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Spiderman: Far from home


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Great movie, I think it'd breaks into my 2nd tier of the MCU, and pretty damn close to Ragnarok as funniest. Mysterio was a fantastic villain and I like how it seems he will have left his mark on the MCU, not just be an easily forgotten villain, with his last resort plan (granted, what was the motivation for that? "If I can't be the hero, nobody can"...?)


Happy it turned out not being Fury, because all in all he was pretty useless. During the film I was thinking what a joke Fury had become, and was suspecting they had no idea what to do with him since SHIELD's fall but would keep forcing him in films like this because Samuel L is a huge draw... glad to see this was not the case, Fury 1 step ahead... Whatever that is.

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20 hours ago, Manny/Patrick said:


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so has nick fury been Talos since Capt Marvels movie? [\spoiler]

I want to say "No way".  Maybe post endgame, tho


Loved the movie.  Perfect blend of humor and action.




Was J Jonah Jameson the first time they used the same actor for a role from a non-MCU movie?  

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Yeah I loved that they brought back Simmons as Jameson. He's perfect. 

Now that Peter's been outed and perceived as a villain (at least by some), doubt he goes back to school. Also wonder if the real Fury comes back to try and aide him?

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I enjoyed it but I have the sneaking suspicion it will fade with time.  

The big pluses were that Holland & Glyhenhall were really strong.   And Zendaya was good in her role.  

The side stories were pretty by-the-book with the classmates.  And the Fury  angle was weak IMO, really as a plot device more than anything else.  The Happy-May scenes were cringeworthy.   Still because the main core were good to great it’s still an enjoyable movie   But one that I think fades on rewatch and over time. 

I don’t think the movie events and their impact will endure as the series moves forward... save for the plot reveals to the future movies (no spoilers).   Those really point to something big.  But that’s part of the issue - it was a set-up movie but with very little in-movie character development save for Peter.    Looking back I suspect we will see this as the weakest of the MCU  Spidey movies unless they trash the next ones.  

Keep in mind it’s by no means terrible.  I give it a 7.5 to 8/10.   That’s probably the best movie score since Endgame.   But I think over time it fades to 7.   Nothing awful at all and reflective of the ridiculous standards the MCU sets nowadays.     Really looking forward to how they move forward though now.  


Edited by Broncofan
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Homecoming felt like a Disney movie. Now it is actually a Disney movie. I will see it as I will never pass up Spiderman, but I feel like I'm really only going to do this to find out how much it would pale in comparison to Into The Spiderverse.

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