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10 minutes ago, wackywabbit said:

So what you just pasted is the line that says a third step after catching the ball makes it a catch. THat's literally what I said in the post you quoted. If Peters makes a 3rd step before he loses the ball, then it is an interception. If he lost the ball before 3 steps it's an incompletion.

Do you mind pasting the part that says anything about the third step? 

6 minutes ago, diamondbull424 said:

He took an extra two steps, not sure what there is to debate. Watch the slow motion version. In real time, it’s clearly not a catch. But in respect to the rule, it was definitely a catch.

I’ll ignore the part where the ball is moving in Peters’ hands throughout the fall...

And continue with: if falling is a common act of the game, then why even have that terminology in there? Breathing is common too. So is standing, or not standing. Peters was on his way down the entire time from when the ball touched his hands to when it gets knocked out. 

To reiterate - what’ll probably low key be remembered as one of the worst calls to have been seen. Though with hindsight, the Cleveland-Washington fumble recovery still might take it for me considering just how absurdly blind you’d have to be to look at a pile, call the possession for one team, meanwhile the other team is holding the ball 5 yards away.

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2 minutes ago, candyman93 said:

Arizona is a mirage.


They've beaten Dallas, San Francisco, Washington, Detroit, and Carolina.

Being better than bad football teams still counts for something. It isn't like anyone has been arguing Arizona is elite or anything. They're a pretty good team.

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