (WAT), S30 4th (WAT), S30 5th (WAT), S30 6th (WAT), S31 1st (WAT), S31 2nd (WAT), S31 3rd (WAT)
Guacamole Trophies: Season 1, Season 11, Season 17, Season 25

Strategy - Run Chance: 45, RB1 Chance: 50, FG Try: 47, Offense Agg: 60, Defense Agg: 75, Run Defense: 30
Stadium - Sirhowy Valley Field - Type: Outdoor Grass, Timezone: Europe, Temp: 20, Precip: 50, Wind: 100
Colors - Primary: Baby Blue, Secondary: Carrot Orange

Tombstone Outlaws (Owner: Pickle Rick)

QB: Tua Tagovailoa (MIA)
RB: Christian McCaffrey (SF), Khalil Herbert (CHI)
FB: Theo Johnson (NYG)
TE: Jake Ferguson (DAL)
WR: Michael Pittman (IND), Calvin Ridley (TEN)*, Tyler Boyd (TEN)
OT: Rashawn Slater (LAC), Amarius Mims (CIN)
OG: Robert Hunt (CAR), Paris Johnson Jr. (ARI)
C; Ethan Pocic (CLE)
DE: Tuli Tuipulotu (LAC), Bud Dupree (LAC)
NT: Zach Sieler (MIA)
OLB: Joey Bosa (LAC), Boye Mafe (SEA)
ILB: David Long Jr. (MIA), Damone Clark (DAL)
CB: Trent McDuffie (KC), Tyrique Stevenson (CHI)
SS: Derwin James (LAC)
FS: Grant Delpit (CLE)
K: Matt Prater (ARI)
P: A.J. Cole III (LV)
HC: Sean McDermott (BUF)
OC: Frank Smith (MIA)
DC: Aden Durde (SEA)
STC: Jay Harbaugh (SEA)
PS: Trey Benson (ARI), Johnny Wilson (PHI), Gerald Everett (CHI), Jaylen Wright (MIA), Troy Franklin (DEN)

S29 Keeper Tags: 20
Picks: S29 2nd (TOM), S29 8th (TOM), S31 10th (TOM)

Strategy - Run Chance: 35, RB1 Chance: 67, FG Try: 42, Offense Agg: 79, Defense Agg: 79, Run Defense: 10
Stadium - Hell's Desert - Type: Outdoor Dirt, Timezone: Mountain, Temp: 100, Precip: 0, Wind: 60
Colors - Primary: Black, Secondary: Aqua

Cincinnati Buffleheads (Owner: rackcs)

QB: Matthew Stafford (LAR)
RB: Jonathan Taylor (IND), Zack Moss (CIN)
FB: Kyle Juszczyk (SF)
TE: Pat Freiermuth (PIT)
WR: D.K. Metcalf (SEA), D.J. Moore (CHI), Nico Collins (HOU)
OT: Mike McGlinchey (DEN), Duane Brown (FA)
OG: Joe Thuney (KC), Andrew Norwell (FA)
C; Aaron Brewer (MIA)
DE: Bradley Chubb (MIA), Brandon Graham (PHI)
DT: Christian Wilkins (LV), Byron Murphy II (SEA)
OLB: Jordan Hicks (CLE), Jahlani Tavai (NE)
MLB: Jordyn Brooks (MIA)
CB: Paulson Adebo (NO), Chidobe Awuzie (TEN)
SS: Jaquan Brisker (CHI)
FS: Xavier McKinney (GB)
K: Chris Boswell (PIT)
P: Cameron Johnston (PIT)
HC: Antonio Pierce (LV)
OC: Bobby Slowik (HOU)
DC: Jim Schwartz (CLE)
STC: Brant Boyer (NYJ)
PS: Ndamukong Suh (FA), Shaquille Leonard (FA), Malcolm Koonce (LV), Nyheim Hines (CLE)*, Baker Mayfield (TB)

S29 Keeper Tags: 20
Picks: S29 1st (WAT), S30 1st (WAT)
Guacamole Trophies: Season 19

Strategy - Run Chance: 50, RB1 Chance: 60, FG Try: 39, Offense Agg: 55, Defense Agg: 70, Run Defense: 50
Stadium - The Quackerdome - Type: Dome, Timezone: Eastern, Temp: 49, Precip: 60, Wind: 50
Colors - Primary: Yellow, Secondary: Olive Green

Okoboji Ents (Owner: adamq)

