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It Mafia - The Losers have won, Derry is saved!


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1 hour ago, MWil23 said:

LOL I already did address them Pickle you absolute demon clown.


1 hour ago, MWil23 said:

Literally the twins are going to kill me. If so, I’ll align myself with Rackcs for the rest of Mafia history to burn them to the ground.


1 hour ago, MWil23 said:

Then go back and read. You don’t get to come in here after a hiatus all day and demand anything when I’ve been super active and directly answered you, Malf, SwAg, and your brother.


36 minutes ago, Pickle Rick said:

Just skimmed everyone one of your posts since I asked you and....


You did not address my question ONCE.  

Here it is, please show me where you addressed this or answer it....



34 minutes ago, MWil23 said:


GO SCREW YOURSELF with your double vote.

So nothing @MWil23?

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10 hours ago, Dome said:

Well he didn’t expose me until I played along, unaware that he had everything set up already like a nincompoop 

This is me accidentally exposing myself in thread by agreeing with counselor, unaware of what he’d done. 

The kid is counselor


I wonder what she looks like now. 

Seems like a train wreck 

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Woz walks home from school excitedly. Today was the last day of school and he couldn’t possibly be more excited to be done with this school year. Everyday was torment from multiple bullies. He’d been called names, spit on, beat up, and so much more. At last it was the summer. He was tired of living in fear. He could spend all day doing whatever he wanted and he just wanted to relax and destress.

He was practically skipping with joy when he realized that he was next to the creepy house on Neibolt Street. Normally he walked an extra block to avoid this house but he’d been so distracted that he completely forgot. The strange thing was that today he didn’t even feel afraid of it. Today he finally felt free.

Woz walked up to the gate at the front of the house and stared up at the front door. He was daring himself to go inside and check out the house. He stood there for a moment longer before he realized that if he didn’t just go now, he would never find the courage. In a flash he bolted forward and ran into the house.

As he closed the door behind him he instantly felt like he made a mistake. He looked around the foyer to see cobwebs hanging everywhere around him. He ducked and weaved his way through them into the next room. He found himself in a kitchen that looked just as rundown and dreary as the entryway to the house did.

“Oh, why did I do this? This is too much, I need to go…”

Woz turned around to leave when he heard a giggle.

“He…hello? Who’s there?”

Woz stood silently waiting for a response but none came. He looked behind him, unsure if he should stay or go. He took a deep breath and crept into the next room, a dining room. On the table he saw a bunch of loose cigarettes and a lighter.

“Hello? Who do these belong to?”

Woz was getting nervous again but felt committed to seeing what this house has to offer. He crept around the first floor, finding no inhabitants other than the various pests and rodents who had made the crumbling house their home. He peaked upstairs a bit but was starting to get spooked again so he headed back downstairs to leave, stopping in the dining room.

“I don’t even know what I was worried about. There’s nothing here.”

He walked over to the table of loose cigarettes. Woz was starting to feel bold and picked one up, turning it over in his fingers.

“**** it,”

He picked up the cigarette and popped one end in his mouth, lighting the other end. He inhaled deep and let out a thick cloud of smoke. Woz felt no small deal of pride for not coughing at all.

“This is it, this is the new me. Doing what I want, not being afraid of things. I am a new man,”

He pocketed the lighter and the cigarettes as he took another long drag. As he exhaled this time, he started coughing loudly. When he was done he started heading for the exit. He went through the kitchen and into the foyer. He started walking towards the front door. And he walked. And walked. And no matter how many steps he took he wasn’t getting any closer to the door. Woz looked around, panicked, but noticed nothing out of the ordinary. He broke out into a run towards the door and no matter how much it felt like he was getting close to the door, he didn’t move an inch.

Woz closed his eyes tight, hoping that when he opened them again things would be back to normal. He opened them just in time to see the door right in front of his face as he ran into it at full speed. He fell onto his back and immediately grabbed his nose. He lifted his hand in front of his face and saw blood. He looked up at the door again and saw just a solid wall. He looked around him and the room no longer had any doors, only solid walls. He scrambled to his feet and ran to a wall, beating it with his fists.

“Help! Is someone there?! Please somebody help me!”

“I’m here Woz,”

Woz stopped what he was doing and turned around. Standing in the middle of the room was a clown. His face was painted white with some red stripes and he had a ring of red hair around his head. His mouth was agape and drool was dripping out slowly. His eyes had a blank expression on them that scared Woz more than anything else he’d seen so far.

“Who are you?”

The clown continued to stare ahead blankly at Woz, not responding.

“Can you help me get out of here?”

The clown again said nothing. After a beat he took a single step forward. Then another. He slowly walked forward until he was halfway to Woz.

“Tell me Wozzie…are you…afraid?”


The clown gave Woz an angry look and walked forward a few more steps. Woz began to back up but quickly hit the wall behind him.

“I said…are you afraid?”

The clown continued to stare Woz down. Woz quickly reminded himself that he was a new man now and he wasn’t afraid anymore.

“No, I’m not. Clowns aren’t scary,”

The clown furrowed his brow even further. He quickly closed the gap between them and grabbed Woz’s face, covering his mouth.

“You think I’m not scary Wozzie? Why do you hurt my feelings? This doesn’t scare you?”

The clown dipped his head low, hiding his face and began to shake erratically. Woz’s resolve was very, very quickly breaking down. The clown suddenly stopped shaking. Woz began to breathe heavily. He WAS scared now. The clown lifted his head up to reveal a giant gaping pit where his face was with rows upon rows of razor blades rotating around in a circle.

Woz screamed in terror against the clown’s hand and began violently fighting to get free. As he fought he heard the clown giggle loudly but his razor pit mouth didn’t move at all beyond the rotating of the blades. Woz pissed his pants.

The clown removed his hand from Woz’s mouth and his disembodied voice boomed loudly in the room, “Oh Wozzie, are you afraid now?”

Woz didn’t even attempt to say anything. He just trembled in front of the clown.

Woz, I can smell the piss on you. Now tell me…ARE YOU AFRAID?!”

Woz screamed out loud and crumpled into the fetal position, screaming, “YES! YES! YES!”

The clown began dancing happily and started to chant, “Tasty tasty fear!”

Woz continued crying as the clown leaned over and began feasting upon him. He died as he lived: afraid.

@Woz is dead. He was Trevor Wilkins, Loser-Aligned.

Day continues as normal. Less than an hour until the day ends.


@TheKillerNacho, @Counselor, @Matts4313, @Pickle Rick, @Dome, @The Orca, @Malfatron, @squire12, @Forge, @MWil23, @theuntouchable, @bcb1213, @Whicker, @Llamalover, @SwAg, @Nazgul

Edited by rackcs
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Vote Count

Malfatron - 2 - Forge, TheKillerNacho

Mwil23 - 4 - The Orca, Pickle Rick, Whicker

Matts4313 - 3 - Mwil23, SwAg, Dome

theuntouchable - 2 - Malfatron, Matts4313

squire12 - 1 - Nazgul

Pickle Rick - 1 - squire12

Llamalover - 1 - Counselor

With 16 alive and 16 voting, it's 9 to lynch!

Haven't voted: @theuntouchable, @bcb1213, @Llamalover

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