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Favorite unpopular movie(s)?


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40 minutes ago, beekay414 said:

One that I forgot to mention is The Core

Dont know why but I love that movie

Remember going to watch this as a kid and then going to the park after w/ my pals and digging a hole for like the whole following week instead of playing any sports 

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Waterworld.  I saw that with my dad, and we both came out of the theater loving it.  Still enjoy it to this day.  Read an interesting thing online about it recently that in the original draft of the script the land they find at the end was actually the top of Mount Everest.

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On 2/10/2019 at 12:16 PM, BleedTheClock said:

There's a difference between an entertaining movie and a good movie. Schindler's List is a good movie. Bet if I had a viewing party for the film it would be a drag. 

Yep. Aside from Genocide and/or Holocaust movies like SL, Boy in the Striped Pajamas, Hotel Rwanda, etc. I'd throw in:

American History X

About any history movie centering around war or slavery


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7 hours ago, THE DUKE said:

Waterworld.  I saw that with my dad, and we both came out of the theater loving it.  Still enjoy it to this day.  Read an interesting thing online about it recently that in the original draft of the script the land they find at the end was actually the top of Mount Everest.

Incredible score by James Newton Howard too. I’ve been listening to that for years as well. 

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Adding a couple more I forgot: 

Doom: once you get past that it's not really Doom but Resident Evil in space, I don't think it's a bad movie.  The FPS scene was very well done- and the music paced it very well- as was the final fight.  Another solid B-action flick

I also really enjoyed the Assassin's Creed movie as well.  

A friend of mine just let me on to Den of Thieves, which got middle to poor reviews, and I very much enjoyed that movie even though I could see the end plot twist coming from a mile away 

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