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McCarthyism Mafia-Workers of the World Unite!


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On 12/14/2020 at 11:59 AM, Daniel said:

15. Lynches will occur when a player receives the majority of the votes.  If no player receives a majority, the person with the most votes will be lynched.  A modkill may or may not end a day phase, depending on the situation.

In case anyone cares why Mwil survived the first vote elimination.
Daniel said a coin flip kept him alive.


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The remaining Americans stood around, waiting for the committee to reconvene, but it didn't show up.

"Do you think it's that Supreme Court decision."

""I bet it's because YOU'RE a Communist!"

"I'm not a Communist, you're a Communist!"

"You're all Communists!"

"He said we're all the same! That's something a Communist would say!"

The men all leapt at each other, biting and clawing until they were all dea...I mean, uh, blacklisted.

@Tugboat is blacklisted.  He was Red Blooded American Patriot, AMERICA! Aligned.

@Malfatron is blacklisted.  He was Hubert Humphrey, Red Blooded American Democrat, AMERICA! Aligned.


"Oh wow, we won, and those Capitalist pigs got what they deserved.  And just in time for Non-Religious Winter Holiday!  Thank you, Chief Justice Earl Warren!"

"Don't thank me, you dirty Commie.  Thank justice!"

"Thank you, justice!"

"But no, screw off pinko.  Get away from me.  *******"

"OK, fine," swoosh sulked.  "No one likes the Communists."

@rackcs has won!  He was Earl Warren,  Judge of All Trades, Justice Aligned.

@swoosh has won!  He was Red Blooded American Patriot, COMMUNISTS Aligned.

@Shady Slim and @bcb1213 have also won, congrats to the Communists.  Long live Lenin.

To everyone else, thanks for playing.  I will post writeups and awards later.



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A Marxist Interpretation of Christmas Carols | Nolan Dalla

great to get that W and it was a heckuva good time to play too! credit goes to @swoosh for bringing the band home, and all of you who believed in the spirit of christmas long enough for me to get the conversion on him that night 😛

imagine being a santa denier, couldn't be me tbh

there are some great quotes in this thread between the 65th and 90th page or so about santa and i'll dig them up later, maybe tomorrow. i figured if i could just survive the day and convert swoosh, even if i was ya boomed the next day (which i was) he would bring it home for the good guys and he did


thanks heaps to @Daniel, of course, for running an awesome, creative game with a mad theme  - and thanks all of you for making shady's return to the ring a great time. was heaps of fun!!

credit also to @bcb1213, my comrade, and i do sincerely hope @Tugboat can go and update his usertitle to be Notorious Santa Hunter or what ever he called himself

cheers lads, and may the means of production be publicly owned!!

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Welcome to McCarthyism Mafia, Josh!  You are Joseph McCarthy, The Doublevote, AMERICA! Aligned

Your influence as a senator gives you double the voting power of the others.  Use it wisely, and you can ride this gravy train out for the rest of your political career.  And by use wisely, I mean frame the military, because that won’t backfire stupendously.  Not at all.

Josh wisely didn't roleclaim immediately, which I was somewhat worried about.  But after that, he fell short of posting requirements and had to be modkilled.  I think he also stopped voting after Day 1.


Welcome to McCarthyism Mafia, Orca! You are J. Edgar Hoover, The Cop, AMERICA! Aligned
You’re the only thing standing between American exceptionalism, and the nefarious schemes of Martin Luther King Jr, John Lennon, and Felix Frankfurter.  Every night you can investigate a fellow player for subversive activities and see if they’re dirty stinkin commies.

@The Orca's scum radar was on point.  He started by trying to investigate rack, then when he was successful, moved right to Shady, and IIRC, was one of the pushers of bcb.  He was the runner up for Town MVP, and he was only the runner up because swoosh had a fantastic game.


Welcome to McCarthyism Mafia, MWil!  You are HUAC, The Roleblocker, AMERICA! Aligned

You don’t work for McCarthy.  You just admire his work (accusing people of things publicly and dragging them before kangaroo courts).  But yeah, you’re separate, totally independent bodies.  Anyway, every night you can send a subpoena to one of the other players to stop them in their tracks, until they answer to you.

@MWil23 had some highs, like being suspicious of swoosh after his conversion, but he had some lows too.  He blocked the cop from investigating rack Night 1, and turned everyone against him later.  He's definitely had better games.


Welcome to McCarthyism Mafia (Beavis, Nacho, Mission, swoosh, squire, Tugboat)!  You are Red Blooded American Patriot, AMERICA! Aligned
You’re a good patriot.  You eat apple pie every day for breakfast and wipe your mouth with an American flag, and you hate greedy, healthcare toting communists.  Only you can keep the red menace from their goals: turning your sons into longhairs and your daughters into lesbians.  Not on your watch!

