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Are You Comfortable with the RB Position?


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40 minutes ago, AlexGreen#20 said:

Jahri Evans was a really really good player back in the day and anybody who wants to say that Evans peak was higher than Lang's certainly would have an argument. I'd bet solid money that Palmy feels that Evans was a better Guard than Lang when comparing primes. I don't place such a prime value on pure drive skills that a lot of the older guys do (many feel that is the make or break skillset of a Guard in the way that many feel that light feet are the make or break skillset for Tackles) but I can certainly acknowledge that Evans was a great player a few years ago and deserved most if not all of the accolades he received.

Time is undefeated though, and that guy isn't the guy I've seen the last two seasons. He looked downright fat and slow in Seattle. He looked better in NOLA having dropped some weight and in an less mobility oriented offense, but that first step isn't what it used to be and that's huge for interior guys  (and everyone else playing football). I haven't been able to catch as much preseason as I would have liked with work taking up too much of my time, but he needs to be an adult and keep his body in shape if he's going to be able to play. 

On the other hand, he wouldn't be the first former all-pro that Thompson has brought in that I didn't believe in, and I was certainly wrong with Peppers.   

Yeah I wasn't exactly happy we got Pep, I was like okay I get Evans and I think barring injury should hold up fine for a season, hopefully no longer, until we figure out what's next there.. 

Like I said, I agree the drop is pretty big but I'm not too scared of it ATM. Maybe Lane Taylor gave me too much faith in plug and play as of late I'm not sure. 

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So after seeing one preseason game, where they didn't run the ball, and the RBs were not a factor, how many RBs do we think make the squad?

Current RBs on roster:

Joe Kerridge (2)

Aaron Ripkowski (3)

Aaron Jones (R 5)

Devante Mays (R 7)

Ty Montgomery (2)

Kalif Phillips (R UDFA)

William Stanback (R UDFA)

Jamaal Williams (R 4)


Right now, I think it looks like Kerridge, Ripkowski, Montgomery, Williams +1 more.

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16 minutes ago, DavidatMIZZOU said:

So after seeing one preseason game, where they didn't run the ball, and the RBs were not a factor, how many RBs do we think make the squad?

Current RBs on roster:

Joe Kerridge (2)

Aaron Ripkowski (3)

Aaron Jones (R 5)

Devante Mays (R 7)

Ty Montgomery (2)

Kalif Phillips (R UDFA)

William Stanback (R UDFA)

Jamaal Williams (R 4)


Right now, I think it looks like Kerridge, Ripkowski, Montgomery, Williams +1 more.

Jones or Mays makes it. Prolly Jones and Mays makes the PS.

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12 hours ago, NormSizedMidget said:

Yeah I wasn't exactly happy we got Pep, I was like okay I get Evans and I think barring injury should hold up fine for a season, hopefully no longer, until we figure out what's next there.. 

Like I said, I agree the drop is pretty big but I'm not too scared of it ATM. Maybe Lane Taylor gave me too much faith in plug and play as of late I'm not sure. 

If the staff was able to get Lane Taylor to be an average guard, they will do just fine with Evans.

I think it was someone on this board who once referred to Lane Taylor as "hot garbage", and I'd dare say that statement was true for a year or two.  But he wasn't last year.  No where close.  And from all accounts, he's gotten better this offseason.

I think people need to stop worrying about Evans and get over the fact that Lang is gone.  Evans has skills, he knows how to play.   It isn't like Barclay suiting up with the 1's at guard, or the rookie.  Evans is a perfect stopgap.  I compare him to Bruce Wilkerson from back in the day.  Vet who can get yah by, but not someone you plan on for multiple years.  

On the RB front...I'm rooting for Jones.  I like the agility there and the compact body.

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Here's an interesting read...Evans vs. Lang.  Kind of shows both sides of the coin.  I could pull quotes to support the side that there will be little, if any, dropoff.  I could also pull quotes to the contrary.

But...it is an interesting read.  It won't change anyone's opinion, which is fine, just gives a little more data and another person's viewpoint.

