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Coronavirus (COVID-19)


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2 minutes ago, squire12 said:

agreed.   would also add that more rural areas with small school enrollments vs larger urban/suburban schools can handle things differently.  Where I grew up and went to school, 400 kids in HS is way different than where my daughter is set to go with 2300 kids in HS.  Much easier to do a hybrid type model in a 400 kid HS vs a 2300 kid HS.  

It’s different, but not entirely.

Classrooms are usually crowded regardless of size as school budgets are always limited.  They run minimal staff, minimal classrooms etc.  

Most schools run near capacity, regardless as to whether capacity is 100 kids or 3000.

Either way, state and federal governments can make guidelines that can factor in variables without passing the buck entirely to the schools.  This is the federal government and governors not wanting to alienate potential voters and instead forcing schools to do so.

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Remember when this was still in China and there were stories about how whiskey and lime would cure it?  Well I started drinking whiskey and lime around then and it is my new favorite drink.

I know this is serious, and imana let it finish, but if we’re counting blessings, I am counting the blessing of having discovered whiskey and lime. 

In my life, my experimentation of alcohol and lime has consisted of:

First I tried beer and lime and it was alright, but I liked plain beer more.

Second I tried vodka and lime.  It was okay.

Next I tried red wine and lime heated up in the microwave and that’s really good, but only in the winter as an occasional thing.

Then covid came around and some American in China said whiskey and lime cured him and I tried it and it is the best drink ever.

I had never ever been a fan of whiskey, always sticking to vodka and beer, but I am now a whiskey person with lime and that is alright with me.

Whiskey with lime or whiskey with carbonated water and lime, either way, it’s my new favorite drink.

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3 hours ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

Eh not too surprising.  Everyone wants to pass the buck and let someone else make the hard decision, top down.

If things go well, “see, we let folks make decisions for themselves” and if they don’t “well, that was their call”.

Very few people actually taking ownership.

this is absolutely true, but in the same sense I would hope these supposed policy makers that are passing the buck, would also be willing to engage and provide resources/leadership where needed. 

I have always been a proponent of strong local government. The bigger things get, the less efficient they tend to run. So these schools making decisions that work for their own districts seems like it will be a great benefit to some and completely hose others. Certain areas with poor/bad leadership will get left behind. 

This is a mess. We should be pumping trillions into the schools. Lets pay teachers a fair wage and incentivize better teachers with smaller classrooms. Its time. 

but nahhhh the fed/congress blew their load on the first pump like some 12 year old with their first playboy

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1 hour ago, Outpost31 said:

Remember when this was still in China and there were stories about how whiskey and lime would cure it?  Well I started drinking whiskey and lime around then and it is my new favorite drink.

I know this is serious, and imana let it finish, but if we’re counting blessings, I am counting the blessing of having discovered whiskey and lime. 

In my life, my experimentation of alcohol and lime has consisted of:

First I tried beer and lime and it was alright, but I liked plain beer more.

Second I tried vodka and lime.  It was okay.

Next I tried red wine and lime heated up in the microwave and that’s really good, but only in the winter as an occasional thing.

Then covid came around and some American in China said whiskey and lime cured him and I tried it and it is the best drink ever.

I had never ever been a fan of whiskey, always sticking to vodka and beer, but I am now a whiskey person with lime and that is alright with me.

Whiskey with lime or whiskey with carbonated water and lime, either way, it’s my new favorite drink.

how on earth can you have a 9 paragraph essay about alcohol and lime and LEAVE OUT TEQUILA??



(thats your grade on this essay)


Tequila >>>

Tequila with copious amounts of lime >>>>>>>>>


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@Forge @ET80

Were remote health services offered to you guys? My fiancee is an OT and works in early intervention. She kept her kids, but has been having sessions with them and the parents over video chat for the past few months.

On a side note, my fiancee and I have postponed our wedding a full calendar year to September 2021. Hopefully we are in better shape then. We did not feel comfortable having people come from some hotspot areas, and the restrictions in place were/are too restrictive to have what we wanted. We got to keep a Saturday and all our vendors, so we lucked out a bit. It is disappointing, but both of us are healthy and our families have been healthy, so we are really lucky overall.