@Beavis and @mission27 disappeared quickly.  Beavis completely stopped posting and mission came back after he died, unaware that he died.  The collectively share LVP honors with @JoshstraDaymus.

@TheKillerNacho got offed Day 1, so there isn't that much to say about him.  I think he put less effort in fighting the lynch because he was vanilla, and knew it wasn't a big loss.

@squire12 is similar.  Getting killed Night 1 makes it hard to have a good game.

@Tugboat surprised me by being pretty active in the late game.  With how much he talked about being inactive, he wasn't, even as a vanilla.  Unfortunately, he was led around by the scum with most of the survivors.

@swoosh is the Town MVP.  Swoosh was on all three non-town players early and loudly.  He didn't get fooled by the Santa claim that Shady threw out, and was one of the players that wanted to lynch him earlier than he was.  Had town followed him there, they would have eliminated the cult on Day 3.  And he found the scum without any abilities.  He did a good job playing prevent after he was converted too.


Welcome to McCarthyism Mafia, Malf!  You are Hubert Humphrey: Red Blooded American Democrat, AMERICA! Aligned

Welcome to McCarthyism Mafia, Pickle!  You are John Marshall Butler: Red Blooded American Republican, AMERICA! Aligned

You’re willing to cross party lines if it means protecting your young, lithe, supple daughters (not in a weird way—get your mind out of the gutter soldier) from the raging libidos of Communists, who want to teach them how to get abortion tattoos, and learn swear words!  You can communicate with each other behind closed doors, like how people with nothing to hide do!

Some very good plays for their abilities by both @Malfatron and @Pickle Rick: fakeclaims and bluffs are a great move when you're a mason and can clear yourself.  That said, Pickle was all over the place with his pushes, and his scum radar was awful.

Malf did better with his radar, but he unwisely went after rack before Shady and never managed to figure out what was happening, leading the mislynched needed for parity.


Welcome to McCarthyism Mafia, Shady!  You are Eugene Dennis, Dirty Commie, COMMUNISTS Aligned

You understand that Russia is a promised land of kvass and honey.  And you’re willing to do what it takes (i.e. work with the mafia) to get unions going stateside.  Your um…“contacts” can make any two people, let’s say, “disappear.”  Just give them a name.  But one at a time, please.

@Shady Slim had a less than perfect game, drawing suspicion early from several players and getting his recruit blocked by MWil, but then he wisely converted swoosh.  If he'd attempted to convert Orca, Orca would die and a vanilla would have inherited the cop role.  Instead, he grabbed the player most overtly against him and bcb who would be above suspicion. It changed the game from an easy town win to a red victory.  Also, he deserves ScuMVP just for selling a Santa Claus fake claim.


Welcome to McCarthyism Mafia, bcb!  You are Arthur Miller, Commie Writer, COMMUNISTS Aligned
You wrote classics, married Marilyn Monroe, and they have the nerve to question you about your politics?!  You’re the American Chekov, dammit!  You’ll show them that the pen is mightier than the sword.  Every night, you can write a seething pamphlet framing any one of your fellow players for Communist activities.

@bcb1213 never got much of a chance to make use of his ability, which is too bad.  I'm still not sure why everyone fingered him as scum, but they were right.  Not much else to say, and with the lack of other scum, he's scum LVP by default, although he didn't do anything that bad.



Welcome to McCarthyism Mafia, racks!  You are Earl Warren, Judge of All Trades, Justice Aligned:

Yeah, Eisenhower appointed you to be anti-Communist, but this McCarthy guy has got to go.  You can use your judicial authority to kill one person, roleblock one person, and run a tally on one vote count.  You can win with any faction, but you can’t win with McCarthy or J. Edgar Hoover.


@rackcs was probably very frustrated for most of the game.  That said, he was lying about his WC, so their suspicion was somewhat warranted.  Still, he tried to help the town until he met his WC, at which point it looked like he stopped trying, since all he had to do was survive.  I expected a lot more early roleclaiming and character claiming, which is what his role was supposed to be for, but town kept most of them on the down low.  Solid game, earned the win staying alive.

Thanks everyone for playing another weird game of mine.  Had fun running it, despite all the ****ups, and hope you all did too.

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1 minute ago, Malfatron said:

Very fun game, @Daniel

For how good I was at figuring out your previous game, i was equally in the dark here as far as game design goes.

I spent a long time on it too, which speaks to how fun it was.

I agree with your awards and comments

Long live Santa!

For the record, that was a great plan you and Pickle hatched to fake results knowing you could push and then clear each other when it came out you were lying.  And swoosh did a great job staying consistent when he flipped, so you were in a tough spot in the late game.

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