QB: Kyler Murray (ARI)
RB: Najee Harris (PIT), Antonio Gibson (NE)
FB: Alec Ingold (MIA)
TE: Evan Engram (JAX)
WR: Cooper Kupp (LAR), Adam Thielen (CAR), Brian Thomas Jr. (JAX)
OT: Terron Armstead (MIA), Andrew Thomas (NYG)
OG: Landon Dickerson (PHI), Cesar Ruiz (NO)
C; Josh Myers (GB)
DE: Jeffery Simmons (TEN), Jonathan Greenard (MIN)
NT: Jarran Reed (SEA)
OLB: Montez Sweat (CHI), Jeremiah Owusu-Koramoah (CLE)
ILB: Foyesade Oluokun (JAX),Bobby Okereke (NYG)
CB: Jaire Alexander (GB), Denzel Ward (CLE)
SS: Jalen Thompson (ARI)
FS: Malik Hooker (DAL)
K: Matt Gay (IND)
P: Michael Dickson (SEA)
HC: Kyle Shanahan (SF)
OC: Chris Foerster (SF)
DC: Steve Spagnuolo (KC)
STC: Frank Ross (HOU)
PS: Spencer Brown (BUF), Rashid Shaheed (NO)*, L'Jarius Sneed (TEN), Kenny Moore II (IND), Jordan Mason (SF)

S29 Keeper Tags: 20
Picks: S29 8th (ANC), S30 2nd (CAM), S30 11th (OKO)
Guacamole Trophies: Season 16, Season 24

Strategy - Run Chance: 45, RB1 Chance: 74, FG Try: 42, Offense Agg: 35, Defense Agg: 50, Run Defense: 30
Stadium - Fir Field - Type: Retractable Roof, Timezone: Central, Temp: 40, Precip: 40, Wind: 30
Colors - Primary: Forest Green, Secondary: Brown

Phoenix Rubber Ducks (Owner: Kingram)

QB: Kirk Cousins (ATL)
RB: Austin Ekeler (WAS), Brian Robinson (WAS)
FB: Sam LaPorta (DET)
TE: Dawson Knox (BUF)
WR: Ja'Marr Chase (CIN), Jaxon Smith-Njigba (SEA), Tank Dell (HOU)*
OT: Charles Cross (SEA), Luke Goedeke (TB)
OG: Jonah Jackson (LAR), Taliese Fuaga (NO)
C; David Andrews (NE)
DE: Keion White (NE), Leonard Floyd (SF)
DT: Christian Barmore (NE), Calijah Kancey (TB)
OLB: Elandon Roberts (PIT), Zack Baun (PHI)
MLB: Pete Werner (NO)
CB: Mike Hilton (CIN), Jamel Dean (TB)
SS: Kool-Aid McKinstry (NO)
FS: Kamren Curl (LAR)
K: Chase McLaughlin (TB)
P: Blake Gillikin (ARI)
HC: Jerod Mayo (NE)
OC: Kliff Kingsbury (WAS)
DC: Dennis Allen (NO)
STC: Tom McMahon (LV)
PS: Bo Nix (DEN), Tyree Wilson (LV), Josh Uche (NE), Aidan O'Connell (LV), Puka Nacua (LAR)

S29 Keeper Tags: 21
Picks: S29 1st (CAM), S29 1st (RJ), S29 2nd (HAM), S29 3rd (RJ), S29 8th (HAN), S29 8th (TOM), S29 8th (EGY), S29 8th (WAT), S30 3rd (RJ), S30 3rd (IND), S30 4th (WAT), S30 10th (HAM), S31 1st (WAT), S29 1st (PHO), S29 2nd (PHO), S29 6th (PHO), S30 1st (PHO)

Strategy - Run Chance: 30, RB1 Chance: 80, FG Try: 45, Offense Agg: 70, Defense Agg: 75, Run Defense: 45
Stadium - MJK Coliseum - Type: Outdoor Dirt, Timezone: Mountain, Temp: 82, Precip: 5, Wind: 20
Colors - Primary: Orange, Secondary: Blue

Yellow Division

New Zealand Blobfish (Owner: EaglesPeteC)

