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10 hours ago, HorizontoZenith said:

Wow. Dream team alert!

We have me - super talented at almost winning things!

Malf is a great host, and a so-so player!

Mission has been inactive most of the game, so that'll work out well.

LTBF has a twin. That's neat, I guess.

Flux was on my Tribe before and never talked to me. So, that's advantageous!

Who the heck is Ted?

Sanchez provides us someone easy to vote out after we lose.

BCB's favorite teams (Jets, Reds, Grizzlies) are all losers - so he'll fit right in!

I kinda did Hockey dirty in BB6, but I'm sure it's all water under-the-bridge now.

And hasn't Tyty already been evicted like 3 times?


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Hide and Seek


Rule violations will be met with consequences!  Read the rules! 

For today's Immunity Challenge, tribes will be playing Hide and Seek.  On the challenge island, there are ten large walls labeled 1-10. 

Every player per tribe has to tell me which panel they want to hide behind in a private message.  One player per tribe has to send me their tribe's SEEKING PM.  The first tribe to find all the other tribe's players is SAFE from Tribal Council (fewest attempts).  The tribe who takes the most amount of attempts will have to go to Tribal Council. 


Tribe One hides as follows:

1 - Two players
2 - Three players
3 - 0
4 - 0
5 - 0
6 - 1
7 - 2
8 - 0
9 - 1
10 - 1

Tribe two searches the walls in this order: 10, 1, 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,2. 

This tribe took ten attempts to find all the other tribe. 

Tribe Two hides as follows:

1 - 0
2 - 0
3 - 0
4 - 0
5 - 0
6 - 0
7 - 2 hide here
8 - 2 hide here
9 - 2 players hide here
10 - 4 players hide here

Tribe one looks in this order: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

Tribe One took four attempts to find all the other players.  Tribe two would have to go to Tribal Council.


1. Every player MUST submit a hiding place.  If a player does not submit a hiding place, they are considered FOUND immediately, and they will also lose an hour from every deadline for the rest of the game.
2.  READ THIS RULE EXTREMELY CAREFULLY AND FULLY UNDERSTAND IT.   The only communication allowed regarding this challenge is IN THREAD.  You CANNOT use codes that the other tribe is not privy to or refer to old Chatty links or reference old PMs or anything outside of this thread.  You CANNOT tell players on your tribe which wall to hide behind.  You can only communicate about which wall you WILL or WILL NOT hide behind.  For example, you can't say, "Frank, go lower 5," "Fred, hide behind wall one."  "Everybody pick one door that hasn't been claimed."  You can only reference walls you WILL or WILL NOT hide behind. 
3. I need only ONE submission per tribe for the SEEKING aspect.  This PM must have SEEK in bold, then the order (1-10) you want to search your opponent's hiding places.  The first submission I get for this is the one that counts. 
5. If there is a TIE, the tribe who finds the opposing tribe's SEEKER first will win. 
6. Deadline is Tuesday by 1 PM CST. 

Edited by HorizontoZenith
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I do not want to eat wild boar
I'd never buy it from the store
I wouldn't eat it from a drawer
I will not eat it off a whore

I do not want to eat wild boar
I'd just throw it on the floor
Maybe even toss it by the shore
Or even hide it behind door four




Edited by SovereignNazgul
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The answer to this equation is the door I am hiding behind


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2 minutes ago, LetTheBallFly said:

The answer to this equation is the door I am hiding behind



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