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15 hours ago, AlexGreen#20 said:

A quick google search informs me that I'm not smart enough to determine the exact differences between this and cramping. 

 Rhabdo is what those poor Oregon college kids got from the way too overly strenuous workouts that the new strength coach implemented (and got him suspended)

Basically, your muscle tissue starts breaking down and due to the presssure in your muscles, it destroys itself.  think of when you haven't been to the gym, and then you really get after it and there's that "sore" feeling that persists for way longer than normal.  That x 100 but also your muscles are destroying themselves from over-exertion.

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3 hours ago, skibrett15 said:

 Rhabdo is what those poor Oregon college kids got from the way too overly strenuous workouts that the new strength coach implemented (and got him suspended)

Basically, your muscle tissue starts breaking down and due to the presssure in your muscles, it destroys itself.  think of when you haven't been to the gym, and then you really get after it and there's that "sore" feeling that persists for way longer than normal.  That x 100 but also your muscles are destroying themselves from over-exertion.

Specific to sickle cell trait (SCT), due to the sickling of the red blood cells under "extreme duress" (i.e. high level of physical exertion in heat/elevation especially, or while dehydrated), the sickled cells get stuck in the capillaries (small blood vessels) of the muscles and don't allow fresh blood/oxygen into the muscle as it continues to work. As a result, the muscle tissue is deprived of oxygen and then the tissue begins to break down/die. When the tissue breaks down, it starts dumping myoglobin (a type of protein holding iron/oxygen) into the blood stream. This then affects kidney function and from there can quickly cause more and more dire problems.

Exertional rhabdo can cause a cramping feeling, but also causes overall fatigue, muscle weakness, body aches, but is typically less intense than cramping due to overheating. In people with known SCT, ignoring the symptoms can be fatal.

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On 8/15/2017 at 6:46 PM, CentralFC said:

Yeah. I mean it's not a thing, it's a serious medical issue. I know nothing about Monty's body but there are red flags that pop up every year to make you question why we're being so close-to-the-vest about it. Well, the SC is why. 

At first I wasn't exactly a "believer" but I see, now, why it's a legitimate issue. 

Yeah .. I have my doubts as to whether Monty can hold up.  He's definitely not going to be a guy you can rely on week in and week out.  John Brown with the Cardinals is another guy that is dealing with a lot of sickle cell trait related issues.  His issues have become so bad he is having a hard time staying on the field and his coach is questioning his place on the roster.  Hopefully Monty's issues are nowhere near as serious, but it is concerning.  

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Really excited to see what Williams can do with Ty out this week. Williams was one of my mid round crushes in the draft so I was ecstatic when we drafted him. Based off of what I've read he's been having a good camp.

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With Ty being the workout warrior that he is I'm sure he and his Dr's have a good handle on the situation. He understands he has to be better in pass pro, and by all accounts seems very intelligent, so I'm sure he's at least getting the mental reps. He'll probably always be 1A/B as a runner but I think that's how all of our runners are going to be while we have McCarthy and Aaron.

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4 hours ago, HighCalebR said:

With Ty being the workout warrior that he is I'm sure he and his Dr's have a good handle on the situation. He understands he has to be better in pass pro, and by all accounts seems very intelligent, so I'm sure he's at least getting the mental reps. He'll probably always be 1A/B as a runner but I think that's how all of our runners are going to be while we have McCarthy and Aaron.

Great thoughts there @HighCalebR.  I'd agree that unless he has issues with ball security, they'll always find him reps.  At the very least, he'll offer another dimension out of the backfield that quite frankly I don't think any of our other backs offer.

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At this point I think it's possible that we have that "multiple offense" look.  When Williams is on the field we are more downfield passing, more ripkowski, more in line Bennett, and more shot plays to Adams/Nelson.  When Monty is on the field, we can stretch teams really well horizontally, and force them to declare a light box that Monty could exploit, or a normal box that he can beat in the passing game.  We can rotate cobb into the backfield and move Monty into the slot, and there's a lot of flexibility.

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