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Coronavirus (COVID-19)


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11 minutes ago, vikesfan89 said:

Good to know that Cuomo isn't trying to stop it and Trump isn't keeping it from going there

I was worried about this, but my wife put my mind at ease saying any reputable scientist on NYs panel would approve the vaccine if the FDA did. Not because the FDA did, but because the data would be sound.


Much of the distribution lag seems to be due to logisitics more than anything at the moment. Hopefully as we move forward we get better at handling these vaccines. The Pfizer vaccine is especially difficult due to storage conditions and a very short shelf life. We've had to do pop up locations at other hospitals so we dont waste any doses. 

Edited by WizeGuy
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8 minutes ago, vikesfan89 said:

So it's been a week.  Have you had any side effects?

Only a sore arm the day after. That seems to be the most common side effect from what Ive gathered from my coworkers but Ive heard a few had much tougher side effects like numb fingers, head aches, chills, etc...


The second dose is apparently more likely to bring harsher side effects. I rcv that vaccine on Jan 8th. Will update my symptoms. 


Edit: Ive rcvd the Pfizer vaccine.

Edited by WizeGuy
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7 hours ago, TVScout said:


Vaccines will work against new coronavirus variants spreading through U.K. and South Africa, experts believe


Oh ho ho, no no, those are fake news designed to coerce me into being micro chipped.

- Probably someone reading this thread.

Edited by SwAg
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First dose of Pfizer vaccine is completed. 

Very similar experience to flu shot.

Screening questions.  Multiple identifier verification.  Alchohol swabs the injection site.  Quick needle stick and done.

Only thing different:  Wait around ~15 minutes after injection to see if any immediate reactions. 

2nd dose scheduled for January 21



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1 hour ago, candyman93 said:

This could have been the worst catastrophe in America since the Civil War.


Just a crazy year. Hopefully this country learned some lessons, but I doubt it because we never do.

One in 1,000 Americans is dead right now due to covid.

And that number isn't done rising.

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2 hours ago, candyman93 said:

This could have been the worst catastrophe in America since the Civil War.


Just a crazy year. Hopefully this country learned some lessons, but I doubt it because we never do.

i've learned that I love wearing masks because I haven't had so much as a cold in the last year

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1 hour ago, incognito_man said:

i've learned that I love wearing masks because I haven't had so much as a cold in the last year

Lucky man. I've still gotten sick now and then. But I haven't been as cautious as I probably should be.

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9 hours ago, incognito_man said:

i've learned that I love wearing masks because I haven't had so much as a cold in the last year

It’s interesting, but I’ve actually been sick a lot more this year. Granted, I got Covid and I’m a teacher and coach, so I think the 5-6 months in quarantine before returning to face to face instruction really weakened my immune system buildup. I feel like a first year teacher again with illness.

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