QB: Jalen Hurts (PHI)
RB: Saquon Barkley (PHI), Kareem Hunt (FA)
FB: Darnell Washington (PIT)
TE: Brock Bowers (LV)
WR: Jaylen Waddle (MIA), DeVonta Smith (PHI), Michael Thomas Jr. (FA)
OT: Taylor Moton (CAR), Kaleb McGary (ATL)
OG: Jamaree Salyer (LAC), Troy Fautanu (PIT)
C; Connor Williams (SEA)
DE: Cameron Jordan (NO), Za'Darius Smith (CLE)
DT: Quinnen Williams (NYJ), Alim McNeill (DET)
OLB: Zaire Franklin (IND), Willie Gay Jr. (NO)
MLB: De'Vondre Campbell (SF)
CB: Sauce Gardner (NYJ), Derek Stingley Jr. (HOU)
SS: Chauncey Gardner-Johnson (PHI)
FS: Jevon Holland (MIA)
K: Jake Elliott (PHI)
P: Jack Fox (DET)
HC: Kevin Stefanski (CLE)
OC: Mike McDaniel (MIA)
DC: Dan Quinn (WAS)
STC: Michael Clay (PHI)
PS: Nolan Smith (PHI), Roman Wilson (PIT), Cordarrelle Patterson (PIT)*, Ladd McConkey (LAC), Jared Verse (LAR)

S29 Keeper Tags: 20
Guacamole Trophies: Season 5

Strategy - Run Chance: 55, RB1 Chance: 75, FG Try: 38, Offense Agg: 55, Defense Agg: 55, Run Defense: 40
Stadium - Gilbert E. Blobbington Memorial Stadium - Type: Outdoor Turf, Timezone: Asia, Temp: 50, Precip: 25, Wind: 16
Colors - Primary: Dark Navy, Secondary: Sea Green

Lake Minnewanka Ice Orcas (Owner: The Orca)
QB: Geno Smith (SEA)
RB: Derrick Henry (BAL), Dameon Pierce (HOU)
FB: Hunter Luepke (DAL)
TE: David Njoku (CLE)
WR: CeeDee Lamb (DAL), Deebo Samuel (SF)*, Xavier Worthy (KC)
OT: Bernhard Raimann (IND), Braden Smith (IND)
OG: Isaac Seumalo (PIT), Elgton Jenkins (GB)
C; Erik McCoy (NO)
DE: Kayvon Thibodeaux (NYG), Lukas Van Ness (GB)
NT: D.J. Reader (DET)
OLB: Will Anderson Jr. (HOU), Trey Hendrickson (CIN)
ILB: Drue Tranquill (KC), Tyrel Dodson (SEA)
CB: Michael Carter II (NYJ), Darious Williams (LAR)
SS: Reed Blankenship (PHI)
FS: Alohi Gilman (LAC)
K: Younghoe Koo (ATL)
P: Tommy Townsend (HOU)
HC: Mike McCarthy (DAL)
OC: Matt Nagy (KC)
DC: Mike Zimmer (DAL)
STC: Dave Toub (KC)
PS: Anthony Richardson (IND), Hendon Hooker (DET), Russell Wilson (PIT), Justin Fields (PIT), Daniel Jones (NYG)

S29 Keeper Tags: 20
Picks: S29 10th (LM)
Guacamole Trophies: Season 10

Strategy - Run Chance: 35, RB1 Chance: 70, FG Try: 45, Offense Agg: 61, Defense Agg: 61, Run Defense: 40
Stadium - The Cirque Tarn - Type: Outdoor Grass, Timezone: Mountain, Temp: 35, Precip: 50, Wind: 25
Colors - Primary: Light Blue, Secondary: Light Orange

Indianapolis Predators (Owner: RandyMossIsBoss)
QB: Justin Herbert (LAC)
RB: James Conner (ARI), Javonte Williams (DEN)
FB: Josh Oliver (MIN)
TE: Dallas Goedert (PHI)
WR: Keenan Allen (CHI), Courtland Sutton (DEN), Marquise Brown (KC)*
OT: Tyron Smith (NYJ), Ryan Ramczyk (NO)
OG: Quenton Nelson (IND), Tyler Smith (DAL)
C; Austin Corbett (CAR)
DE: Myles Garrett (CLE), Haason Reddick (NYJ)
DT: DeForest Buckner (IND), Michael Pierce (BAL)
OLB: Christian Harris (HOU), Kyle Van Noy (BAL)
MLB: Bobby Wagner (WAS)
CB: Tre'Davious White (LAR), Xavien Howard (FA)
SS: Jamal Adams (TEN)
FS: Minkah Fitzpatrick (PIT)
K: Tyler Bass (BUF)
P: Jamie Gillan (NYG)
HC: Nick Sirianni (PHI)
OC: Dave Canales (CAR)
DC: Ron Rivera (FA)
STC: Matt Daniels (MIN)
PS: Jer'Zhan Newton (WAS), Max Melton (ARI), Xavier Legette (CAR), Edgerrin Cooper (GB), Junior Colson (LAC)

