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Children; how many and how is it going?


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My wife wants another child.

We have two kids, I kind of want more but I really hated being there in the delivery room.  our 1st was an emergency caesar and our 2nd needed to be pulled out. 

Both needed 8+ minutes of resus. I really dont want to go through all of that again. There is not a lot worse than watching your baby not breath well. I dont know if I can do it again. 


Assuming I can get over that, how many kids do you have? What was it like going from two to three? 

How was it financially? 


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Two - 9 year old and 5 year old.

Son is 9, he takes after his mom; Stubborn to a fault, but quiet overall and pretty reserved. He's big into watching movies on his tablet and playing with various race car sets and action figures. He's been diagnosed as ASD, but you couldn't tell if you saw him; He's nonverbal, but that's improving week by week. He's got a handful of stimming activities when he's under stress, so he communicates, just not with words. He's truly opened my eyes about the world, and how things are perceived in his view. He's the strongest, brightest human being I've ever known. 

Daughter is 5. Some background - her birthday is on Cinco de Mayo, the night before she was born, my wife and I went to the midnight showing of Avengers: Age of Ultron and she came out of the womb with a black eye (hand to [insert religious figure here] a black eye). These three things speak to her personality moreso than any single words I could type up - I'm fully expecting to have to bail her out after a bar brawl she instigates one day. Quite literally... she's the female version me; Loud, boisterous, and does whatever she can to put a smile on your face. She's very confident in herself, she controls the room the minute she enters - my wife is concerned she'll get the "bossy" tag from others, but I'm encouraging her to be strong and confident - the ultimate ethos I'm instilling in her is "Help People" but she needs to be prepared to comfort with one hand while ready to strike with the other. I'll admit, I'm 250% a #girldad.

My wife and I were done with two after we found out we got one of each - had our 2nd been a boy, I'd probably say we'd plan for a girl, but it worked out.

My kids are the center of my universe - without them, none of this matters.

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2 hours ago, kingseanjohn said:

Zero. It’s great.

I used to think the same thing before I had my son, but damn- having a kid is so fulfilling, though I understand the want for independence. 


To answer the question at hand- I have one 18 month old, and he has completely turned my life upside down- in a good way. Ive laughed more this year than any other year. The kid just does the most bizarre things, and has some of the clumsiest falls Ive ever seen. 

Edited by WizeGuy
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3 and 1. Both boys. We've been good financially as I had gotten a pretty decent raise before our first was born but we haven't changed spending habits other than what we need for the kids. So take home pay after expenses is roughly the same. I cannot wait till I am done paying childcare costs. Did not realize how expensive that was prior. We definitely were waiting to even think about a 3rd until our oldest was in pre-school.

We'll have another eventually but I'd be okay stopping at 2. Right now 2 is good because our scheme is a heavy man defense. 3 would be zone heavy which would require a lot of adjustments. 

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37 minutes ago, ET80 said:

This is by force. Not choice.

Hey, if I find out I got a low count I’d celebrate.

Jokes aside I literally do not and cannot comprehend the desire for children.

First of all, I read somewhere the overall cost of raising a kid and that instantly deterred me.  Second, they’re noisy, then they resent you for at LEAST a full decade after you wiped their ***, paid for all their food, gave them shelter and GAVE THEM LIFE.

If that’s not enough, you’re pretty much guaranteed to love them, so that adds relentless, endless worry.

I can’t even go on vacation because I would worry too much about my dogs.

So yeah... Not for me. 

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I was also on the not having  kids boat. However  once my older brother had a kid almost two years ago things starting changing. Everyone in my family says he looks like me he’s awesome. I want to have at least two mainly because I heard bad things about only child syndrome. My three older brothers were a pain in the *** going up. Still couldn’t imagine growing up with no siblings to share so many great moments with.

Edited by Blackstar12
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