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Gophers World Mafia, Game Over, Reporters & Town Win


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52 minutes ago, gopherwrestler said:

won’t be a short night, not near my computer and the phone thing is too hard to organize. Might have a chance tonight after the Super Bowl if there is enough votes

No worries Gopher. If you have the time, stop on by. I'm reasonably sure we will have the votes.  A lot of us are locked up on Orca as it is already. 

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Personally, I don't think that there is a "framer". I could see the lawyer mechanic in protecting from invests, which is what I think happened with Orca / Squire and then Orca / ET, but I don't think that there is a framer with regards to making someone look guilty. 

Personally, I think it still comes down to 1) Mwil is lying, 2) Whicker is lying. 

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15 hours ago, gopherwrestler said:

Well today, town thought it was a good idea to lynch the only guy that builds stuff in the Wrestle City

@wolfeyestrk- Construction Worker - Town - Aligned, Win when all threats to town are eliminated

One Positive was the Drunk Fighter was Killed last night

@Ragnarok - Fighter - Drunk - Aligned - Win when all threats to the Drunks are eliminated




WITH SUPERBOWL FESTIVITIES, N5 WILL BE MONDAY, 8:30 PM Central, do as you wish with your time.


15 hours ago, Whicker said:



15 hours ago, JoshstraDaymus said:

Yeah... MWill I think you’re sunk.


15 hours ago, squire12 said:



14 hours ago, Matts4313 said:



14 hours ago, Malfatron said:




14 hours ago, Counselor said:


A gutsy play. But your time is up.


14 hours ago, Forge said:



14 hours ago, Malfatron said:

@MWil23 no shame. did you make it up?



14 hours ago, kingseanjohn said:



14 hours ago, The Orca said:


You have said these like 50 times...are you Aligned with Mwil?



14 hours ago, MWil23 said:


Reporter made up the headline


14 hours ago, Malfatron said:

hes tripling down.



13 hours ago, ET80 said:

Oh, and still on Orca.


13 hours ago, ET80 said:

I don't know what to say about the N2 move. I moved N3. It found Orca as scum.


13 hours ago, theuntouchable said:




13 hours ago, Malfatron said:

i knew thats why you made him list his insight 

i know you so well touch ❤



13 hours ago, The Orca said:

Touch is caught

Whicker you are town between you and touch


12 hours ago, Whicker said:

Awww well thank you my friend. I’ll follow you for your confidence in me! Touch


12 hours ago, Whicker said:

JK!! Orca 


12 hours ago, squire12 said:


I was shocked when my N2 invest came back that you (bucs/orca2.0) was town aligned.   When I pulled the VC from the previous days and saw that naz and slappy had both voted bucs/orca on day 1/Day 2, I began to think there was a framer or godfather role.


12 hours ago, Counselor said:


Can we go Squire next cus now that feels like a bus after a failed clear 


11 hours ago, Malfatron said:


orca lock


10 hours ago, theuntouchable said:

Orca lock because you have used your move. Although, I guess it could have technically been bucs that set it. Is that why you’re maintaining that YOU haven’t set it? 


10 hours ago, Dome said:

orca lock


10 hours ago, Matts4313 said:

Orca. But we are going to need clarification on why @Counselor didnt die.  


9 hours ago, Forge said:

Orca Lock


9 hours ago, Whicker said:

Orca 🔒 let’s go to Day 5


5 hours ago, MWil23 said:

Orca lock



Here is what I have for VC


Orca -10 - [forge], ET, [Touch], [malf], whicker, squire, counselor, [dome], matts, [mwil]

Pickle - 1 - KSJ

Touch – 1 - Orca

Mwil – 1 -Josh

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13 hours ago, rackcs said:

Couldn't be on most of today and now I'm 50 pages behind but I'll catch up tonight or tomorrow morning. 


10 minutes ago, SwAg said:

Tell rack that I said hi in that chat of yours while he feigns afk

Rackcs is still reading up.... insert your own joke here

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On 1/27/2020 at 5:18 PM, gopherwrestler said:

2. @Counselor -- claimed a move on Matts

4. @Pickle Rick -- ??

5.  @rackcs  -- ??

6. @ET80 -- claimed investigator

7.  @Forge -- survived N1 hit, (bullet proof vest)

8. @theuntouchable -- claimed role/move cop 

9. @Whicker -- claimed chief, cop that investigates for use of killing moves

11. @Dome -- ??

12. @Malfatron -- ??

13. @squire12 -- claimed even night cop

14. @MWil23 -- claimed alignment comparer

15. @bucsfan333/Orca 2.0 -- claimed fisherman, PGO variant

16. @bcb1213 -- ??

19. @kingseanjohn  -- ??

21. @Tk3 -- ??

23. @Matts4313 -- claimed PGO

24. @JoshstraDaymus -- ??

26. @SwAg -- ??

Based on the wolf N1 guess of 2 roleblocks, Dingo might have been 1 of them, so 1 unaccounted for

Jailer (from Whicker claim on N2) unaccounted for


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7 minutes ago, squire12 said:

Based on the wolf N1 guess of 2 roleblocks, Dingo might have been 1 of them, so 1 unaccounted for

Jailer (from Whicker claim on N2) unaccounted for


Did Whicker say he was jailed with wolf, but wolf said he wasn't n2? 

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4 minutes ago, Forge said:

Did Whicker say he was jailed with wolf, but wolf said he wasn't n2? 

Wolf said he was roleblocked N1.  He guess the number right, but his move to "construct" was roleblocked.

Whicker said he was jailed N2 and then roleblocked N4.  

I think wolf said he guessed 2 on the N1 and he was correct for the number of roleblockers in the game

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Just now, squire12 said:

Wolf said he was roleblocked N1.  He guess the number right, but his move to "construct" was roleblocked.

Whicker said he was jailed N2 and then roleblocked N4.  

I think wolf said he guessed 2 on the N1 and he was correct for the number of roleblockers in the game

So maybe wolf didn't know that he was jailed on n2 since he didn't guess the number right to start with? 

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I am the Arsonist, Loner-Aligned (Blue)

Win if I kill the firefighter or survive to the end of the game and win with whoever wins

I have a 1 shot kill via delayed fire

Bucs used it N1 on Naz

Orca 2.0 has done jack ****. Sat on his butt all game and helped town best he could




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Total Votes






11 (7)




























pickle rick




pickle rick














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2 minutes ago, The Orca said:

I am the Arsonist, Loner-Aligned (Blue)

Win if I kill the firefighter or survive to the end of the game and win with whoever wins

I have a 1 shot kill via delayed fire

Bucs used it N1 on Naz

Orca 2.0 has done jack ****. Sat on his butt all game and helped town best he could




Yeah, I don't believe this at all 

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