S29 Keeper Tags: 20
Picks: S29 1st (IND), S30 3rd (IND), S31 10th (IND)
Guacamole Trophies: Season 22, Season 28

Strategy - Run Chance: 35, RB1 Chance: 55, FG Try: 35, Offense Agg: 53, Defense Agg: 60, Run Defense: 35
Stadium - Fiesta Stadium - Type: Retractable Roof, Timezone: Eastern, Temp: 40, Precip: 2, Wind: 50
Colors - Primary: Dark Red, Secondary: Dark Green

Freiburg Venom (Owner: SirA1)
QB: Jared Goff (DET)
RB: Tony Pollard (TEN), J.K. Dobbins (BAL)
FB: David Montgomery (DET)
TE: Jonnu Smith (MIA)
WR: Amari Cooper (CLE), Jerry Jeudy (CLE), Wan'Dale Robinson (NYG)
OT: J.C. Latham (TEN), Jermaine Eluemunor (NYG)
OG: Matthew Bergeron (ATL), James Daniels (PIT)
C; Frank Ragnow (DET)
DE: Maxx Crosby (LV), B.Y. Young (LAR)
DT: Chase Young (NO), Dalvin Tomlinson (CLE)
OLB: Frankie Luvu (WAS), Jamin Davis (WAS)
MLB: Roquan Smith (BAL)
CB: Charvarius Ward (SF), Jaycee Horn (CAR)
SS: Tyrann Mathieu (NO)
FS: Budda Baker (ARI)
K: Eddy Piñeiro (CAR)
P: Mitch Wishnowsky (SF)
HC: Dan Campbell (DET)
OC: Doug Pederson (JAX)
DC: Raheem Morris (ATL)
STC: Bubba Ventrone (CLE)
PS: J.J. McCarthy (MIN), Keisean Nixon (GB)*, Keeanu Benton (PIT), Khalil Shakir (BUF), Carson Steele (KC)

S29 Keeper Tags: 20
Picks: S29 10th (FRE)

Strategy - Run Chance: 55, RB1 Chance: 60, FG Try: 44, Offense Agg: 40, Defense Agg: 65, Run Defense: 50
Stadium - Altstadt - Type: Outdoor Grass, Timezone: Europe, Temp: 65, Precip: 42, Wind: 42
Colors - Primary: Gold, Secondary: Maroon

Egypt Starfalls (Owner: El Ramster)
QB: Brock Purdy (SF)
RB: James Cook (BUF), Gus Edwards (LAC)
FB: Jerome Ford (CLE)
TE: Kyle Pitts (ATL)
WR: Davante Adams (LV), Jameson Williams (DET)*, Christian Watson (GB)
OT: Jawaan Taylor (KC), Austin Jackson (MIA)
OG: Damien Lewis (CAR), Peter Skoronski (TEN)
C; Steve Avila (LAR)
DE: Danielle Hunter (HOU), Randy Gregory (FA)
DT: Kobie Turner (LAR), Arik Armstead (JAX)
OLB: Chop Robinson (MIA), Bryce Huff (PHI)
MLB: Jeremiah Trotter Jr. (PHI)
CB: Riq Woolen (SEA), DaRon Bland (DAL)
SS: Quentin Lake (LAR)
FS: Quinyon Mitchell (PHI)
K: Ka'Imi Fairbairn (HOU)
P: Bryce Baringer (NE)
HC: Matt LaFleur (GB)
OC: Ben Johnson (DET)
DC: Don Martindale (FA)
STC: Chris Horton (BAL)
PS: Joey Porter Jr. (PIT), Pat Jones II (MIN), Keon Coleman (BUF), Jonathon Cooper (DEN), Braden Fiske (LAR)

S29 Keeper Tags: 20
Picks: S29 1st (IND), S29 6th (HAN), S29 8th (EGY)
Guacamole Trophies: Season 7

Strategy - Run Chance: 55, RB1 Chance: 65, FG Try: 38, Offense Agg: 55, Defense Agg: 60, Run Defense: 50
Stadium - Dawn - Type: Outdoor Dirt, Timezone: Europe, Temp: 35, Precip: 45, Wind: 25
Colors - Primary: Magenta, Secondary: Silver


Cheesy Conference

Red Division

  1. Burlington Sock Puppets (12-4) xyz
  2. Rio de Janeiro Pirates (10-6) x
  3. Reykjavík Direwolves (8-8)
  4. Hanoi Viet Kongs (6-10)
  5. Lancaster Fighting Amish (5-11)