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58 minutes ago, minutemancl said:

September 2021. Hopefully we are in better shape then

I mean, we better be or have at least reached herd immunity. There's absolutely zero chance I last this long taking the precautions I have. I already bought concert tickets to a show in April. That's where my confidence level is at. If this lasts that long, I'm just going to say "**** it" and take my chances.

Good for you on postponing though. We had one next month and they pushed it to the 4th of July next year. Have another October 17th. I hope they wind up postponing it as well but that doesn't seem likely. My wife's coworker went to a wedding last weekend and has had symptoms since Tuesday. Her whole family does. Those are just a dangerous place for this to spread at the moment. Hope everything works out for you guys!

Edited by BobbyPhil1781
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2 hours ago, BobbyPhil1781 said:

A Case Series of 100 COVID-19 Positive Patients Treated with Combination of Ivermectin and Doxycycline


"Conclusion: Combination of Ivermectin and doxycycline was found to be very effective in viral clearance in mild and moderately sick COVID-19 patients. Medical societies and institutions should undertake larger multi center studies to validate and recommend this combination therapy to include in national guidelines"

Heartworm medicine that you might've heard about in the past.

This makes no sense to me, how can an antibiotic help against a virus? 

Also I wanna taste things again dammit... I'm positive this taco is delicious.. But I can't taste it 😭

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7 hours ago, N4L said:

how on earth can you have a 9 paragraph essay about alcohol and lime and LEAVE OUT TEQUILA??



(thats your grade on this essay)


Tequila >>>

Tequila with copious amounts of lime >>>>>>>>>


Tequila doesn't cure covid, moron. 

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25 minutes ago, rob_shadows said:

This makes no sense to me, how can an antibiotic help against a virus? 

Also I wanna taste things again dammit... I'm positive this taco is delicious.. But I can't taste it 😭

That is something I cannot answer lol. It seems to be working though, just need more testing done.

Not being able to taste anything would be the strangest thing to me. Hope that is the worst of anything you go through. I can promise you they're still good though lol

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This makes me so mad 😡 



When infection numbers start to rise in a state, public health officials and residents worry about whether there are enough hospital beds for seriously ill patients. An area's hospital capacity is an estimate, fed by the data that individual hospitals report. Public health officials rely on the estimates to see if hospitals are at risk of being overwhelmed.

Hospitals are supposed to report daily to the federal government the total many beds they have, the number occupied and the availability of intensive care beds. Under the new system, the Department of Health and Human Services aggregates the information at a state level, and shares a daily spreadsheet of the information that has been reported — gaps and all.

But the old CDC approach interpreted the data a step further. CDC posted estimates derived from the data to show an approximation of the actual availability of ICU beds, accounting for the lags and gaps in reporting. These estimates — promised on the HHS website — have not been updated in over a week.

By contrast, the CDC estimates was updated three times a week. And while the data sent to CDC was vetted for accuracy before being posted publicly, the data sent to the new platform appears to be posted as it is receivedand contains multiple anomalies, analysts note.


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10 hours ago, Outpost31 said:

Remember when this was still in China and there were stories about how whiskey and lime would cure it?  Well I started drinking whiskey and lime around then and it is my new favorite drink.

I know this is serious, and imana let it finish, but if we’re counting blessings, I am counting the blessing of having discovered whiskey and lime. 

In my life, my experimentation of alcohol and lime has consisted of:

First I tried beer and lime and it was alright, but I liked plain beer more.

Second I tried vodka and lime.  It was okay.

Next I tried red wine and lime heated up in the microwave and that’s really good, but only in the winter as an occasional thing.

Then covid came around and some American in China said whiskey and lime cured him and I tried it and it is the best drink ever.

I had never ever been a fan of whiskey, always sticking to vodka and beer, but I am now a whiskey person with lime and that is alright with me.

Whiskey with lime or whiskey with carbonated water and lime, either way, it’s my new favorite drink.

A lot of us went through the high functioning alcoholic stage of quarantine a few months ago. 

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