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Coronavirus (COVID-19)


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23 minutes ago, WizeGuy said:

What makes me sad is people cant even take a pandemic seriously when its ravaged their country. How are we supposed to address climate change properly when we cant even address a pandemic that's killed 130K people properly?

It can be pretty disappointing. We’ve cancelled some travel plans because of the pandemic. When Vegas opened many visitors didn’t wear masks. Many hospitality workers started getting ill. The union had to threaten strike action to make masks mandatory indoors. The Governor has since passed a mask resolution making them mandatory indoors, in public.

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2 hours ago, TVScout said:

Did COVID-19 Lockdowns Reach Back in Time to Affect Behavior Before They Were Imposed?

Trends in Massachusetts highlight the importance of voluntary changes in behavior.




The data base:


There was s Through the Wormhole episode about this phenomenon. The same thing happens in the Super Bowl, when the cities that win tend to start noticeably ticking upward a few days before the actual game.

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12 hours ago, Daniel said:

Wife is negative, still waiting on my results, and we both still feel sick, so IDK.

Great news. Did they test her multiple times? False negatives are still a possibility. Hoping for the best, of course. 

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3 hours ago, WizeGuy said:

Great news. Did they test her multiple times? False negatives are still a possibility. Hoping for the best, of course. 

Just once.  We heard about the false negative thing, but it doesn't change much.  I still have to quarantine just for exposure for 14 days, and neither of us plan on going near our families until well after we stop feeling sick.  All our symptoms are still mild, so so far it's just like we have a super weak flu.

The client of mine that exposed me is completely asymptomatic, btw.

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Free stuff:


Maybe free:

Collateral damage:

Cries for help’: Drug overdoses are soaring during the coronavirus pandemic

Suspected overdoses nationally jumped 18 percent in March, 29 percent in April and 42 percent in May, data from ambulance teams, hospitals and police shows.



Heart conditions drove spike
in deaths beyond those attributed
to covid-19, analysis shows



Fear of seeking care in hospitals overwhelmed by the
pandemic may have caused thousands of deaths, experts say

The coronavirus killed tens of thousands in the United States during the pandemic’s first months, but it also left a lesser-known toll: thousands more deaths than would have been expected from heart disease and a handful of other medical conditions, according to an analysis of federal data by The Washington Post.

The analysis suggests that in five hard-hit states and New York City there were 8,300 more deaths from heart problems than would have been typical in March, April and May — an increase of roughly 27 percent over historical averages. That spike contributed to Illinois, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, and New York state and the city having a combined 75,000 “excess deaths” during that period, 17,000 more than the number officially attributed to covid-19, the disease the virus causes.


What’s the Risk of Catching Coronavirus From a Surface?

Touching contaminated objects and then infecting ourselves with the germs is not typically how the virus spreads. But it can happen.


Fears about catching the coronavirus from contaminated surfaces have prompted many of us to spend the past few months wiping down groceries, leaving packages unopened and stressing about touching elevator buttons.

But what’s the real risk of catching Covid-19 from a germy surface or object?

The question has been on people’s minds lately, and there was some confusion after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention made some edits to its website last week. Social media sites and some news outlets suggested the agency had downgraded its warnings and that surface transmission was no longer a worry.

The C.D.C. subsequently issued a news release to clarify that indirect contact from a contaminated surface — what scientists call fomite transmission — remains a potential risk for catching Covid-19.

“Based on data from lab studies on Covid-19 and what we know about similar respiratory diseases, it may be possible that a person can get Covid-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose or possibly their eyes,” the agency wrote. “But this isn’t thought to be the main way the virus spreads.”  An outbreak associated with a shopping mall in Wenzhou, China, may have been fueled by fomite transmission. In January, seven workers who shared an office in a shopping mall became ill when one of their co-workers returned from Wuhan. The mall was closed, and public health officials tracked two dozen more sick people, including several women who had shopped at the mall, as well as their friends. None of them had come into contact with the original sick office workers. The researchers speculated that a women’s restroom or the mall elevators had been the source of transmission.  A video making rounds on the internet shows how the black light experiment works. The glow germs are put on the hands of just one diner at a buffet, but by the end of the meal, everyone at the table has come into contact with the glowing germs. The video explains why scientists discourage the sharing of food during a viral outbreak.   Eugene M. Chudnovsky, a professor at the City University of New York, notes that surfaces are not a particularly effective means of viral transmission. With the flu, for instance, it takes millions of copies of the influenza virus to infect a person through surface-to-hand-to-nose contact, but it may take only a few thousand copies to infect a person when the flu virus goes from the air directly into the lungs. 

It is still a good ideas to keep your hands clean


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How much of the additional heart problems has to do with people have to abruptly stay inside and not see anyone? That can't be that healthy for some of the older people that were still active. 

I'm not saying that they shouldn't have stayed home...

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22 hours ago, animaltested said:

The Entire Non-American World One Month into the Pandemic :

Lets make sure we socially distant, wear masks, enforce quarantine, support our most vulnerable. All for the greater good.


The USA 5 Months in into the Pandemic:

"Wearing a mask can cause Carbon Dioxide damage or grow fungus. Also here is a fake "no mask card" I printed from Facebook. Why hasn't Bill Gates been arrested yet?

I'm a little surprised it took 5 months tbh

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36 minutes ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:



I'm sure if we just taught these people how to wear a mask or all dressed up in red and blue shirts and sang Kumbaya our problems would go away though amirite.


Oh good, I’m glad I booked that Gulf Shores vacation a couple weeks ago..

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38 minutes ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:



I'm sure if we just taught these people how to wear a mask or all dressed up in red and blue shirts and sang Kumbaya our problems would go away though amirite.


You forgot to add “Roll Tide!”

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