Blue Division

  1. Tokyo Shoguns (11-5) xy
  2. Little Rock Uni Royals (11-5) x
  3. Cambodia Humanoids (9-7)
  4. Anchorage Quill Pigs (6-10)
  5. Hamilton Hornets (3-13)

Salsa Conference

Green Division

  1. Cincinnati Buffleheads (10-5-1) xy
  2. Wattsville Waste Walruses (9-7) x
  3. Okoboji Ents (8-7-1)
  4. Tombstone Outlaws (7-9)
  5. Phoenix Rubber Ducks (4-12)

Yellow Division

  1. Indianapolis Predators (13-3) xyz
  2. Lake Minnewanka Ice Orcas (10-6) x
  3. New Zealand Blobfish (8-8)
  4. Freiburg Venom (7-9)
  5. Egypt Starfalls (2-14)

x - Clinched playoff berth
y - Clinched division
z - Clinched homefield advantage
e - Eliminated from playoff contention


WEEK 1 (Tue, July 30)
Reykjavík Direwolves 17 @ Little Rock Uni Royals 34
Wattsville Waste Walruses 32 @ Hanoi Viet Kongs 31
Egypt Starfalls 21 @ Lake Minnewanka Ice Orcas 26
Burlington Sock Puppets 30 @ Anchorage Quill Pigs 27
Phoenix Rubber Ducks 25 @ Rio de Janeiro Pirates 30
Lancaster Fighting Amish 16 @ Cincinnati Buffleheads 30
Cambodia Humanoids 26 @ Hamilton Hornets 32
Tombstone Outlaws 21 @ Okoboji Ents 24
Indianapolis Predators 31 @ New Zealand Blobfish 16
Freiburg Venom 14 @ Tokyo Shoguns 20

WEEK 2 (Fri, August 2)
Cincinnati Buffleheads 24 @ Burlington Sock Puppets 21
Lancaster Fighting Amish 20 @ Hanoi Viet Kongs 23
Rio de Janeiro Pirates 31 @ Okoboji Ents 23
Hamilton Hornets 22 @ Little Rock Uni Royals 34
Reykjavík Direwolves 30 @ Cambodia Humanoids 34
Indianapolis Predators 21 @ Egypt Starfalls 16
Tokyo Shoguns 24 @ Lake Minnewanka Ice Orcas 26
Wattsville Waste Walruses 27 @ Freiburg Venom 31
New Zealand Blobfish 24 @ Anchorage Quill Pigs 23
Tombstone Outlaws 17 @ Phoenix Rubber Ducks 31

WEEK 3 (Tue, August 6)
Phoenix Rubber Ducks 23 @ Lancaster Fighting Amish 28
Little Rock Uni Royals 23 @ Egypt Starfalls 20
Tokyo Shoguns 29 @ Reykjavík Direwolves 27
Hanoi Viet Kongs 23 @ Burlington Sock Puppets 27
Okoboji Ents 20 @ Wattsville Waste Walruses 40
Cambodia Humanoids 24 @ New Zealand Blobfish 19
Rio de Janeiro Pirates 21 @ Tombstone Outlaws 17
Anchorage Quill Pigs 23 @ Hamilton Hornets 17
Freiburg Venom 20 @ Indianapolis Predators 27
Lake Minnewanka Ice Orcas 27 @ Cincinnati Buffleheads 38

WEEK 4 (Fri, August 9)
Egypt Starfalls 22 @ Phoenix Rubber Ducks 31
Burlington Sock Puppets 34 @ Okoboji Ents 24
Cambodia Humanoids 27 @ Little Rock Uni Royals 35
Freiburg Venom 27 @ New Zealand Blobfish 29
Hanoi Viet Kongs 22 @ Reykjavík Direwolves 20
Cincinnati Buffleheads 27 @ Rio de Janeiro Pirates 30
Hamilton Hornets 26 @ Tokyo Shoguns 27
Anchorage Quill Pigs 18 Indianapolis Predators 21
Lake Minnewanka Ice Orcas 28 @ Wattsville Waste Walruses 16
Tombstone Outlaws 32 @ Lancaster Fighting Amish 17

WEEK 5 (Mon, August 12)
Indianapolis Predators 17 @ Cambodia Humanoids 23
Okoboji Ents 24 @ Cincinnati Buffleheads 24
Lancaster Fighting Amish 23 @ Hamilton Hornets 27
Burlington Sock Puppets 20 @ Tokyo Shoguns 23
Wattsville Waste Walruses 30 @ Tombstone Outlaws 24
Rio de Janeiro Pirates 27 @ Hanoi Viet Kongs 31
New Zealand Blobfish 32 @ Lake Minnewanka Ice Orcas 28
Little Rock Uni Royals 29 @ Anchorage Quill Pigs 18
Egypt Starfalls 20 @ Freiburg Venom 22
Reykjavík Direwolves 25 @ Phoenix Rubber Ducks 20

WEEK 6 (Thu, August 15)
Reykjavík Direwolves 28 @ Wattsville Waste Walruses 20
Tokyo Shoguns 26 @ Anchorage Quill Pigs 27
Hamilton Hornets 19 @ Egypt Starfalls 20
Lake Minnewanka Ice Orcas 27 @ Cambodia Humanoids 23
Phoenix Rubber Ducks 27 @ Freiburg Venom 34
Little Rock Uni Royals 17 @ Lancaster Fighting Amish 16
New Zealand Blobfish 20 @ Indianapolis Predators 27
Okoboji Ents 33 @ Tombstone Outlaws 23
Rio de Janeiro Pirates 26 @ Burlington Sock Puppets 30
Hanoi Viet Kongs 24 @ Cincinnati Buffleheads 33

WEEK 7 (Sun, August 18)
Cambodia Humanoids 33 @ Tokyo Shoguns 25
Burlington Sock Puppets 31 @ Hanoi Viet Kongs 24
Indianapolis Predators 34 @ Little Rock Uni Royals 31
Lake Minnewanka Ice Orcas 23 @ Hamilton Hornets 16
Lancaster Fighting Amish 20 @ Reykjavík Direwolves 23
Tombstone Outlaws 30 @ Egypt Starfalls 27
Anchorage Quill Pigs 24 @ Rio de Janeiro Pirates 21
Cincinnati Buffleheads 23 @ New Zealand Blobfish 28
Phoenix Rubber Ducks 16 @ Wattsville Waste Walruses 33
Freiburg Venom 23 @ Okoboji Ents 24

WEEK 8 (Wed, August 21)
Egypt Starfalls 26 @ New Zealand Blobfish 35
Wattsville Waste Walruses 26 @ Okoboji Ents 17
Lancaster Fighting Amish 30 @ Anchorage Quill Pigs 24
Hanoi Viet Kongs 31 @ Little Rock Uni Royals 26
Indianapolis Predators 34 @ Phoenix Rubber Ducks 27
Freiburg Venom 24 @ Lake Minnewanka Ice Orcas 33
Rio de Janeiro Pirates 30 @ Reykjavík Direwolves 23
Cincinnati Buffleheads 27 @ Tombstone Outlaws 36
Tokyo Shoguns 27 @ Hamilton Hornets 20
Cambodia Humanoids 19 @ Burlington Sock Puppets 24

WEEK 9 (Sat, August 24)
New Zealand Blobfish 24 @ Wattsville Waste Walruses 31
Hamilton Hornets 13 @ Cambodia Humanoids 18
Little Rock Uni Royals 27 @ Freiburg Venom 24
Okoboji Ents 20 @ Lake Minnewanka Ice Orcas 13
Hanoi Viet Kongs 23 @ Tokyo Shoguns 33
Phoenix Rubber Ducks 19 @ Cincinnati Buffleheads 27
Reykjavík Direwolves 13 @ Burlington Sock Puppets 17
Rio de Janeiro Pirates 27 @ Lancaster Fighting Amish 23
Egypt Starfalls 16 @ Anchorage Quill Pigs 21*
Tombstone Outlaws 14 @ Indianapolis Predators 26
*Cyberspace international game

WEEK 10 (Tue, August 27)
Phoenix Rubber Ducks 17 @ Okoboji Ents 23
Cincinnati Buffleheads 22 @ Wattsville Waste Walruses 16
Tokyo Shoguns 14 @ Lancaster Fighting Amish 17
New Zealand Blobfish 10 @ Freiburg Venom 20
Hamilton Hornets 24 @ Indianapolis Predators 27
Burlington Sock Puppets 16 @ Rio de Janeiro Pirates 20
Cambodia Humanoids 21 @ Hanoi Viet Kongs 29
Lake Minnewanka Ice Orcas 33 @ Egypt Starfalls 30
Tombstone Outlaws 25 @ Reykjavík Direwolves 30
Anchorage Quill Pigs 20 @ Little Rock Uni Royals 22

WEEK 11 (Fri, August 30)
Rio de Janeiro Pirates 17 @ Cambodia Humanoids 24
Little Rock Uni Royals 24 @ Hamilton Hornets 20
Okoboji Ents 20 @ New Zealand Blobfish 23
Egypt Starfalls 23 @ Cincinnati Buffleheads 26
Wattsville Waste Walruses 32 @ Phoenix Rubber Ducks 37
Lancaster Fighting Amish 17 @ Burlington Sock Puppets 31
Freiburg Venom 27 @ Tombstone Outlaws 30
Indianapolis Predators 34 @ Lake Minnewanka Ice Orcas 29
Reykjavík Direwolves 30 @ Hanoi Viet Kongs 21
Anchorage Quill Pigs 24 @ Tokyo Shoguns 28

WEEK 12 (Tue, September 3)
Tokyo Shoguns 24 @ Little Rock Uni Royals 20
Wattsville Waste Walruses 27 @ Egypt Starfalls 20
Hanoi Viet Kongs 17 @ Lancaster Fighting Amish 21
Hamilton Hornets 17 @ Burlington Sock Puppets 19
Cincinnati Buffleheads 24 @ Okoboji Ents 23
Cambodia Humanoids 13 @ Anchorage Quill Pigs 20
New Zealand Blobfish 13 @ Tombstone Outlaws 10
Phoenix Rubber Ducks 24 @ Lake Minnewanka Ice Orcas 26
Reykjavík Direwolves 31 @ Rio de Janeiro Pirates 23
Indianapolis Predators 14 @ Freiburg Venom 22

WEEK 13 (Tue, September 10)
Little Rock Uni Royals 20 @ Rio de Janeiro Pirates 23
Freiburg Venom 23 @ Hamilton Hornets 17
Okoboji Ents 30 @ Reykjavík Direwolves 23
Anchorage Quill Pigs 34 @ Hanoi Viet Kongs 26
Burlington Sock Puppets 35 @ Phoenix Rubber Ducks 28*
Tokyo Shoguns 24 @ Cambodia Humanoids 30
Lake Minnewanka Ice Orcas 27 @ New Zealand Blobfish 22
Lancaster Fighting Amish 21 @ Wattsville Waste Walruses 29
Tombstone Outlaws 32 @ Cincinnati Buffleheads 30
Egypt Starfalls 17 @ Indianapolis Predators 20
*Hawaii international game

WEEK 14 (Fri, September 13)
Egypt Starfalls 21 @ Tokyo Shoguns 27
Indianapolis Predators 23 @ Okoboji Ents 24
Cambodia Humanoids 26 @ Freiburg Venom 17
Hanoi Viet Kongs 6 @ Tombstone Outlaws 10
Wattsville Waste Walruses 28 @ Burlington Sock Puppets 29
Reykjavík Direwolves 31 @ Lancaster Fighting Amish 24
Anchorage Quill Pigs 24 @ Lake Minnewanka Ice Orcas 34
Cincinnati Buffleheads 30 @ Phoenix Rubber Ducks 21
New Zealand Blobfish 28 @ Little Rock Uni Royals 44
Rio de Janeiro Pirates 30 @ Hamilton Hornets 26

WEEK 15 (Tue, September 17)
Phoenix Rubber Ducks 24 @ Tombstone Outlaws 25
Freiburg Venom 24 @ Egypt Starfalls 27
Okoboji Ents 20 @ Hanoi Viet Kongs 16
Hamilton Hornets 30 @ Anchorage Quill Pigs 24
Burlington Sock Puppets 23 @ Reykjavík Direwolves 22
Lake Minnewanka Ice Orcas 17 @ Indianapolis Predators 30
Little Rock Uni Royals 26 @ Cambodia Humanoids 24
Tokyo Shoguns 28 @ New Zealand Blobfish 21
Wattsville Waste Walruses 16 @ Cincinnati Buffleheads 28
Lancaster Fighting Amish 20 @ Rio de Janeiro Pirates 28

WEEK 16 (Fri, September 20)
Hanoi Viet Kongs 17 @ Rio de Janeiro Pirates 10
Burlington Sock Puppets 20 @ Lancaster Fighting Amish 26
Hamilton Hornets 16 @ Reykjavík Direwolves 23
Little Rock Uni Royals 20 @ Tokyo Shoguns 22
Anchorage Quill Pigs 16 @ Cambodia Humanoids 26
Tombstone Outlaws 10 @ Wattsville Waste Walruses 33
Okoboji Ents 24 @ Phoenix Rubber Ducks 29
Cincinnati Buffleheads 27 @ Indianapolis Predators 29
New Zealand Blobfish 27 @ Egypt Starfalls 22
Lake Minnewanka Ice Orcas 21 @ Freiburg Venom 28

Rio de Janeiro Pirates 24 @ Burlington Sock Puppets 21
Little Rock Uni Royals 16 @ Tokyo Shoguns 26
Wattsville Waste Walruses 33 @ Indianapolis Predators 37
Lake Minnewanka Ice Orcas 35 @ Cincinnati Buffleheads 28

Rio de Janeiro Pirates 24 @ Tokyo Shoguns 28
Lake Minnewanka Ice Orcas 14 @ Indianapolis Predators 23

ALL-STAR BOWL XXV (Thu, September 26)
Cheesy All-Stars 17 vs Salsa All-Stars 14

TACO BOWL XXVIII (Fri, September 27)
Tokyo Shoguns 13 vs Indianapolis Predators 26

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@Tk3 @Daboyle @RuskieTitan @ravens5520 @TOUCAN

@Scoundrel @Malfatron @Glen @bcb1213 @LAOJoe

@TL-TwoWinsAway @Pickle Rick@rackcs @Kingram

@EaglesPeteC @The Orca @RandyMossIsBoss @SirA1 @El Ramster

Welcome to the 28th season of the NSFL!

You have until Thursday, June 20th to renew interest in the league. If you are no longer interesting in owning your team, please let me know ASAP so a replacement can be found swiftly. Due to a vacation I have planned, Keepers will not be due until Monday, July 1st with the draft beginning a couple days later, which will include incoming rookies. This means the league will get off to a rather late start & may run a bit into the start of the NFL regular season, but there's not much I can realistically do as I'll be unable to run a draft the week of the 24th.

As this is a summer season, all players who have declared their intent to retire have been removed from your rosters (let me know ASAP if I missed anyone). Additionally, re-post any trades from the last thread including confirmations. The new season's office is officially open!



As @Scalamania already confirmed he will be retiring as the owner of the Scranton Papermakers, at least one new owner will be needed. There's no users currently on the waiting list, so I'd appreciate it if you guys could reach out to anyone you think may be interested (I really want to get this resolved before my vacation!).

@InjuredReserve @Ragnarok As you guys took on a GM role in the league last season, I figure it makes sense to offer the team to one of you guys, first - let me know if you're interested. Thanks!

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bugfix of the day: Coaches now properly use their Punter coach rating for their team's Punter, instead of their Kicker coach rating for both (and it has the intended elevated chance to buff Kick Power instead of Kick Accuracy). Previously, it was bugged so the Punter rating was literally never actually used...


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Kongs Trade:
Joe Burrow QB 
5th Round S28 Selection (Kongs) 

@bcb1213 Trades: 
Season 28 Pick #1 (Tokyo) 
Season 28 4th round pick (Walruses) 


@TheKillerNacho   this is your reminder from the other thread


also, i'll be back

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6 minutes ago, bcb1213 said:


Kongs Trade:
Joe Burrow QB 
5th Round S28 Selection (Kongs) 

@bcb1213 Trades: 
Season 28 Pick #1 (Tokyo) 
Season 28 4th round pick (Walruses) 


@TheKillerNacho   this is your reminder from the other thread


also, i'll be back

i'll process this as soon as ravens confirms in this thread. thanks!

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I'm in for S28.

Here is my Trade Block hit me up.

RB: Derrick Henry (TEN)
TE: Michael Mayer (LV)
WR: Chris Godwin (TB), Gabriel Davis (BUF), Odell Beckham Jr. (BAL)
OT: Kolton Miller (LV), Taylor Moton (CAR)
OG: Brandon Scherff (JAX)
DE: Chase Young (SF), Javon Hargrave (SF)
NT: Leonard Williams (SEA)

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Sweet. Back.


Dak Prescott - 4
Josh Jacobs - 1 (FB)
Isiah Pacheco - 1 (FB)
Amon-Ra St. Brown - 3
Puka Nacua - 1 (R)
Sam LaPorta - 1 (R)
George Karlaftis - 2 (IDL)
Derrick Brown - 2
Kobie Turner - 2
Justin Tucker - 1
Total: 18 (1 tag available)

Kobie Turner (13 GP) can be kept for 1 tag (rookie) and is available. Considering all offers.

Also, looking for a potential keeper. Willing to move that 1 tag and draft value in that deal.

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2 hours ago, TheKillerNacho said:

There's no users currently on the waiting list, so I'd appreciate it if you guys could reach out to anyone you think may be interested (I really want to get this resolved before my vacation!).

Maybe @adamq does?

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